Implying your high test fatties can come close to a specimen like this

>implying your high test fatties can come close to a specimen like this

Also, how is this shit fair to other girls?


I see your Elizabeth OP and raise you one Barbie.

lmao, keep your bones. meat is for men.


i like 'em younger and more easily manipulated.


>t. insecure fatty



looks like a fucking skeleton? I have literlly zero attraction to that. My dick didn't move. Not to menton shes a 6/10 max


Take note, OP. This is perfection.

Her boobs are pretty damn big for being skinny af tho. That gets me hard af. Peep her insta she's 9/10

She's in need of a black dicking

Step aside for the queen


she's a big girl.

Melted ice cream cone mode

What's happening to the top of her right thigh?

Looks like she was fat at one point and has sagging skin

Chubby Chaser

>QT thin/athletic 10/10 for marriage and breeding
>high test for late night sex and ending droughts

why not both? Only betas choose one or the other

Ur retarded as fuck


You just posted a 5. I agree with your comment, but that's a 5. Ew

>meat is for men
Kek. You a woman or a chubby chaser,
Men go for whatever the hell they want big, thin whatever.
>muh projection

My apologies for missing the question mark off the question.

Suck skin off the top of my dick

>all that arm-hair

Meat is for men and lard is for bird feeders.

It's kinda hot desu....

You're retarded

>implying your high test fatties can come close to a specimen like this
no one implied that. it would be very improbable for a high-test hottie to go that low. it's really not fair because they all look so good by comparison that it must be exhausting and they didn't even try that hard! do you know how awful it is to be exhausted without even trying hard? you probably do, fattie.

/lowtest/ reporting in


Fair? Life isn't fair. It has been said a million and one times before. It's a cliche but it's true. And you know what else? You either make the best of the hand you've been dealt or you say "fuck it" and fold.

Yeah genetics carry a lot of people hella far but those same niggas are the same ones who off themselves when their bank accounts run dry, get involved in foul shit and become spiritually bankrupt, or end up dying in a sauna because being natty wasn't enough.

Show me a fat girl who pins her inability to lose weight or compare to a girl in the op, and I'll show you another big excuse-driven waste of space.

I'm hounded by beautiful girls on the reg but only give my heart to the butterfaces. More often than not they're the ones who have shit worth listening to and didn't let their unfortunate facial aesthetics drive them to become fatasses.

Are you gonna argue that the girl you posted is hot? Cmon

Is this bait? What the Fuck man

virgin detected

WTF!!!Why she is wearing sock???


I think you obfuscated any point you were trying to make by your own holier than thou attitude.

Who is this slut?

So you're a homo then...

Kinda.. why?

But... I AM holy. What's your point?

>liking roasties
this is your problem


that's the exact word I was looking for

a qt.

Why not "high test" for marriage and breeding if they're more attractive to you?

This is so fucking stupid

Where did he say he found high test girls more attractive?

> meat is for men
Yes exactly, thats why I dont like your tub of lard.
unless you butterguzzlers dont know the difference between fat and meat you degenerate piece of shit.
You're claiming your tub of industrial grade grease oil is the same as a good steak.


Alright, he didn't.

So wtf is the point of those threads then. Jacking off to less attractive girls?

>no tits


Well user, I really do wish I could find a beautiful young woman worth pursuing that by some stroke of luck wasn't a huge fucking slut but that's nigh impossible these day. Even when I lived in Utah all the "pure" Mormon girls were still sluts even if they didn't Fuck too often. Fuck

It's for the supposed testosterone boost. It started off as a joke, then idiots took it too far.

3/10 wouldn't bang

That's not how it happened. It was memed by chubby chasers that guys who already have higher testosterone are attracted to girls with wide child birthing hips and high levels of bodyfat etc.

Either way, it has been taken completely over the top.

quit posting this imperfect garbage on my image board.

Post a better girl now



she's a whore that works in a "coffee shop" in Washington which is actually a cover for a prostitution ring.

google eleni barista xhamster

Lol are u kidding me that girl is fine as fuck u guys are the virgins

>skinny arms
>watch too low on wrist
>push up bra
>weird elbow
>no abs
>sucking in stomach
>long non-thicc thighs
>no ass
>sharp knees

3/10 would bang if drunk

Thanks user
>also nice trips

for u

Was this meme part of your plan?


Post a 9/10 for you nigger

Trophy Wife tier

Did someone graft a bean bag chair to her ass?


I wouldnt want those boney hips poking into me providing no cushion but suit yourself.

I genuinely believe that "high-test" posters are just fatty girls trying to improve their standing.

There is no way somebody can think that this lardass is anywhere near attractive. If she's on top you will probably break a bone or 2.

This is LEGITIMATE high test. Anything fatter than that is just fat.

>If she's on top you will probably break a bone or 2.
I'm not normally into fatties but I would let her crush my pelvis.

>My dick didn't move.
Low-test fgt detected.

>actually being this autistic

Why do high test threads always have pics of girls with big butts?

Like does high test mean that fat girls or girls with big butts have high test? Or does it mean that men with high test like girls with big butts?

Literally the most basic of bitches.

they get fat you beta



Is she high or low test?



>I'm sorry I'm too thin for you user :/


Who is this and why is she spammed on Veeky Forums?


>front-tied bikini top
What did she mean by this?


Can yr fatties even compete with this?

someone respond please


Basically "high test" originally meant girls with big tits, hips and asses with trim waists. Basically hourglass figures.

These days high test and thicc are code words for fat women. Chubby chasers just can't admit they like whales so they make up terms for them.


>These days high test and thicc are code words for fat women. Chubby chasers just can't admit they like whales so they make up terms for them.

No, that's just what the people who wanted to kill the threads and fat chicks desperately tried to push. Later it became "brapp" posting.

>pale skin
>blue eyes
>black hair

GOAT combo

another low test fag here

Yeah, right. High test threads are literally 90% obese women these days.
