/fhg/ fat hate general

fat people stories and fat people hate: united at last! Last one went inactive

>be in line for burger at uni dining hall
>they make them once you order them to your specifications but you gotta stand there and wait for them to make it
>there's ready made fries under a hot plate right next to the burger line
>fat chick standing in front of me in line, eating basket of fries
>roll my eyes, she's waiting for her hamburger and she's fucking warming up on fries
>she finishes the her set of fries
>picks basket up and walks away
>comes back with a brownie and the basket mysteriously disappears
>gets her hamburger
>grabs another basket of fries and goes to the checkout counter

Other urls found in this thread:





What in the name of God?

News article or it didnt happen

The singularity has begun drawing in the surrounding space.

Would you lay a finger?

>tumblr filename
whatd they have to say about it?

i really dislike when people say they HAVE type 2 beetus or "insulin resistance". like they were stricken by God. you gave yourself that condition


There isn't exactly a better way to phrase it. They're medical conditions

>Would you lay a finger?

Fuck no, that shit's expired and not for resale.

>says how dare i be prettier and thinner than her
>forces me to say being skinny is horrible and ugly
at that point you have to notice youre superiority-inferiority complex over that


buzzfeed is fucking dumb, but this comment... wew lads

I cant believe how many people think boogie would actually lose weight after so long. Guys gonna die soon.


is no one gonna acknowledge my trips?

oops this is the right one about the beetus

No and I won't acknowledge those dubs either

i call bullshit

>bun seeds
every time

"healthy coke for side"

How does she not know if her captor is or is not still in prison? And how was this not international news?

I was gonna be fuckin rude but trips and then dubs?

oscar worthy foreshadowing

The diet Coke is straight poison, sweet potatoes and olive oil-you're still deep frying food. Thousand Island dressing is closer to the sauce on a Big Mac.

This shit happens at uni all the time
>fat chick checking out
>hot dog
>French fries
>slice of cake
>a salad

Probably didn't eat the salad.

It's like they're not even trying


I thought you were a faggot until you got THEM MUFUKKIN DUUUUUUUUBS.


>600 g mayonnaise

Neural net pic?

One of the fittest women I know has pcos and it doesn't stop her from doing shit. Fuck any bitch that tries to play this card. Is an always has been nothing more than an excuse, on par with the fat chicks in high school who refused to do gym class because they had their period every fucking week.

Fuck, I remember this thread, can't remember if it was here or Veeky Forums

Either way, people who think eating healthy is more expensive are retarded beyond belief. All things considered, a typical meal for me runs under a dollar, most expensive being just under 3 when I want pork or beef.

Does anyone have that pic of the Oreo shake from Dunkin Donuts?

>won't offer proof
Story is total bullshit

salad doesn't burn fat moron. they probably ate the salad on top of all the rest. it's just a lower calorie option for the same mass.

Should have drank the windex on the right rather than the redi whip on the left.

I imagine the Grim Reaper frantically checking his watch, hoping that she'll just kick the bucket right there so he won't have to carry her as far.

I will never understand these shirts. First impressions are so important, why would you want the very first word people associate with you to be "fart"?



Trisha Paytas is
>eating herself to death under the guise of creating mukbang youtube content
>recently had a stroke
>destroying her face with plastic surgery and lip injections

But, healthy at every size, am I right? You go girl!

Except that's wrong, alcoholics choose to hang out with other alcoholics and encourage anyone that hang out with them to also drink.

Whoever posted this doesn't go out very much.

I remember when this shit used to be satire

Oh that is funny!

Fat people constantly encourage other people to overeat.

I was at uni on sunday. Got a black coffee and a chocolate square as a treat. Huge hambeast behind me ordered a giant American chocolate cookie, and a large caramel soy latte.

I sadly consider myself a sugar addict, but my god, at some point when you ingest so much sugar at once you can't even taste it anymore. Gross.

Healthy food is actually more expensive in the UK.

I think you're probably right, a story like that would show up in something like DailyMail, an S&M relationship gone wrong with lesbians and forced feeding? No way in hell that didn't make any news.

Fat Terry's Rib Crib on the other hand was apparently real at some point.


Someone needs to call them and ask what kind of mascot they have.

If I was stupid; I could at least seek solace in the ignorance of whoever wrote this.

good name for a rib joint

is this real life

nope, just a fattysea

Well, you can be genetically predisposed for it.

That's retarded

If someone gets cancer from smoking, saying "I have cancer" is still the proper way of phrasing it.

What the fuck is a "weight loss patty"

Not bad user.



False. Proof needed for your statement.

he's probably referring to the fact that the UK has to import a lot of their food. doesn't excuse you from not eating well, but it could be annoying i guess. it's still not too expensive to eat instead of junk food, especially considering all of the welfare shit the UK has.

a bit more than half of the UK's food is imported. But the "healthy foods" are still a lot cheaper than the fastfood and ready meal shit people stuff themselves with.

>the UK has to import a lot of their food

Wouldn't that increase the cost of fast food as well?

yeah. i feel like a lot of fatties will be like "healthy food is so expensive" and not realize how much their fast food adds up to. its definitely not a valid critique, and is used to excuse a lot of poor dietary habits. another popular one is "i dont have time to cook everyday". well you sure had enough time to go into mcdonalds and stuff your face for an hour.

it does. but when fatties see that a cucumber is 3 dollars they think "that could get me three dollar menu items as mcdonalds"

If he was a child it was probably in the early 90's before all this new fangled internet sensationalism

Fuck off is it.

I can feed myself 3000 calories a day for

Funny that they associate healthy food with weight loss.


Are you buying fresh products or canned/bottled bullshit?

Fresh mostly.

Only cans in my kitchen are tinned tomatoes, kidney beans and tuna.

>when you mistake people's concern about your body for sexual disgust
>Freudian slip

kind of a point, I don't hate fat people that are not delusional, but I do hate skinny people that think they're superior
which is what I suspect this general is completely filled by


Still would

After a few rounds of eggnog... I would

>healthy coke

>healthy coke

This has to be satire. I refuse to believe anyone is actually this stupid.

>is the elf behind you?

Thank you. As a type 1 diabetic, nothing pisses me off more than a fat piece of shit type 2 diabetic. Anyone who gets type 2 diabetes should kill themselves.

Depends on why they are skinny. If it's just shit diet and lack of exercise then they are on the same level of fat people.
But skinny people who arefit, watch what they eat and still treat themselvesreasonably from time to time are superior to fatties. They show restraint, forethought and intelligence, qualities that fatties either don't have ore refuse to apply to their diet, which is pretty asinine considering how important diet is to our daily life.
So yeah, I'm superior to a fatty. I'm more informed, more determined and I make better choices. Pretending we are mentally on the same level is libtard millennial safe space garbage.

what I read is
>I'm weak and scrawny
>but what I have is..
>my superior intellect

you can be fat and fit too, assuming people that are fat are unhealthy is unfair just like you're defending skinny people with the whole
>But skinny people who arefit, watch what they eat and still treat themselvesreasonably from time to time are superior to fatties
I'm obviously not talking about unhealthy fat people, just fat people

t. permabulk fatass "power lifter"

but I'm not that either, I'm 5'11 62kg, just putting down people for existing makes you hateful, and people that are that hateful are because their own life is shit and they're trying to make themselves feel better by putting others down
it's the same thing with racists
>well my life is shit but at least I'm not black!
or the more Veeky Forums one of
>well my life is shit but at least I'm not a manlet!

Be gone skeleton

now you're just going far off it with the insults, you're life must be shit desu

>that face on the right

oh you just know she knows she looks awful, jesus. this is satisfying to me

Is that you Caius Cosades?

post the rest of that gay little sign

Every month I have a cheat day and order like a XXL pizza if I reached my goals, without fail the next day my stomach feels all blocked up and I feel like shit and I have to sit on the toilet for ages just to shit a bit.

How the fuck do fatties power through this phase and continue eating junk food and clogging up their stomach? I did this yesterday and feel like shit right now, I wouldn't eat fast food today even if you paid me. How the fuck do they do this?

>ate XXL pizza
>rails on fatties
>"I did this yesterday and feel like shit right now, I wouldn't eat fast food today even if you paid me"
>what is binge eating

>skinny people
>not superior

The point is I binge eat once a month at most, and I feel horrible the next day fatties binge eat everyday, how do they keep doing it day after day?

Rubbish. Fresh carrots are 60p per kg, even cheaper if you get basics from a supermarket. Potatoes, onions, swede, frozen peas, oranges, apples and most other fruit or veg are either cheaper or not much dearer. Rice, pasta, pulses and dried beans are also dirt cheap. You can also get cheap tasty cuts of meat.

It's just pure laze when people say eating healthily is dear.

except when you use words like "binge eating" it makes it sound like there's a frequent pattern of binge-ing. Eating too much pizza one night per month isn't even comparable to what an actual binge eater eats.

Being fat is unhealthy. No two ways around it.
Keep in mind that in these threads we aren't talking about "dadbods", people with that extra insulating layer. Look at the people we ridicule and pile hate on in these threads. Look at Tess Mayoster or Raging Shitstain and tell me that kind of fat can be healthy.