I should go to the gym, but I'm disgusting after work; I should shower

>I should go to the gym, but I'm disgusting after work; I should shower
>Well now I'm all clean, I can't go to the gym and get sweaty again
>Besides, I'm beat after working all day; I should take it easy
>I'm trying to study some languages, learn programming, and have a backlog of books I ought to read
>I'll get right on that after running some pretty errands
>Okay NOW it's time to be productive
>You know what, I'll go for a walk to help get the juices flowing, that should do it! And it's almost like going to the gym!
>Whew, that was a long walk! Okay, let's start off with some programming
>Oh man, that Bollywood song is stuck in my head. I can't concentrate! I'll watch the video just once to scratch the itch and clear my head.
>Oops! I just listened to some random indie band's entire discography!
>Alright, stay focused user, time to get down to business!
>...Oh look at the time! I think I'll wind down with some vidya before bed!
>I'll go to the gym and study tomorrow


sounds like you're not going to make it.

not just the whole lifting thing but life in general.

you lack willpower and discipline. you won't go far without either.

just have an ounce of fucking willpower.

shower at the gym dumbass

well you do seem to recognize the problem
whenever you feel this shit come up again, abort at stage one
no itch to scratch
no discography to play
you know perfectly well how it goes
just abort it

Why not go before work?

>i'm disgusting after work

Good so you're already started. Work, workout, shower. But you're a lazy cunt so you won't listen.

Is Fitness 19 a real gym? Is it any good?

Slap deodorant on and lift.thats exactly what I do. I know I won't go to the gym if I'm at home already. Plus don't think about it too much you'll psych yourself out

Let me specify- I'm not just sweaty and stinky. I'm covered in chemicals and grain dust. If I worked at a gym and saw somebody looking like me after work coming in, I'd send them right back out for the sake of the equipment. What I ought to do is just rinse off before the gym, but doubtless my brain with its shit discipline will think up yet another excuse not to go. Trying to get out of that mindset.

Will yourself to keep a journal. It's the thing to will yourself to do that will help you will yourself to do other things.

change clothes, wash hands. i work on diesel engines bigger than the house you grew up in and i go straight from work to gym.

stop being a bitch.

>I can't go to the gym and get sweaty again

Whenever I go home from work I keep telling myself to just get some rest in my bed, close the eyes for a few minutes and WHEN I WAKE UP THE GYM IS ALREADY CLOSED.
Happened 3 times this week already.

Go to the gym in the morning before work. Shower after the gym, you'll be ready for work and for the rest of the day. As for the rest of the shit you're talking about, well that's on you. You need to learn to prioritize your time, you can't do all that shit in a single day.

Not OP.
I wish my gym was opened 24/7 or eat least 24/5 but it only has opened from 0830-2200 and I have to go to work at 0650.

I hope you die at least 50 years early, fatass

You sound weak

Use your autism to your advantage. As long as noone has pointed the problem out to you, the problem is only in your head.

rack disciprine/10

not gonna make it

As long as you keep getting mad when you do it you'll fix it

You win a little each time but say fuck it IM GONNNA WIN EVERY TIME MUTHA FUCKA

And go fucking study and go to the fucking gym
You don't want to

Its about getting shit done