That girl at the gym really isn't hot without makeup

Seriously guys. From a troll to a model.


she still looks like shit

Do girls like having long ass nails?

You're either a jealous girl or a fag, whichever it is, your opinion is stupid

This doesn't just apply to the girl at the gym, buddy

a)looks like an average grill.
Would smash with help of paper bag
b)looks like average whore
Would only smash if drunk because she looks like she has AIDS.

that honestly looks like it's just a bad angle. but congrats, you've discovered girls look less attractive in make-up

Miles Cyrus is attractive, at least face-wise, maybe her body is average but yeah so you used a bad example

>Girls aren't as attractive without makeup

Are you just now learning this?

without make-up **

Not everyone on here is a fat neckbeard faggot

I was responding to OP nitwit.
MC is more attractive, her body is a disaster but face is abover average
Don't forget the 'no makeup' thing.
Unless her face is blotchy af be suspicious

Only retards are fooled by makeup

Girls almost always look better without makeup because theyre not artistic enough to be good at makeup

You're both in the wrong. Miley Cyrus is average and you are fooled into thinking that she is attractive because she's famous.

Stay woke, senpai

Lipstick and mascara tend to look better because they're the hardest things to fuck up.

Foundation and shit like that usually ruins the natural complexion of the skin

Yes and so should you. Those nails are great on your back.

A fat neckbeard is the very type that would say "she looks like shit".

>Girls almost always look better without makeup because theyre not artistic enough to be good at makeup
who hurt you?

>who hurt you?

u wot m8

>mfw top looks better to me


So you like homely looking girls? No thanks.

>shitty post
no surprise there

Can you guys really not immediately spot and understand the implication of cake-face?
It would even matter if the girl actually was hot, caked on make-up to that level makes everyone look atrocious

kek stop lying you'd cream your pants if bottom touched you with one pinky

I simply have more artistic ability than most.

A lot of the time makeup is like painting over the mona lisa with a fucking roller

She looks like a 6-7 in both pictures

>I simply have more artistic ability than most.

Nice projection but no I really don't find her attractive
I don't know why that's hard to believe

Nothing personnel kid

I think OP girl is hot as fuck, both with and without makeup, then again I like girls with a lot of makeup (as seen in second pic) you know with their eyebrows done and shit

gets my dick riled up, they're the most common type of girls but one of the least common type of pornstars (if u can find one pls link me)


Just drop it kid, hate to break it to you but some people find the girl you stalk ugly. Get over it, she is

just lurk mfc

what is this?


It's a status symbol within a subculture. It's mostly to impress other women guys don't care about these things

>don't find a girl attractive that you do find attractive
>assume I'm a neckbeard

I'm sure you feel better now

why do girls do that shit to their eyebrows

Fedora tipping general


drawing them ?

I'd say less maintenance

Hottish girl + insecure betas = guaranteed fedoras every time.

nice dick sucking lips, large firm-looking titties nice hair, SLIGHTLY unfortunate shadows due to strong sunlight causing autists to think something is wrong with her face

would fug m8

She has nice tits though


It became a thing after models like Cara Delevingne became fashionable.

The irony being that her eyebrows are naturally thick, and all these bitches try to draw them on and it looks awful

This desu. She just needs to learn how to smile properly (and do her fucking eyebrows right in the bottom) and she'd be hot as fuck.

Ugh no, it's disgusting. I don't get that at all. I don't even like mine painted, much less resembling talons.
It's sort of ghetto style.

>haha that woman is UGLY right guys hahah... ha... why don't women love me

>I don't even like mine painted,

Who said she's ugly. She's just not pretty.

>believing girls go out without make up
You just don't notice because is not very gaudy but basically every single girl/woman you see around is wearing some make up

>no (You) to fag op
well played desu

because she does you fucking retard

you sound basic

Seriously guys. From a DYEL manlet to a bodybuilder.

>From a troll to a model.
Emphasis on the troll bit


Listen faggot,

If that's how you actually feel, then you need to STOP going to the gym, because that's just as FAKE as women using makeup and clothes to enhance their appearance, you're a LIAR and a FRAUD and DISGUSTING for actually going to a GYM and lifting WEIGHTS to make your body look better. Oh and don't even THINK about getting a nice haircut or wearing nice clothes, either, because that's totall FAKE, too. How dare you try to defraud people? WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE!?

>she's better than I could ever hope to get with, so I'll pretend she's not worth having so I don't have to kill myself

You are a fucking moron. How the fuck do you compare your body which you can keep in shape to a bunch of shit you slab in your face. One is natural and one isn't Faggot.

>counting macros