Did Britain win WW2?

Did Britain win WW2?

America did
>inb4 le goblino

Pip pip. Jolly good. Cheerio.

Germany won WW2, they had supeiror K/d ratio

El diablo......

El ogro de las americas

No, it was Brazil.

>going for K/D
>not objective based

it was literally and unironically the US. Lend lease saved the Soveit Union and the rest of the allies. You faggots are dumb

The allies won WW2, it was an alliance in a war that spanned half a decade. No self-respecting British person claims they 'won ww2', they just correct Americans who think they did. Lazy bait thread.

As much as France did (aka they were on the winning side)

>France did as much as Britain
You're a funny one

Both did jack shit

Careful with that revisionism, son

No, the Soviets defeated Germany and the United States defeated Japan.
Britain gets honourable mention for being on the winning team.

They won but at the cost of their empire

Correct answer

la abominacidad

The British get honourable mention for keeping Germany and Italy stalled, unable to consolidate their forces in one area, until the USSR and USA were directly attacked and joined in.

Yes, just like Poland, France and Belgium.

Yes, but not on their own. I'd argue America did the most as they essentially bankrolled the allies, their role in ww2 is akin to that of Britain in the Napoleonic wars, funding.

Pyrrhic victory. Be on the side of the winners, lose the empire.