High Reps and Light Weights vs. Low Reps and Heavy Weights

>High Reps and Light Weights vs. Low Reps and Heavy Weights
whats better for fat burn?I did 5x5 heavier bench today,also i spotted a dude and totally fucked it up oops, notetoself if you going to spot someone pull your earbuds out


>that bussy


hehehe you guys are so cool I'm 12 too btw XD

Why do girls always do weird shit in the gym?

Low reps is a meme.

Those are glute kickbacks, great for glute isolation. But she is using the wrong form. Won't injure her, just doesn't work as well. She's probably doing it that way to show off her ass more

low reps heavy for building muscle mass

high reps low weight for toning muscle

>low reps heavy for building muscle mass
Heavy weight moderate reps builds more mass and builds strength.

Someone post the pic of "7 reps give no gains"

Okay you fucking retards, as long as you lift heavy weight you're gonna make gains. Fat burn comes from your diet, not how many reps you do on a set.

So, i'm the only one who realized that he was timing his breaths with her movements because he thought he could get a whiff of her cunt by doing so..
You know..

I want to have sex with that girl a lot

what is wrong with you?




Lifting builds muscle. Low rep schemes help with strength, rather than hypertrophy. Fat loss is 100% diet. Read the sticky and kys

h-h-how is this legal?

also is there an equivalent garment for men to wear to the gym? some kind of form-fitting shorts or pants that cradle, lift, and enhance your junk? bonus if it's got individual ball pouches.


What? I don't want to get too bulky

i only do high reps and light weights. these are my bicep results


Okay but the rest of your arm looks weak af

what do you mean by "light"

post yours
50lb ez bar curl, 35lb overhead extension, chin ups, dips, bicep/tricep pulldowns, etc

ur triceps are literally auswitz tier bro please do some close grip bench or pushdowns or something dude, enough bicep work they look pretty good already.

you won't dyel

jesus christ you look terrible. do some tricep and forearm work man and put on some weight that looks disgusting

lmao it looks like an underweight kid put a tennis ball in his sleeve


Is this really as good as I think it is? Asking as a mature-age KV.

I always imagined this as being dream-tier special, but what's it really like in real life? is it over-rated? is it better? does it just smell like shit? does it smell like roses?


>not doing heavy and high reps


there's a reason so many people do it, bruh.

3-5 reps heavy for strength

8-12 for hypertrophy

15+ to get some kind of cardio fat burn shit from it but this should be reserved for circuit training or HIIT or whatever faggot shit that faggots do

Ah, the dreaded worthless lifting zone of 6-7 reps. Anyone have the scientific chart?

I'm sure it's not worthless, just not optimal. if you're over 5 then you're not lifting heavy enough and cheating yourself of strength gains.

If you're under 8 then you're not recruiting enough muscle fibers and cheating yourself of mass gains.

read the sticky you stupid faggot

>curlmonkeys actually exist

>muh 50lb curls

dyel as fuck son

>50lb curls
Mate, I am 6' DYEL who started half a year ago and I could easily curl 50 lbs on the second week. Also this arm is fucking horrible, it literally has nothing but biceps, work that forearm at least a bit, try bouldering or generic mountain climbing, your hand will look a lot better and grip will improve significantly as well.

It's all light weight, baby.

imagine to be her pusy slave wow

I can tell you're that skinny fucking Asian kid that hangs around the gym with a notebook

Heavy pairs are a thing

Potato smuggler

... he just said he lifts light weights, you fucking spastic.

nice tribal tattoo faggot

Why even bother with bicep exercises? If you're doing triceps (which it looks like you're not) and other compound lifts, you're biceps would look 100x better without a single curl.

For fat burn? Just eat less or do some cardio.

In terms of muscle building I recently switched to the BBB 5/3/1 and I quite like having a heavy and a reps day for each exercise, feels quite balanced. Anecdotally different muscles appear to respond to different rep ranges. My legs are fine squatting 5 reps, but I have needed more volume with chest.

jesus, diversify your curls, nigga. dumbells are your friend if you want good looking arms
>cross body
>inside bicep
>outside bicep

it's really ok to do any of these once in a while

faggots don't know how to read
It's not tribal faggot

I'm not asian nor do I carry a notebook. That's not maybe learn how to fucking read you meat head.

>"I wear it because it's comfortable"

Is this the first time you've seen ladyparts?





Looking at the fucking state of those arms I don't believe him, you utter shitcunt.



But that's fucking wrong, there's no difference for hypertrophy between 5x5 and 4x8/10, and 5x5 gives you better strength gains


Low reps with high weight are objectively superior and you should kill yourself if you think otherwise

Not an argument dyel cunt

4x8/10 has been proven to build more mass then 5x5.
And as long as you are putting weight on the bar maximum strength gains are about equal.

>25 reps will get you the same mass as 32 reps
You don't have to be a genius to use common sense to debunk that.

Here's the facts:

5x5 is optimal for strength because you're lifting heavy and, for beginners, your CNS is not use to lifting at all so these low reps and long rests in between are great for letting your CNS recover between sets and teaching your body how to use your muscles more effectively when doing these lifts. It works great with the main lifts because these correlate to functional (irl) strength instead of gymbro strength. Curling 60lbs in each arm isn't a big help in life.

Reps that focus on hypertrophy, 3x8-12 for example, focus more on tearing your muscles so they can rebuild. That's why the rest period is shorter between sets because you want the cells in your muscles to tear and rebuild for mass.

Size != strength
Aesthetics != strength