Let's get serious for 0...

Let's get serious for 0.2 seconds - what was the one thing that you learned in your life that you would think would be helpful for other anons to know?

Mine was that food is what caused my depression and that changing my eating habits completely got rid of any sadness or feelings of inadequacy. I can get the same high I get from coffee simply by avoiding heavy carbs, which I leave for the end of my fasting, when I can just chill in my couch and not give a fuck.

What is your recommendation for other Veeky Forumsizens?

Try and improve your sleeping.

Invest early, and don't ever stop. Take a chunk out of every paycheck and stash it somewhere. That should take priority over ANY other expense.

If your job offers any sort of retirement/401k matching, and you're not taking advantage of that, you are wrong. Period.

There seems to be many people here joining the military.

You'll soon be getting a decent amount if disposable income. As soon as you can boys, save for a house. Get a buy to let mortgage and let a letting agents manage it. That way somebody else is paying your mortgage for you and when you leave in many years time your 10k investment will be worth a lot more.

Eating out is like smoking for your bank account. Never do it unless it's social.

Miranda is so cute, it's a shame she's been corrupted and broken by Hollyjew

Why go through an agent to rent it out? I saved 20k and I'm gonna get a house beginning of 2018 with hella bedrooms

Because the letting agents will pay your rent if it's empty so you're not left with having to pay that. You're also likely to be travelling a lot in the military so managing the property and inspecting it can be difficult.

Not doing drugs or getting drunk is a square, boring way to get through life. This degeneracy meme is nothing but self cucking. You haven't lived until you've busted a thirty seconds orgasm on meth. 99% of all threesomes occur because of booze or drugs. Don't self cuck. Who are you trying to impress? Jesus? Experience life and do drugs while you are young because it truly is degenerate once you have kids that rely on you.

Here's a secret. Cardio kills depression and anxiety. The reason Veeky Forums is so pathetically sad all the time is because they fell for the cardio kills gains meme and thought they could lift their depression away. Being fit means both strength and cardio.


Boomshakalaka > Shakalakaboom

There is no happiness in relationships, if you are not able to love yourself.

This hit me hard. Thanks user

Cardiovascular exercise kills depression and anxiety. Lifting falls under that category. People on Veeky Forums are depressed because they don't actually lift.

Except me I lift cause I'm the chosen one.

>This degeneracy meme is nothing but self cucking.

Its not that they dont do these things because they are degenerate, they call them degenerate because they dont get to do them. 99% of people who call drugs degenerate simply dont have the hookups to actually do drugs.

Innocence is dead, and we should treat it as such

toddlers first discovering casual sex and partying are so cute.

we adults who are past that phase will be waiting here chuckling.

I agree with cardio. Being healthy feels amazing.

I had a lot of crazy sexual drug experiences but I've also had great sexual experiences sober (including a 30 second orgasm). Drugs are dirty, illegal and almost all of them are bad for you. I view the whole "drugs and partying is cool" as the equivalent of someone telling me a Dodge Charger is a good car. But to each his own.

I have found some good teachers.

>Dave Ramsey for my finances.
>John Gray for my marriage
>Mark Rippetoe for my health
>Richard Dawkins for staying out of religion
>Rick Steves for travelling

+ many others

this lmao.

I have taken tons of drugs and know alot of people who are still doing drugs, stopped using them or never really used them. The latet two are considerably happier than the people who use drugs. I get sad whenever someone tries to justify their drug use of try to rationalise it. It's pathetic.

My advice is. You can't change or help people who do not truly want to change or be helped no matter how hard you try. It's better to accept them the way they are and just support them. Most people eho say they want to change or be helped dont truly mean and want this. They think they do but aslong as they aren't actively trying it themselves they are just lieing to themselves and the world.

philosophy isn't a meme

I was surprised

innocence is only dead to degenerate fucks like you who choose to ignore it, kys

Its gets boring after a while. Even the threesomes.

I used to run a nightclub in the UK underground scene. It was ridiculous fun, but unsustainable in the long run unless you want to look 20yrs older.

Advice for the anons, "Keep the faith"

>Rippetoe for my health
wouldn't call Powerlifting healthy, ontop of GOMAD. Maybe for someone who does nothing else than sit inside all day.

>Staying out of religion


>Temper your expectations.
>Don't ever hope for true love, love is a business transaction.
>You are replaceable to everyone you love and care.
>Drink less so you can sell your kidneys and liver for a higher price.

Wow, that is fucking supremely creepy even by hollywood standards.

lol what a sad cunt

>mfw my ex is now a dope whore

Dealing with someone close to you who's addicted to hard drugs is probably one of the most difficult and taxing things you can do in life.

It's a constant cycle of trying to help and getting fuck all results, pushing them away, then trying to help them again. All the while feeling even more depressed the more you fail.

I really wouldn't wish it on anyone.

Talk to more people. They don't bite.

for me it was basically to be genuine. it seems really simple but actually speaking my mind without doubts and filters was a hard step for me. it's about trusting yourself to not be a fuck up

You don't have to tell me that you dont want to get stuck in the drugs lifestyle, but most anti-drug sentiment on Veeky Forums is just sour grapes.

Can I get a quick rundown on this guy?


He creates all those nickelodeon kids shows with teens in em, and there's ridiculously many episodes involving bare teenage girl feet because he's a foot fetishist. He'll find any excuse to have a girl bare foot on the show.

Do you mean about Dan "Hymen divider" Schneider?

Yeah, my brother is a heroin junkie, he has been since I was 13 and he was 16. It has been going on for 10 years now. It really fucked me up, directly by him and me and undirectly by fucking up my parents. They were so busy trying to fix him they ignored,downplayed and devalued all my problems and even used me as an outlet for their frustration. I had to break contact with my family just to heal from the wounds. They still devalue me and treat my like shit whenever I give them the chance. At this point I'm not even sure that they were tgis affected by my brothers addiction or that they were like this before and caused my brothers addiction. He went to rehab this monday for the 13th time, not even kidding it really is his 13th time. I dont expect much but maybe, just maybe, this is the time he really quits. I can only hope.


At least he feels the need to go to rehab on his own accord - so he's on somewhat the right track, most addicts are too delusional or stubborn to see that they need serious help. Not even fucking 30 year old men for dope money at 17 years old rang alarm bells in my ex's head.

As for you though, i'm really not sure how an addict's family/close relatives can live a normal life. Did you just pretend your brother didn't exist or something? How did you even manage to concentrate on school work knowing your bro was shooting up? I'm genuinely curious and not trying to be a dick or anything.

Is that Dan "all up inside her" Schneider?


Well I always had a good bond with my bro, even thou he was addicted. As for school work I'm just lucky with my brain, always had good grades even thou I only made half of my homework and never studied, not even for exams. My parents always called me a lazy piece of shit for not always makibg my homework and never studying but they couldn't do shit because of my good grades. They even put me in one of the hardest prpgrams in my country but it didn't change anything about grades or my homework. Like you said I had alot to deal with and got no empathy. I used food and WoW to escape and weighed 140 kg and was gladiator by the time I was 18. Once I broke free from my household I did lose all the weight thou, now I'm 75 kg, and for a while I drank alot but that time is over aswell. I always had fun with my brother since we both had the same parents and needed eachother for support. I knew he shot up but I understood why he did it and never blamed him for it.

Northern Soul

>The moment someone makes a dongle joke they lose their job.
>This shit is allowed to go on.
Seriously, I always tought the whole "jewish media lobby" thing was hysteria. But I'm going all /pol/ in my old days.

Dave Ramsey is legit, but the rest are hard memes

Also restaurant food is almost always toxic compared to literally anything you cook at home.

Also, if you think water isn't good to drink with a meal and feel like you need something else to go with it, you have an addiction.

Senpai, is that Dan ''if you have a daughter, hide her '' Schneider?

yes. someone post the image with all his nicknames already.

also, not all of his girls are damaged goods. Erin Sanders posts pics of herself in multiple ages sitting on his lap on her site so she's fine with anything that went down.

Interdimensional shapeshifting child molesters run the world.

>not being able to have a fight to death at every waking moment
You're not ready for the race war, brother.

>I have taken tons of drugs and know alot of people who are still doing drugs, stopped using them or never really used them. The latet two are considerably happier than the people who use drugs. I get sad whenever someone tries to justify their drug use of try to rationalise it. It's pathetic.

Has it ever occurred to you that people who are unhappy might resort to drugs to feel happy, and not the other way around? Fucking retard.

I hope you're underage because otherwise you're just fucking stupid.

Why are you green texting faggot

Never ever dirty bulk or suicide cut
also 100% this makes me want to kms looking back on the times I unironically denied drinking, partying etc in 2013-15 because I was a /pol/tard and didn't want to be a "degenerate"

Fuck I wish I did this. My dad always told me to, and invest in a house early.

I piss so much money away on vehicles, motorcycles, toys, high end shit that I really have nothing to show for it.

I've been making 100k+ a year since about 22 and am 31 now. Don't own my own place, only have about 40k in savings... No debts or anything, just a lot of expensive toys that are depreciating. Don't get me wrong it's a great time, lots of fun, but if I could do it over I would have kept my first of each, bought a house, banked everything else so I could just say fuck it and take a year off here and there to get away from the world

Natty bodybuilding is a scam and there's no point even lean bulking as a natty after 2-3 years lifting since most of your "gains" will be fat and what minute amount of muscle you gain will vanish again when you cut (that alone should explain the futility of natty cutting as well)
Pin to win

Go after girls. Be brazen and shameless. Don't wait for one to give you a sign because they might never do and chances are you're gonna miss it anyway. Approach, fail and make a fool of yourself, keep grinding that XP until you get good.

This might be the most basic truth for a normally adjusted male but somehow nobody taught me this as a kid and it took me years to realize (or at least acknowledge).

I agree to an extent. I was socially retarded in hs, now I'm 31. Never been drunk or high in any way, and still socially retarded. Don't care to start now but wished I went out as a younger man and learned to relax and get over the aversion. Would be nice to have a way to just go out and meet people, it seems drinking and partying is the only way to make friends in my part of the world

if they aren't tearing your door down to jump on your dick just give up and rot

Being in the present is such an important thing to know, yet nobody ever teaches it to you unless you go looking.
Seriously, meditate and live in the present, it can change your life of you're a compulsive over thinker like most of us here.
The idea of pain can be just as bad as pain itself.

>philosophy isn't a meme
I second this
Stoicism and Zen philosophy are good.

Also, I don't believe in any gods or demons but religious and especially occult texts are great if you approach them as, basically, psychological manuals.

Can you elaborate on how food impacts your mood to a noob Veeky Forumsposter? Thanks.

higher quality women want higher quality men

keep ur boots laced if u wanna keep pace niga

uh yeah here's a great test you can run yourself

cut as much fat out of your diet, take notes on how you feel, do that for about 1 week.

add fat into your diet 50g-100g per day.

take note of how you feel for a week.

that's the most simple and visceral example you could ever experience.

lol that's the same guy

>Anyone on planet earth
>Not being offered any drug contacts they want during a 5 minute stroll in/near town at night.

Why do I get the feeling that you are larping?

if you aren't a tall robust North Atlantid with male model facial proportions and a large taint you should just lock yourself away from society and rot for eternity

higher quality women want higher quality men

keep ur boots laced if u wanna keep pace niga

For any other milfags, TSP. It's absolutely excellent as far as investing. Set it up for a 10% contribution ASAP.

If it is, that makes me very happy

Go back to /r/incels

Same smile, same chin shape. Note in the toga pic and the pink shirt pic you can see how his chin sticks out a little farther from the rest of his jaw. He has a different hairstyle and is wearing sunglasses so it's hard to tell, and obviously he's in better shape.

There's a lot of drugs here in Belgrade, but only if you know where to look. Neither I nor any of my friends have ever been offered anything during a late night stroll.
It would be a fucking retarded thing to do, dealers would be literally begging to get v&.

It's not the same guy, have you nigas seriously not ever seen this picture before?

Sure I've seen the pic before but I've always thought it was the same guy.

Thanks, I'm gonna try this.

The things you want in life don't just come to you. You have to go out and get it. Actively try and get happiness. Go out and make a social life, don't wait for one to come to you. GO OUT AND ACHIEVE IT

Naw, back when this shit was doing the rounds they found the ex-boyfriends tumblr/facebook and the girls tumblr/facebook.

I don't think it was too hard as this was initially pasted up in reddits fat loss community if I recall, and she had a link to her tumblr in it where she documented her weight loss or somshit.

But yeah, no it's not the same guy. She did leave him after she lost the weight, they even got the guy to give a statement on it but he just gave the usual 'it was mutual' spiel.

Don't believe everything you read on the internet.

Especially here. Every single account you ever read is through different spectacles from your own. Being jealous/envious/annoyed by it is absolutely nonsensical.


what books do you recommend for starters?


college is a waste of fucking time for half the people who go, yes for STEMfags too youre not exempt

Definitely not for me. I'm too disorganized to do shit on my own but I have the aptitude to solve technical problems very quickly.

Don't waste your time going to college unless you are going into medicine, law, or engineering.


Nah I was on that road its shit. 90% of the time youll be at least 100k in debt and make like 60k/yr.

You do not have to do it perfect 100% right now, but you do have to refocus on the job as soon as you realize you're slipping. This is called persistence.

May I ask what field you're in?

Is that Dan "Hold her tighter she's a fighter" Schneider?

You are more importamt than any other man or (specially) woman in your life.

lifting doesn't cure autism

Right in the feels

Do you think he self inserted a lot as Josh?

>needing someone to tell you how to not believe in God

>Dave Ramsey is legit

Meh, he seems friendly, but his cooking show is overrated

>Implying the nerd didn't get super needy once she got hot

Yeah it's mind-boggling that Veeky Forums will get pissed off about some random couple breaking up.

I wonder if there's a reverse board where women get pissed off when guys get hotter within a relationship and then that relationship ends for any reason after that.

Yes, it is Dan the Can.

>Cardio kills depression and anxiety.
THIS. Whenever I'm sad or depressed and I just run I feel so good. Just like back in elementary school when I would run to every class and it made me so happy. I don't know why really.

>mention atheism
>"lol you must be an autistic neckbeard cringelord faggot"

This too. You think you'll end up being happy and you'll stop hating yourself once you feel your good enough for someone, but it doesn't really change.

Quiting coffee/caffine and getting 9 hours of sleep was a major change in the way I function.

I have more energy, better mood, and I think clearer. It took a while to notice the differences, but after a week or two it is huge.