Typical autist here, spend all my time in front of the computer playing runescape and league of legends...

Typical autist here, spend all my time in front of the computer playing runescape and league of legends, watching movies/shows. Tomorrow I'm starting to go to the gym and I need you to help me not have autism flares. Not trying to stand out like a sore thumb and get dirty looks.

>pic related, my dream body

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If you think of something cool to do to impress people, it isn't cool and it won't impress anybody so don't do it.

You're in luck buddy I just happen to be the oldest oldfag ever on Veeky Forums

Ask me anything.

If you don't want to stand out, avoid staring at people. A lot of new kids like to stare and it's annoying. Just focus on your workout. At the same time, don't be browsing on your phone between sets for minutes. That's annoying as well.

When you start making gains, don't get cocky. You're still a weak bitch and if you get cocky off newb gains then you're going to be the delusional weak bitch. Stay humble.

trust me I'm not trying to impress any1, I just want to do my thing and not have anybody come up to me and try to give me advice or talk to me or even look at me, I plan to go early mornings to help with this but still I'm anxious

>still clinging on to Runescape
Let it go, It'll never be not shit again

You have a program? Do you know the basic lifts?

>tfw you won an ely giveaway last year and sold it for 770m and now ely is crashing but your bank is still worth around 800m

I don't know if I have many quesitons really, just want general gym etiquette and norms advice. Like am I gonna look like an idiot if I show up in gym clothes tomorrow given that I'm in a cold ass area. Do people normally show up in normal clothes and change in the locker rooms first? I'm just socially inept and don't want others to realize that right away


I read through the programs in the sticky so I have some basics yes, sort of trying to get an idea of good form without weights at home but I would imagine it's a bit different once I'm actually lifting something

You're worrying about the most minute things kiddo, just lift

lol holy shit you're serious. Yeah man just show up with normal clothes on if it's cold and change in the locker room with gym clothes. Hell if you park close enough you can just run from your car to the gym with your gym clothes already on. It's really not that big of a deal, no one is going to judge you. If they do, then they're probably insecure faggots anyways

Ok good, you were also asking about etiquette right?
>put the weights back after you're done
>if you sweat a lot on something clean it up
>don't get too close to people that are doing lifts
>don't make loud unnecessary noises
Those are few off the top of my head, if you want more just type "gym etiquette" into YouTube's search bar.

I guess here's a question. How important is it to find a "good" gym. I have a gym like basically within walking distance of me which is the one I'm going to tomorrow with like a 2 week $20 trial thing but I live in a pretty expensive area and this gym is huge and actual membership is steep af. There are a couple other cheaper smaller and I guess technically less resources gyms around. I'll probably end up going to those after this trial thing because imo weights are weights or am I wrong.

Expensive gyms have saunas, pools, gimmick training classes and a million useless machines

Cheap gyms have freeweights and some racks

So, if you're doing standard weight training then its actually better to go to a cheap gym since you save money. That expensive shit is for NYR fags and chicks


Dis anyone here play at the time when the widespread use of bots created hyperinflation and crippled the economy forcing game developers to literally limit the amount of cash that could be transferred between two players? I think that was sometime around 2005-06 and it was fucking awesome. That's what got me into reading more about economics and by extension politics.

I remember there were articles written about it in gaming blogs at the time, it was such an interesting event.

I started around 2005/6 iirc, but can't remember that, sounds intresting
Got any links?

Expensive gyms tend to be cleaner. And saunas are fucking amazing.

saunas sound like bitch shit, do they actually serve a purpose for health or are they feelgood luxurious bull shit.

Took me a while to dig these, but it brought me good memories. Tip It was my favourite site when I played it had so much info in it. Good thing they keep an article of their Newsletter too which can give you an idea of what was happening at the time:

This article is about inflation from 2006

This is from 2008 after jagex introduced some drastic changes to how things were traded and manufactured in the game

ss + gomad all the way

if anyone used to play runescape back in the day google "old school runescape" they made servers for the 07 version of the game and its really active

why? the game had less features back then

different game all together. many enjoy it.

they are there to weed out steroid users

>motherfucking Tip.it
Thanks for the nostalgia ride, breh

op here again, lots of different sources saying different things about how long it takes to notice changes etc and I've seen people say couple weeks to a month to couple months and then years to reach goals. how long should I expect to lose most of my gut and have some muscle tone in arms. also the sticky makes it seem like it is not possible to do both of those things at the same time because of diet. will I really not build any muscle while cutting fat or is that talking about people who are already big and want to get bigger. currently like 200 6'

I am skelly I can get 1 kg of muscle a month eating like a monster

It adds up in one year

You need to tell us your height so we can formulate a perfect routine for you.

6 ft 200, this is me, do I really need a "perfect" routine to start out. I was prob just gonna start out with SS and maybe throw some cardio in on at least 1 day.

>6 ft 2
Do you have evidence for this? It's very very important.

Some Gym etiquette tips:

Someone's using the machine or rack you need:
>If headphones are in, approach in their line of sight so they can see you're going to talk to them
>How many sets you got left?
>if 1, ok I'll let you finish up
>if >1, mind if I work in? (That's when you take turns working out while the other is resting.)
>Or, if you don't feel like approaching them, just go to the next exercise in your workout and circle back later
>Also, if two people are already sharing a setup, asking to work in doesn't make sense so don't bother

Try not to get in front of someone if it looks like they're using the mirror while they lift.

Put your weights back when you're done. You can spray the machines/benches and wipe with paper towel if you want, but if they're not too sweaty usually just a quick wipe with your gym towel is fine.

A lot of people superset (go back and forth between two exercises) to save time, so try to ask if you think someone might still be using a machine or rack you want (within reason). If unsure, make eye contact with someone working out nearby, point to machine or rack in question, and make a puzzled expression or ask "are they still here?". If you fuck up and start using someone's set up, it's not the end of the world just apologize and move on.

Yes, go to your gym in your normal clothes and change in the locker room. No big deal if someone sees your peepee.

Don't do an exercise like bench press or curls using the squat rack. There are specific places to do those exercises and squatting is part of a lot of people's plan, so this is a no-no.

That's all I can think of now. If you're really a sperg and are nervous about this, you could always try going during quieter gym hours until you feel more comfortable going when the gym is full. I love going to the gym on Friday - Sunday because it's always empty and thus more relaxing. Weekdays from 5-7 pm will probably be busier.

Treat working out like getting a 99, no exp waste lil dude


nigga why.

You lurk OSG? What's your IGN?

not him, but i just started playing again. its fun to relive childhood

Wear earbuds. No one will try to talk to you.

Just started OSRS again, enjoying it.

i memba

ya I was wondering about this. how do people normally manage it. seems like it would get annoying with earbuds constantly getting yanked out of your ears or just being in the way but maybe that isn't the case.

>TFW that's not even the most buff character model you can have in the game

Aim high, my man.

i still play oldschool runescape

What's with the red line?
It'll take you a few weeks to notice visible and physical differences. Depending on your diet it'll take you a couple months to lose your gut and start seeing your muscle, but you wont have much for a good 6-9+ months. It'll take you 1-2 years to become really good looking.

It's hard to gain muscle while cutting but you're new and so it'll happen for a month or so. Just try to aim to eat and lift at maintenance and you're golden- fat will slowly fall off while building muscle.

As for autism and self conciousness in the gym- we were all the same. Understand that nobody will even notice you and the ones who momentarily look up and do see you walk to a machine or do a rep wont even care.

After a few months you start to notice regular faces at the same time but I've been going 1+ year and I still don't notice most regulars, let alone any newbs.

Just remember, it's a room where you pick up and put down heavy things. You're probably over thinking 99% of the things you think about.

if I'm slouching my fat just kind of creases there under my ribcage and it'll be a bit red for a bit. it dies down if I'm standing or whatever just so happens I took the photo after a while of sitting down as per usual