It's post SHTF and there are no gyms or barbells anymore, only what you can find or build yourself

It's post SHTF and there are no gyms or barbells anymore, only what you can find or build yourself.

How do you stay maximally Veeky Forums?

The gym wouldn't go anywhere, just the owner. Bust the door in and get your pump on.

Actually what I'd do is just go squat in some mansion, and scavenge a kick ass home gym.

why is there a human in the picture if they are instinct?
Please explain

that's not a human, it's a nigger

The gym would be reclaimed in years.

science says other wise my man and not that shitty racial science either. stay triggered ?pol/friend


That's because we're at the top of the food chain. You take the bottom section and the structure will collapse, take the roof and it just because shorter.

Now that the SHTF I will be forced to do constant physical labor throughout the day rather than having to go to a gym for an hour and doing no labor for the rest of the day, so I wouldn't need to do much extra work to maintain Veeky Forums status

> gets killed by someone who did all that plus working out

>lifting makes you a better fighter
You're retarded

> on Veeky Forums
> doesn't even lift

back to /pol/ with you

That's so sad. a family was living here, had memories here...

oh boo hoo

kek this, kids thinking there 4 pl8 diddy lift is going to help them in a fight when they don't know how to throw down

Why would you only do squats? What about diddlies, and bench, and rows, and OHP?

I'm not black, though, so this process would take a lot longer.

Why would bees going extinct cause all the water to evaporate?

>muh /pol/ bogeyman

Get lost on your way to reddit?

Why doesn't this happen to houses that are occupied?

I don't have to do much maintenance at my house.

Is it just because american homes are made of balsa wood and tissue paper?

That hardly proves a correlation between ethnic phenotype and cognitive function

>implying it wouldn't look like Fist of the North Star
An oddly well taken care of gym in the middle of a nuclear wasteland with a bunch of HUGE guys working out till the end of time

mind blown

If for whatever reason I couldn't access a gym I would do calisthenics and lift stones
Although in all likelihood the heavy carrying that I would have to do would make the stone lifting superfluous. Seriously if you haven't ever done properly heavy farmers walks/yoke carries try them they're fucking difficult full body exercises.