Veeky Forumsgendered

With the recent news involving the FtM winning her wresting championship It's clear that it's too late to topple the degeneracy of transgenderism, but what's stopping us from taking advantage of liberal hypocrisy?

Currently there are plenty of in-between genders that make no fucking sense, but how about a gender that goes off the deep end of the spectrum? I propose the hyper-masculine gender: Übermale. A gender we could use to mock the LGBT movement while being a "part" of it. If it gains traction we could even use it to get free juice and every fucking loser here can become chad with a free doctors prescription and PC points.

As an übermale your pronouns are HE, HIS and HIM!

sounds good
count me in
though i think roids arent gonna be in my country soon(new turkey)

That is actually a fucking great idea

Don't worry, once enough SJW sympathise with the oppression of übermales they will have no choice but to send you some.

"Transitioning" to an übermale should involve anything that will make you closer to Chad

>leg lengthening surgery if you're a manlet
>chin and jaw enhancement if you're ugly
>anabolics for everybody
>hair transplant or wig if you're balding
>dick enhancement if you're a dicklet

All covered by taxpayer dollars of course.


Fuck off cunt, this is Veeky Forums related.

Hair isn't a male necessity you cuck

even if it's prettier

I was having this discussion a few months ago.

What would HRT docs do if I said I'm a swole dude living in a non-swole dudes body?

Gimme me 1g of test a week pls.

How is it?

>implying long locks aren't a staple of male heroes like thor, Samson, or Conan

In a few years time they will have no choice else they be subject to the bloodthirsty SJW mobs they will upset

Steroids are a staple discussion here

Sure but hair has no real function in masculinity

OP, you're a genius.

I'd like my name to be Chunk Lunkenstéin when I become a full blown übermale

What bathrooms do ubermensch use?

Coming out is the hardest part. Start your transition as soon as you can.

I've been saying this shit for years.

Anywhere they please, it goes against their nature to have to hold it in and bow to humanity's norms

Something tells me liberals won't buy the "ubermale" thing. It's too empowering.

>sir you're not able to do that here
>I'm sorry sweety, I didn't realize überphobia was still a thing in 2017. Don't worry honey I'll forgive you but check you privilege from now on.
So brave

Then they'd be privileged, fuck their privilege

Ubermensch pride,
Down with the untermensch

Libs will literally implode at the thought of having to virtue signal for masculinity.

use *übermale
übermensch is too obvious and got bad connotations
übermale however sounds more like some lgbt shit
the gays are gonna love it

It wont work. Hyper masculinity has already been labeled toxic, and must be purged.

Thing is, current transgenderism embraces 'weak' females becoming males, and 'weak' males becoming females because it suits their narritive, keeps the disenfranchised dependant and unhappy(you'll be happier if you were [opposite gender]), and virtue signaling. I use the term 'weak' because these are people who typically have no sense of self or identity, regardless of sex, which makes them more susceptable to influence and persuasion.

They however do not approval of healthy masculinity OR femininity. These people must be villified and destroyed, because they upset the narrative, they are not dependent, and are generally happier people. Nothing to exploit here, no underdog to champion for virtue signaling.

Youd have to make the case that somehow Ubermales were historically disenfranchised, which even then would probably not be accepted because "muh male privvies."

lets use jimmy neutron over here as ironic posterboy
>long full hair
>"""""magnificent""""" beard
>thicc eyebrows

All those dudes are fictional.

Surely there must be a way to spin it as to gain sympathy for beta and omega males? "I'm a man trapped in a body that's simply not masculine enough. I don't feel comfortable in my skin." Denying this hypothetical person would make trans sympathisers hypocrites. They go on and on about how horrifyin it is to not be comfortable in their own skin, and übermaledom is the same concept.

What about pushing the UberBeing idea?

We are no definable gender,

we have sex with what we deem appropriate

We seek knowledge and improvement

We seek only to empower others to improve

>Help, help, I'm a deity stuck in a mortals body, pay for my college degree and chemical enhancements!!lol no I'm not a male, I'm a genderless deity, I just happen to like sticking my Willy in poontang

this is going into the right direction

That should make the point stronger then. The ideal males as made up by other men all have long beautiful hair.

Sounds cool, but i think it crosses too far over subjects involving gender for it to be noticed by lgtbqaifldncmacmma

You have my attention

This is actually clever. You do realize all races have to be allowed too right? Or it won't work

Despite the name, it's open for all races.

Kek. Imagine how nutron would feel when he finds out he's the face of a new hypermasculine gender movement

Adding on

Let's look to these guys for examples,


Or something, but you get what I'm trying to sell right?

A species that has moved past money, material goods and only cares about knowledge and pleasure.

Sounds pretty cash right

Sounds dope. What would an ideal day look like for an Uberbeing?

And purity of the anatomy, forgot that one

>hair has no real function in masculinity
And penises have no function on a woman but that doesn't seem to be the point

The day is 1948726638848826738446372788836 since the creation of UberBeing society

Beings are limited to 10,000 per planet

Our living habitats are separated by function, our learning stations are ergonomic, our stimulation stations are colorful and vibrant and stocked with psychoactive compounds

Our conditioning stations are set out to maximize workout efficiency

Our typical day begins at 10am, where we orally ingest our daily micronutrients, followed by drinking a non flavoured nourishment liquid

...still working on the rest

Our day transitions between 4 main phases


During the learning phase we are being kept up to date via the use of the intergalactic information network

During the stimulation phase we are stimulating our minds and bodies via countless methods, including but not to, tripping acid, or testing scientific theories, or sexual arrousal

During the conditioning phase. We are maintaining our consciousness vessels in best possible order via chemical enhancements and resistance training, as all beings now share all knowledge, all beings are capable of injecting themselves

Reporting phase, should we discover anything new, being however small in nature, we write comprehensive and detailed reports on the intergalactic information network, where other beings can read about during their learning phases

couldn't you just legally change your gender to female and then transition to male with the help of test?

It's an ubermale necessity you fucking cis scum

chads do not bald

They won't give u test if u have regular test levels already

You need to convince them your gender has higher than normal test levels

>being this autistic

>tfw this actually ends up being a thing

>HALP I am a low test guy stuck in a normal test body
>gib t supplement pls am dying

>Not wanting to live amongst an UberSpecies devoted to betterment of the male form

Give up now, you're never gonna make it

They include agender and asexual people already, so why not ÜberBeings?