Time Under Tension

Is TUT a meme?

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In my experience, time under tension was the greatest lat builder when trying to get my upper body strength up. went from being able to do 1 solid pullup to 8 within 6 months by strapping plates to my waist and doing 3 full second negatives at varying reps for 5 sets.

I imagine if you have a safe way of doing this with other exercises it would help tremendously. Things like diddies and bench are tough to implement TUT effectively because you can't go to failure without risking injury a good deal.

diddlies aren't terrible. submax pause deadlifts won't kill you. you can always just drop the weight.

As in ''is time under tension the leading factor for muscle hypertrophy''?
In that case yes, a good diet and sufficient volume are a lot more important than TUT.
That doesn't that mean you should totally disregard it. Other than Jesse Norris, I haven't really heard a credible source talk about it. But it's also not a big deal if you do decide to maybe cut the ROM a bit short, like for example not locking out when you're benching. But most of your heavy work will not be done like this.

It's sort of a meme, but don't worry about it too much.

> is working out harder a meme?

guess what

I just wanted to say that I myself have been working out for six months this month and today I did 8 pullups for the first time, followed by three sets of six. I didn't use any weights in the months leading up to this though, just assisted pullups with slow negatives, no plates.

If you started as a fatty boombatty it's essentially the same thing. That's where i came from. i was 189 lb at my peak weight at 5'8, as i lost the pounds i would substitute the weight with plates to keep da gains

you reckon a weighted vest would suffice? Saw one on gumtree for 10 bucks adjustable to 50kgs.

does it actually come with the weight? because if so, yes. if not, no, that's fucking stupid, just get a harbinger dip belt and a couple 25s however cheap.

I believe it comes with the weight gonna suss it out to see if it's fucked tmr.

did some pretty decent TUT the other day.
3 seconds down, explosive up during bench.
Shit still hurts 2 days later. Will keep doing this I guess.

To anyone that works out for the pain, this is a great way to get it. Holy fuck my titties are busted


The scientific consensus is in. Overall volume (setsxrepsxload) is all that matters

TUT is indeed a meme.
Disregard these broscientists and DYELs, OP.
Listen to professional bodybuilder and powerlifter Dr. Eric Helms
Not rando dyel Veeky Forumsizen
>takes six months to go from one pull up to eight
>brags about progress
HOLY KEK!!!!!!!!

i was always under the impression that overall volume was the most significant factor in hypertrophy

but that time under tension was also another factor as well

does that mean explosive reps where you aim to finish it at quick as possible is as effective as a moderately paced rep?
for instance, i can do 15+ leg raises if i do them quickly, but if i slow down my reps and focus on the squeeze, i can only do 8-12

should i disregard TUT and just aim for more volume or overload (such as transitioning to hanging leg raises)?

1000 5kg reps is same as 100 50kg?

i just wanted to add this
chris jones and other body builders like kai greene have talked about the mind muscle connection, and how important it is to really squeeze the muscles, if your goal is bodybuilding/hypertrophy

perhaps TUT has its place in that it indirectly leads one to focus on the squeeze? on really contracting the muscle?

No because you need to meet an intensity threshold.

That threshold is roughly 60% of your 1rm

Rep quality matters.
TUT does not

do you mind talking a little more about what you mean by rep quality and TUT
how are they different?

also do you mind looking what what i said here and telling me your thoughts about it?


Rep quality = actually using the muscles you want to target
Tut = broscience tardery

was about to link this video, I recommend everyone here to watch it

ok thanks
i guess it was an issue of terminology
i always thought TUT as really focusing on contracting and squeezing the muscle you want to target, as opposed to doing super slow reps

will watch this video when i get some time
ive seen some of helm's other videos, and he knows his shit
seeing another user recommend it only makes me want to watch it more

Try 2 sec pause at max stretch, you'll thank me later brah

TUT does matter, since everysecond you spend with the muscle contracted uses some energy and provide more lactacid work. Still it's something you wanna look for in the isolation exercises, when you go light weight high reps to burn and finish, surely not something you want on heavy compounds.

Still, overall volume is the most important single factor, but disregarding everything else is stupid.

Will do, thanks brah

eric helms speaks about one of the reason the high rep range group saw less growth was because if youre doing 30 reps, its likely that only the last 10 reps are fatiguing your muscles and providing that stimulus growth

if that is true, then why not just super set or drop set every single exercise? wouldnt that achieve the same results while spending less time in the gym?

at max stretch, do you mean the end of the lift? like atg during squat or fully overhead during OHP?