/fat/ Fatty General

Last Thread: What is /fatgen/?: fat newer members of Veeky Forums who want to start eating right and losing pounds.

Here we ask others for advice and give moral support to one another. We all know how hard it first is and we all have to get though it to better ourselves. At the end of the day this is a support general whose goal is to help and motivate the chubby channers who need it

You worked out today, right bros?

I started tracking my calories really well for the last couple of days now. I started on Feb. 5th last night was the first time I went out drinking in awhile and had 8 beers still didn't blow the whole day apart and only went 250 calories over. Just did some cardio today and ate 100 calories less and balanced out the day. I've never had a night out drinking and still managed to do damage control on my eating.


>Finally have developed self control to stop impulsive binge eating when drunk or sober :)

>6'2", 34 years old, 275 lbs
>Lost over 50 lbs like five years ago, but fell off the wagon hard due to transferring to a new city
>Time to get back on track

Just invested in a nice weight cage for my garage, and looking to start lifting again while I lose weight. Only problem is that my right knee hurts while doing squats.

I've done a ton of squats in the past (used to lift quite regularly) but I've never had this problem before. The only thing I can think of is that due to my weight gain, my legs are too fat to comfortably squat as far down as I used to.

Maybe I'm going too low? Anyone else ever have this problem?

I lost all motivation and stopped working out after a vacation in October due to lack of motivation from a months long plateau. Gained a lot of weight back and I'm saying no more. Excited to be getting back into the routine and finally coming back here. We're all going to make it /fat/tizens

happy for you user

Thanks dude

Get back on the train user, your pic is a good start there don't create a hug box for yourself and excuses you'll make it.

things aren't going so well, lads

Dude you can cuck out and say that but honestly you just got to get back on the train man. After three days when you stop craving food out of boredom it'll be so much easier you can do it.

What does it mean if I've not lost weight in 2 weeks but haven't put on any? I've been meticulously weighing food and counting calories. I started lifting and trying to lose weight 2 weeks ago but I'm not sure if it's working. Is it just muscle development making my weight stay the same? Cutting at 1700 daily, 5'7 200

Have you recalculated your TDEE; are you actually being honest with your counting? have you been over estimating calories burned from cardio?

Check these things and then see how it's going also I think (prepare for broscience) I think your body can adjust for calories in and out and depending on your P-ratio and hormone levels won't let it fall off.

Drop cals to 1500, drink water, do more cardio, don't quit.

Yes, it could very well be muscle gain.

look there's something you have to understand. You will not lose weight consistently. The body isn't a perfect machine. We barely understand the fucking thing.
One thing we don't understand is why the body simply STOPS losing weight when at a deficit for weeks then all of a sudden drops everything overnight.
It happens but we have no cocept as to why. Lots of good guesses no actual answers.
So my advice is to just hold your head down and..keep going.
Stop using the scale to measure everything and start looking at your before and after pictures and the tale of the tailor's tape.

Don't forget the thread number OP

Thread #2

You are going to make it bro

My autism shines when I read stuff similar to this. I feel like the body has this hormonal gas tank and it holds on to fat until it depleted and then when it refills all the fat drops and you start the cycle again.

It's only been 2 weeks bro. It will take years to get Veeky Forums. You can make it, but only if you never stop.

Thanks dude, feels good I have a whole different outlook on weight loss and fitness now.

>Gained a lot of weight back and I'm saying no more.

Nice lack of excuses user :^)

What happened?

today is the 1 year mark since i started losing weight, i started at 343lbs in feb 20th 2017, after a lot of ups and downs i've reached 270lbs, and while i probably could've lost more, i like to think that this year is looking a lot better than 2016, i went from being a hamplanet NEET who played wow all day, to a much smaller planetoid who went back to college 2 months ago, it's the first time i'm actually happy in a while, no amount of leveling or loot can match this feeling, here's to 2017 fat bros, lets get slim so we can use our loose skin to glide across the rooftops and fight crime together

New to Veeky Forums and fitness in general. I'm 5'11 and about 175lbs. My arms and legs are skinny but im fat as fuck? What do i need to start doing to slim down?

Read the sticky and then come back

This one hits home user good for you. The pounds on the scale are way more rewarding then your guild dinging you when your 19th toon his max level. Good for you!

Congrats bro I am really happy for you! Keep it up

just finished off a numero uno pizza by myself. apparently it was 4000 calories.

oh well.

Go on a run fatty

Thanks guys I'll try 1500 for the next 2 weeks and see how that goes. I'm certain I'm not overestimating calories but the lower deficit should counter any bad counting on my part.

I don't plan on quitting but this was very inspirational. I understand it's a short amount of time but I don't wanna get he numbers wrong and waste a month only to figure out I was eating too much. But what you say makes sense; it took years for me to fuck up my body so it's only acceptable it will take years to fix it.

:( you're not going to make it you need to cut pizza it's too addictive and calorie dense.

So I keel redoing my tdee because I dunno, insecurity. I work out 6 times a week, 40 minutes, as hard as my cutting allows, and I work on my fert around 5 - 6 hours a day, Im 149lb (68kg) and around 5'11 (180cm).

My tdee says my maintenance is 2400 and I should cut at 1900 and that just doesnt seem right. I think its just way too much so Im cutting at 1700. Did I fucked up somewhere?

You guys won't make it. Just thought I'd let you know. This is a pipedream and you're all roleplaying on a fitness board

Goddamn it I mean "keep" and "feet"

who /cheatmeal/ here

just made a gigantic pot of barbecue chicken mac & cheese

still right around my daily calorie limit but damn that was a shitload of fat

when you guys count calories, do you subtract calories burned via exercise? or do you just consider those calories burned extra loss?

former fat kid who grew out of it. now I just have a stubborn beer belly I have to shed to get a flat stomach.

Nope, it's already accounted for in TDEE.

The one thing MFP majorly f^cks up on is that dumb subtraction for exercise "feature".

>exercise pretty much all seven days last week
>no break at all and start running again today
>calves cramp up like a motherfucker but I get through the exercise

Should I take a day off? I feel like I might be overdoing it.

7 days a week is not enough, 8 days c'mon man

No cheat meals are basically food rewards for dieting, it doesn't make sense.

I don't reward myself with food treats, I'm not a doggo.

Take one day off per week and the occasional holiday day.

Counting today I did do 8 days.

Thanks for the answer.

>Only problem is that my right knee hurts while doing squats.

mobility work
mobility work
mobility work

Back from reading the sticky. What I got from it is to: Lift weights, cardio, and eat healthier. But I don't know if I should focus more on cardio or weightlifting. My goal isn't to get HUGE arms or anything. Just to have a nice proportional body.


only way to cut retards.

>What happened?

The Publix behind my house started leaving their bakery dumpster unlatched.


you'll lose weight and build lean muscle mass at the same time

but you should lift weights as well

>tfw under calorie count for day and brushed and ready for bed.

>went from 130kg to 107kg from start of last october to start of january
>104 kg now and it's 20 feb


today is a rest day but i nonstop wanted to be at the gym. i love it. I'm trying to fix up my bike to go mountain biking

have you been adjusting your caloric intake? I mean you lost weight and require less but if you still have the same calorie cap as your old TDEE - 500 then that could be why

No I just stopped caring for a few weeks

Just started doing free weight exercises at home. I've dropped from 272lbs - 261lbs from diet alone this last 5 weeks. Time to see if I can speed this up.

get back on it fatty or you wont make it

Hello! How have you been, friendos?

Some of you may recognize me because I also posted in the last thread. I am very thankfull for all the positive feedback that you gave me yesterday, and the advice I recieved has been used, here is what has happened so far:

>Increased the number of squats I do, the past week I was doing 10 each day, today I did 4 sets of 15 each! My legs hurt like crazy, but it feels very good

>Today I ate a sandwich of ham and tomato for a snack (I have no more bread, and have no intentions of buying more) but didn't eat any rice! For lunch I had a little bit of lamb with smoked veggies

>Installed MyFitnessPal, and started using it (1500 cal/day is my objective)

>I drink about a liter of water a day since like 2 years ago, so that isn't a problem

If you keep making this threads I will keep coming to post updates! Anything that helps, observations, tips, critiques, or anything else is accepted!

reduce the reps to 8

if you want to do more squats add a 5th set

if i remember correctly, hes doing bodyweight, so it doesnt really matter as much

How fat do you gotta be to post here.

> started at 186lbs
> 2 weeks after at 182lbs
> 1200 - 1500 calories per day
> heigt 5'5

am I doing it too slow or fast? no idea really. just started 2 weeks ago. same diet as before but slowly changing it to healthy stuff.

also, any tips how to deal with cravings? specially at night i crave something salty like chips.

What do you reward yourself with? A pat on the head and a walkie?

oh shit, if it's body weight than good job nigga!

You're fine if you don't care about gains/muscle that much.

Cravings you gotta get used to the feeling of half-full instead of half-empty and make it your norm. Don't be bloated all the time simple as that.

Tried to do better today after eating like shit during the weekend. Had some greek yogurt for breakfast, didn't bring my lunch so fucked up and had chik fil a nuggets for lunch from the caf. Further fucked up after getting home from work and being so hungry I ate half of a P.F Changs frozen stir fry and some left over bread pudding in the fridge.

I fucked up again, gonna wake up early and prepare my lunch so I'm not tempted. Tomorrow's even rougher since I'm at school from 9 a.m to 9 p.m. Still I have to buckle down unless I want to stay in this perpetual cycle of fucking up and never making progress.

I'll ask here since reddit mods are being faggots.

Basically what am I missing in my diet daily?

I eat the following:

Breakfast: Oatmeal, Pancake (1 egg, flour, 200ml milk, drop of olive oil, pinch of salt)

Lunch: 2x Chicken Wraps (Chicken, BBQ sauce, salsa, wrap)

Dinner: Chicken, peas, sweetcorn, some chips and ketchup

Thanks! I will start lifting once I drop to 160-165lbs. Would you recommend a full body workout or 1 muscle group per workout?

do a weeks worth of meal prep on sunday or saturday, makes shit easy.

looks alright, maybe a little low on fiber

>also, any tips how to deal with cravings? specially at night i crave something salty like chips.

Don't have stuff in the house. A six pack of crisps might as well be a giant bag. I can't bring myself to purchase 1 packet for £0.60 when you can get 6 packets for £1 too.

I find it ridiculously hard to pass over special offers or reduced food for freezing in supermarket the aisles. I just stop going to supermarket as much as possible now. Things I really need I'll buy in large quantities, such as flavoured low calorie dilute juice and low calorie hot chocolate. It seems a bit stupid to return to the supermarket every time you run out of something, particularly when they packets are designed to last 7-14 days to ensure you return.

I mostly buy chicken breast 5kg at a time or large amounts of pork shoulder/loin and fill my freezer compartment with pre bagged portions so I can't fit in frozen pizzas etc... if I wanted to. Then vegetables and fruit is bought at the greengrocer except for a few items where supermarkets are cheaper, which is basically sweet potatoes, mushrooms, large bags of small onions, sriracha.

Whenever I eat I remove another frozen packet for my next meal. And if I'm craving crisps I'll just eat my next healthy meal. I realise eating an extra meal every 2-3 days is far better than snacking and there is probably a reason you're craving it. You might have walked 8-10 miles without noticing.

Any way to improve it? Also is the carb, protein, fat ratio good? I don't want to end up with heart problems and shit, I want to be healthy

if not fit, youre fat.

so if youre not fit, then welcome!

How do i stay motivated? I tried countless times but after a while i just don't care and enjoy the moment, eat like an animal.

Most i could go was 1 month, lost 5 kgs (from 107 to 103). Mostly can't even get past the day. Like now i say i will do that tomorrow, start in the morning and in evening i just go for fucking sausages and ketchup and ice tea.

>Things I really need
>low calorie dilute juice and low calorie hot chocolate

Dude, water.

Also gained 3 kilos last month. I am 113 kg now and my skin is stretching again. Last year i got a ton of these first time after like 5 years and i fucking hate them. But then a while later i don't care about them too.

you didnt provide enough information to tell carb/protein/fat ratio or calorie amount.
more veggies never hurts.

its not about motivation, its about discipline.
doesnt matter if you dont want to do it. just get it done. set a time that you are going to work out and do that every time.
dont keep crap in the house and you wont have to worry about binging

If you're losing weight only drink water, at most a cup of milk or juice a day. Also water does NOT do anything for food cravings despite filling you up, your body isn't stupid you'll pissed that gallon out within 4 hours.

We can't really teach you motivation. And there's something in the brain that does that whole "ill restart tomorrow/next week/next month". It's an awful mindset, everyone does it, you gotta learn to overpower it and just fucking go do it.

Learn to self-discipline. It's obviously going to suck. I'm addicted to soda and eventually I had to physically stop myself from filling my cup up at work with more Coke. Now I just drink water and unsweet green tea (if im needing a bit of sugar, then i drink some iced tea)

It's going to suck for awhile but you'll start feeling proud of yourself, and it's a great feeling.

>been on Veeky Forums for 3+ years
>still fat
>may have actually put on weight

If you want sugar look up calorie free sugar like sucralose

Usually a book from my 'to read' list, sometimes a movie or a game. But never food.

Literally stop eating. Weight is 90% what you eat and 10% exercise

Yes, it is to reduce bodyweight, I'm ready and willing to change this time... Thank you for your supportive feedback, friend! Hope you are doing great yourself

What's a good website to get ideas for meal plans, I have no inspiration as a cook

I don't have discipline either. I am normally a very tidy person but i feel like i hit the rock bottom for like 3 years. I don't even keep my house clean. I haven't washed the dishes for more than a week now. I don't shower for a week if i don't have to go outside.

I want to have an organized life but i just don't care when i am supposed to get the works done.

>Literally stop eating

I know.

I fell for the drinking milk meme

Now I love drinking milk. I drink 1l a day

I wasn't even doing GOMAD

What is the best mixture of just vegetables for 5 a day that contains what you need?

grilled chicken marinated in italian dressing
shredded cheese
sun dried tomato wraps

incredible for lunch

Stronglift 5x5

you can try Eatthismuch, some of the recipes are strange, or just watch some meal prep fitness videos on youtube

you seem to have some underlying mental/emotional issues. If you arent already seeing a therapist, considering doing so. if male, consider having a doctor check your test levels if you have have any of the other regular symptoms of low test

jesus christ. this is good advice. thanks dude

Down to 198 from 240 last fall. Hopped off keto last week to see if it was agitating my UC, but I'm pretty sure it's not, so back to the grind tomorrow. Need to hit below 195 by the time Zelda releases or else I won't let myself play it until I do.

I drank a litre of chocolate milk a day for 3 years, it really is pretty dank

Of course now I have cow-tier manboobs and estrogen out the wazoo but it was for a good cause

for me it's my left. I finally figured if I can't squat I'll never be able to hit my goals. so just push through the pain. really sharp pain and snapping sounds and sometimes it feels like something snaps behind my knee. but as long as I do squats every other day or every 3 days it actually feels a lot better. unlike my shoulder. which just gets worse with use. I guess give it a try.

you've got the right attitude man. it's possible that you are getting newbie gains and building muscle. don't stop using that scale though. count your calories. you may have a really low metabolism. which ends up being a blessing if you stick with it. a lot of body builders get limited by how much they can physically eat. muscle is always metabolically active unlike fat. so as you gain muscle it will make it easier to gain muscle and lose fat. I wouldn't drop to 1500 calories yet. try drinking at least a gallon of water a day and limiting your sodium intake. I have a feeling that you are gonna make it bro. just a little at a time.

>6'0, 25, 225

I used to be almost 300 but I'm down to 225. I was around 210 or 215 before Christmas, but I haven't been exercising or eating well for a few months

I really want to be fit, but I'm scared of going to the gym. I've always had low testosterone and being fat doesn't help that, so I fell for the tranny meme. I was on hormones for a while, and now I've quit, but I have gyno.

I try to work out on my own or walk/run from time to time, but I'm scared of going to the gym or getting back into sports because in a tshirt my perky tits are extremely noticeable

I feel like if I didn't have these things as a constant threat of humiliation, I'd be working out way more regularly and maybe even be in shape by now.

My goal is to get down to 200 and hopefully my gyno will be less apparent and I can feel more confident going to the gym, but I'm scared they're never going to go away.

So I have a quick question and it seems like this thread has the right people in it to answer.

I recently went from 190 to 235 lbs (at 6'5" mind you, so pretty fat but not behemoth) due to a club rugby program at my university. I recently had to quit due to a rupture in my lungs, and I would like to cut back to about 205 or 200 or so. I have already cut beer out of my diet every day except Saturday which has made a big difference, but I am still addicted to sweedish fish and the fatty meats I started eating when I was on their lifting plan. Any advice other than to cut those out slowly? And it would be appreciated if someone could give me good fat loss workout tips that don't involve too much cardio due to my lungs, I really haven't found much help google searching it. I have "progress" pics from 190 to my current weight I could post but I don't think those are really appropriate here?

are you losing weight? you may need to adjust your activity level. and you need to eat enough to feed your muscle. are you doing cardio or weights?

milk is a curse and a blessing

i limit it to a half gallon of skim every lifting day

take a multivitamin and a magnesium suppliment. helped with my cramps.

very inspirational! I've been trying for years but now I'm pretty mature and serious about it. I'll try drinking more water, I do about 2L a day and I pee A LOT. As long as I keep working out and eating right it will be better than the shit I used to do. thanks again man.

do compound muscle exercises.