Is this impressive (even slightly) for normies?

Is this impressive (even slightly) for normies?

If not can somebody photoshop it to be impressive (just a tad, not overdo it so it looks fake? More definition is all)

i'd be embarassed to say this is my body

hardly embarassing, I've got biceps and shiet just no chest and no abs and a pelvic tilt

anyway photoshop it

it's not embarrassing, but holy fuck man, do you actually even lift?

what do you curl? 20s? fucking kek

Its impressively DYEL

I did calisthenics for 8 months, only just started going to the gym after realising what a fucking waste of time calisthenics was

I can curl 12.5kgs atm which is like 27.5lbs :/

from this type of body how long would you say it would be to get at least ottermode?

It doesn't look like you lift bro. I mean you don't look like utter shit, just like an average non lifter.

Bro, that is pathetic.
Why do dyel's feel fine taking shirtless pics, but real bad asses feel the need to keep their shirts on?

Lol somebody sand down his lactating nipples. Dude you look like a pregnant cat.

Because dyels haven't learnt the ropes

how long u've been lifting, and what is your weight before and now.

skinnyfat/10 would not bang

At least the other skelly was cute.

Eat at a slight caloric surplus. Avoid gaining body fat. Bulk for the next 9 months, cut for 3, and you'll have the normie-impressing otter you're looking for. You seem like the type that really wants to look good for this upcoming summer. Don't waste your time. Aim for the year after this one by working hard now and you won't regret it.

lol nice gyno fag

a 10 year old has a more impressive body

Dunning-Kruger effect

>Is this impressive (even slightly) for normies?
>hardly embarrassing, I've got biceps and shiet

is this satire? if so congrats because I legit feel like slapping you back to reality. I've seen people who play xbox all day and have better physiques than you

3/10 made me reply, off yourself

You should try lifting weights

I made an impressive shoop but it won't let me upload :^)

>biceps are his saving grace
your biceps are negligible bro

this nigger is trippin.
do lyle mcdonalds ultimate diet 2.0 and i promise you'll get there in 4 months or so. just be aware it's extremely demanding

You don't have visible abs, so no.
If your arms were bigger than 12 inches, then maybe.

Same here what the fuck? Did mods disable image uploads?