Defects you have

>long legs
>wide hips
>store fat on my ass and thighs
>narrow waist
>socially awkward
>deadlift 2x my squat

>weak liver
>weak kidney
>very tight body


>Focusing on what's wrong instead of what's right
You're never going to make it.

>storing fat in your ass



>didn't start puberty until I was literally 16-17
>5'11 130 lbs

I'm skinny but my body is aesthetic as fuck at least

Being 5'10"

>my body is aesthetic as fuck

my head, it's just big

and no, yours isn't larger than mines. Trust me, just trust me.

post pic with visible shoulders

im too self conscious sorry, it's the reason why tfw no gf and all others

10" dick. my sex life sucks

big nose. plus, its permanently sideways from a fight, it never set right.

If you're a guy it's better to have a nose like that than some anime twink nose.
It has much more character.

>low test
And thus
>hair growth like a 13-14 year old who just hit puberty at 25
>shit at building muscle and strength

not as bad as scoliosis but it does look pretty bad at higher bf%

>thin wrists, but big hands
>shitty calf insertions
>shitty bicep insertions
>longer than normal forearms
>shaving rash
>moles randomly over body


what keeps you going

>wide hips
>no beard gains
>22y and slowly balding
>lower back issues

battery energy drink

>hairlet (have a terrible hairline, I always wear snapback at the gym)

Should I just kms?

>narrow shoulders
>asymmetric body
>asymmetric dong
>shitty skin genetics

>only neckbeard that's facialis pubes in the side
>some bone in my left foot grew wrong thanks to genetics, can ilonly stand only up to an hour without pain
>shit hairline since im 16 that looks like im balding
>Extremely short sighted

>life is suffering

>Omega with women
>Possibly low test
>A bit of persistent puberal gynecomastia
>Long arms and legs
>Small frame (6.5" wrists)
>Chicken like calves
>Use glasses
>Acne only on my face
>Flat feet
>Always tired, so recovery takes a long time
>Genetically easy storage of fat (not fat right now)
>Not white
>Almost certainly I will have diabetes due to my insulin resistance genetics, it's just a matter of time and how I handle it
>Cannot stand myself and most people

>intolerant of oats

god fuckin damnit shit

i started making them every morning, milk, little druid fruit, nuts and honey. thought it was the food of the gods, cheap as balls too

weak later i l i t e r a l l y cannot stop farting (and it stinks too, way worse than protein farts), always bloated, red rash on stomach, diarrhea, god damn it

turns my stomach into a still

>fucked up teeth
>left-curved dick
>semi-beardlet (look alright short trimmed
>wide hips and thighs
>acne on back

At least my hairline is good and my face (except teeth) is pretty aesthetic.

>condition which makes me unable to properly breathe through my nose
>extreme low apetite
>even tho i train lower body more often i just cant progress like i can with upper Body (110kg squat 140kg dl 100kg bp 67kg ohp at 78kg bw)

>long baboon arms
>Narrow clavicles (have an ever narrow hip structure so it k)
>asymmetrical ribcage (a slight deformation in the right part of the ribs)
>long throat

I'm happy with what I got, could've been a lot worse

>had amazing platinum blonde hair, which turned dirty blonde
>blonde hair is thinner so beard doesn't look that good
>smaller wrists
>average dick length and girth
>gray green eyes
>unsymmetrical abs
>wide hips and waist
>dry skin

>allergy triggered asthma
>always feel tired
>messed up wrist due to lmaoparkour
>had amazing vision up until it started deteriorating after I hit 20

>supposedly narcissitic
>bored around my autistic friends
>anxious and always feel like a step behind around my normie friends
>use alcohol to cope with social interaction
>predisposition to drug use
>easily addicted
>low motivation

I could go on.
Granted, a lot of this is just nitpicking and hardly affects my life, since I am doing alright for myself all things considering. Still, how do you go about fixing all that? Where does one start?

>gut sticks out regardless of body fat and amount of core work I do.
>Penis could be bigger (5.8")
>Body hair requiring weekly trimming.
>Prone to acne and ingrown hairs

>tfw you come from a long line of lifters back to the 1600s

>tfw you have a herniated disc on your L5-S1 so no diddlys

Have you tried eating themore without all the crappie you put in them? Like just add water like a normal person

fucking exactly the same issues

>6'3 manlet
>average sized 6.5" benis looks tiny compared to body

Bad memory


>Chubby looking babyface @19 yo
Atleast I still have my body r-right guys..?

>five seven

>bad posture
>pre-cancerous moles
>weak jaw
>terrible acid reflux
>allergic to animals

Bad posture is an easy fix nigga

Get something for acid reflux user, my grandpa got cancer from it (srs)

>long torso
>short legs
>minor scoliosis
>high child bearing hips
Still gonna make it bras


I'm happy with every other aspect of my body.
Hopefully surgery is worth it.

You guys are literally my girlfriend.

had a friend with that, he never took off his shirt on p.e.
always clothed before coming to school, sportish pants and tshirt under everthing :/

>white male

> 6'8 wingspan
what mode is this


ay lmao

that shit is almost average in US bro, don't sweat it

love handles
flared hips
extra lumbar vertebrae

Been taking PPI's for years now. They don't always work. And the best thing my renowned gastroenterologist could tell me to do was "take more."

>6'2, 205 pounds
>literally the hands of a toddler
No matter how good the rest of my genetics are, my child will NEVER be good at sports because of my baby hands.
Just end my life

how are your forearms? post pic

Awesome deadlifter mode. Compete in powerlifting, have a shit bench but a deadlift that btfos everyone else.