I don't want girlfriend that isn't a virgin, but it seems all women today are whores who don't save themselves

I don't want girlfriend that isn't a virgin, but it seems all women today are whores who don't save themselves


>all women today are whores who don't save themselves
Stay insecure Elliot

>a woman is a whore if she didn't save herself

She's used goods you whiteknight cuck

Yeah because you're such a great catch? Stay virginal.

It's less that they're whores and more that they were stupid enough to believe what they had would last.

You're insecure that they've had more experience than you because everyone knows fucking a virgin boy sucks. You're worried she'll fuck you for the novelty of it then dump you because you're shit in bed... which you can't blame her for doing since sexual compatibility is so important in a healthy relationship.

Stay virginial

>used goods

My girlfriend is a virgin. She's not as attractive as a pornstar or anything but at least she's wholesome. It just depends what you want in a woman. The more cute a woman is, the more she is likely to have taken.numerous amount of dick.

>wants a girlfriend
>refers to women as whores and used goods

have fun at the wizard academy

>This girl that I just got together with won't delete the pictures she took with her ex from her Instagram
>hooked up with two guys the week before we met
>got raped by two meth dealers
>I suspect she started using meth again because she didn't really eat anything this weekend
>oh, and she went to prison for a year for assault

She's intelligent and attractive, so I'm not sure what I should do. I hate being alone.

Wat do?

Thats enough red flags for like 5 girls... get out man, not worth it


You watch anime and masturbate every waking moment, yet you complain about the girls you'll never get...

Are you retarded?

The anime picture and the comment itself are either easy bait or youre the biggest insecure cuck imbecile the world has ever seen and you should jump off a cliff

[ ] Intelligent
[ ] Attractive
[ ] Meth

You may only pick one

virgins suck. you want experienced pussy.

My current gf was a virgin before me. I was 22 and she was 19. Been together over a year now.


>Tripple dubs

You cannot refute the getmagic, Veeky Forums, sad as it is.

I don't actually care about virgin or not, I just don't want to hear or even remotely perceive that my partner might have had a sexlife before me or might have one after me. Yes, I am that insecure, I'm working on it, but up until that moment in the future where I can handle the topic without going into a nervous breakdown of jealousy, can I please have that much consideration? Thank you.

Also OP is, naturally, a faggot.