How do you stay disciplined with improving yourself?

How do you stay disciplined with improving yourself?

All I want to do everyday is play games and watch twitch and youtube. I know I'm a lazy fuck, but it's hard pulling myself away from the computer.

Any tips/tricks/advice?

I'm 29 yrs old bro, much older than most of the board.

I've seen way too many of my friends from high school or college never get out of that trend.

You have to save your own life.

plenty of league pros workout and are fit. it's a plus that you'll be less likely to damage your wrists.

also stop watching you tubers/streamers, the only good one that will teach you anything is dekar, and if you don't main top/jg you won't make it.

Trihex is also really good if you want an actual dose of how people can play games all day, workout and interact with society.

you could try a standing desk -- hard to be satisfied mindlessly watching youtube when you are standing.

Cold turkey for 2 weeks.
You'll never go back

Doesn't it scare you that if you don't change you'll wake up day an be 40 with nothing to look forward to because you frittered away your whole life?

Graduate, get a full time job, lift and have a social life

You won't have time for the video jew

OP here.

Graduated and have full time job. Just don't lift or have a social life.

All my waking hours outside of work are spent on the computer. Stuck in a cycle.

What are all these things people who don't play games do that give them things to look forward to when they're 40?

Its all about energy levels, i no longer believe there's such a thing as actual laziness.

I used to be really charged, gym at 7am 6 days a week, married med student, never played games but didnt mind. Then i developed crohns disease and lost 24kg of muscle and nerve damage and could barely get out of bed in the morning - i spent all day on Veeky Forums and twitch because i had no central motivation for anything else.

Now im better but i do have periods of the latter that signal to me the disease is trying to flare, but when im better i dont have 'to do' anything to get out there, its just a force from within.

So to combat laziness dont work mentally, work physically on what could be causing it. Dont listen to people ascribing it to their personal mental virtues, they don't understand the underlying mechanics.

Not really true, i did all that, qualified as an engineer and live in my own home with my girlfriend. I just got a bit bored of drinking and having coffee with friends isnt that time consuming, so i actually got back into gaming a couple of years ago - no regrets at all.

Hate and using demonization to be productive.
Look at people that have the same habits as you. See how shitty they are and realize youre already halfway there with crap habits.

Take note of how much time you waste a day. Multiply it by 30, 60, 120, 365. Think about how if you used that time for something else productive where youd be. It takes roughly 10,000 hours to master something.

> tfw bloodborne master

>Just don't lift
Why the fuck are you here lad

Why are people not able to enjoy stuff in medoration?

I fucking hate humans

>inb4 Autismo


For the mêms mate

this might be news to you, but not everyone is wired the same way

some people have addictive personalitites

>played vidya from the time I was 6-17
>graduated high school a virgin with no friends or any hint of a social life
>joined uni an autist
>bad Internet connection in my dorm so stopped playing vidya as much
>started lifting and talking to people
>was hard at first but I powered through it
>now into my second year of uni, have fucked 3 chicks and have tons of friends

Best decision I ever made in my life to quit video games. Trust breh, you're throwing your life away. Just occupy your time with something else productive.

> 19 year old giving life experience
No thanks. Next.

>some people have addictive personalitites

I call it absence of disciplin

>some cheeto fingered neckbeard who doesn't lift comes to Veeky Forums asking for advice because he can't look away from his computer screen
>gets advice
>"lol ur young no ty"

o i am laffin

Just go ahead and neck yourself, you won't get anywhere in life. Enjoy this (You). I'm sure it's the peak of your social interaction.

>I call it absence of disciplin

hence the very first sentence of the thread asking about discipline

welcome, genius

if you can't balance playing games and having a life then you are retarded and know nothing about moderation. is it even fun to sit around and play game after game after game? why not reduce the amount of time you spend playing so that the time you do play is more enjoyable. I can only play one game of league before i want to find a gun and blow my brains out though so i suppose its easier for someone like me.

>League of Legends

Not going to make it.

Because you're bad at it probably, like saying i can only do one set in the gym before i want to leave.


> triggered
Dont worry, i bet you can talk it all out at predrinks tonights before hitting the house night babeh.

>this passive aggressive bitch asking for advice
Top kek, are you a woman? Do you actually want advice or do you just want to bitch about your problems without solving them?

Yes it is me, want suk?

> its the triggered uni kid thinking he has any life knowledge again

You just quoted like 3 different people. Two of those comments are mine. Are you always this retarded?

Yeah one is mine, well done mate

I fucking got you cunt. I know you're struggling with being btfo on an anime image board, but you don't have to pretend

Oops baby boy.

Photoshop can't save you now.


Be careful or your big boy uni friends might hear you sobbing through the walls.

>being THIS flustered
At least no one knows you've been btfo. This board is anonymous

Oh no! It happened again mommy!

Playing video games have gotten me tons of new friends. Just don't let it consume your life.

ps. Play Tekken.

* tonnes sorry

>maybe if I photoshop it again he'll believe me
absolutely REELING lmao

>implying 95% of the board even lift at all

now play tekken
please play tekken

> phoneposter photoshopping
Maybe some frat spirit chants will cheer you up out of this

There is a point where you start hating yourself for wasting away like that, nothing is a better motivation than self hate.

>he's STILL in denial
Mate how do you even have the courage to keep posting here when I've clearly embarrassed you enough.

Being a power bottom and the guy says he's not sure he can take any more is probably better motivatio

starting their own family, growing their careers. Plenty of things that give satisfaction and have lasting effects as opposed to gaming, which aside of keeping your reflexes semi fresh, does nothing.

lifting doesn't take much time. If you have home gym it's just 5 hours out of your week.

Im not embarrassed because I'm an adult homeowner who can do anything he wants, whereas im pretty sure you're already late for sticking up #lovetrumpshate posters around campus with that girl who will never get with you

I will remember beating father gascoigne for the rest of my life, you wont remember the week of gyming you did a year ago.

You can do "anything you want" yet you're stuck in a cubicle where the highlight of your day is talking to your coworkers at the coffee machine. Meanwhile I'm having the time of my life at uni, which you probably never properly experienced because you spent it in front of a computer screen. Absolutely btfo

>this is actually the average poster who gives "advice" on Veeky Forums

First step to solving the problem is admitting you have one. It is of absolute importance that you actually realize how much of a loser you are and what is happening with your life.

I used to play 4-5 hours of vidya every single day in my early 20´s. Always "tried" to quit but at that time, gaming was a part of who I was. Only reason I wanted to quit was to get my life on track, so I could play again without guilt. That´s how deep I was and I didnt realize the fault in that logic.

You have to actually emerge yourself into the change, not just quit for quittings sake. From that point on, it does get easier tho. Your brain is currently so hooked on easy stimulation that you probably cant enjoy anything.

"Why should I even quit, life is boring anyways"
"I´ll just go on to be a 40 year old dude doing nothing but work, might aswell die"

You will gradually repair your dopamine system and learn to enjoy other things again.

You will enjoy cooking again instead of making the fastest thing possible so you can eat at the computer. You will read the news and actually give a fuck, the shut-in mentality will fade. You might even find a new hobby that will make you have something to look forward too, instead of one that FORCES you to entertain it with all your waking time.

Just my 2 cents, good luck user

Literally no-one is going to read that and i can speak for the thread.

You won't remember most of the time you spent running around Yarnham doing random bs either.
You'll remember the first time you bench 1pl8 for the rest of your life.

This analogy works both ways.

I read it just to prove you wrong desu

Prob not, I tried to help tho

I read it and it made me feel good

>Expecting good advice to always be in one line of text
>Implying that post takes more than 10 seconds to read


>people that go on Veeky Forums don't lift





Responsibility? How do you support yourself without a job? Don't tell me you live with your parents. I'm D3 on league and I can't even play more than 2 games in a row max without doing something else

> sounds like a faggot
> read post
> yep, a faggot


The fuck are you on Veeky Forums for then?

> Its all about energy levels, i no longer believe there's such a thing as actual laziness.
Yeah, nah mate laziness is actually still a thing.


and that's that

What are you even trying to say? Fucking neck yourself

nobody gets d3 playing 2 games at a time. they do extensive research (if you can call it research), practice, and log many hours of game play.

You sound like me cousin, he's a legend in his own mind. Always full of bullshit, wants to be a cop but never will because he's a dumbass.

shit, i don't be a rubik's cube!!

Watching ChiLongQua raises test levels.
Also, set some boundaries for yourself, allow yourself no more than 2-3 game sessions a day.

>not adopting a pre-christian polytheistic religion doctrine of self-improvement
>not spending at least 1 hour a day reading icelandic sagas
>not doing strictly compound lifts daily whilst listening to only the toppest tier of melodic power metal
>not playing whichever videogames you like whilst transcending the dichotomy and achieving a higher degree of life according to archaic values

plebs gonna pleb, i suppose.

So what do you do that is so superior faggot?
You realise most Normie's spend their evenings watching Netflix and they are still more socially adept than all of this board
Your delusional if you think anyone in this thread lifts. This is a literal meme board

I used to play a lot of League of Legends when I was in highschool, at some point in 12th grade I was forced to quit gaming so I had time for studying and gym. When I was no longer busy, I didn't want to play video games anymore, eventually I started going out, reading, watching my diet, cooking, etc. I'm glad I stopped gaming, it was such a waste of time and I feel so much better without it. I never looked back to it, I don't regret anything, best decision I have ever made. Just to be clear, I still play video games once or twice a week and it's more than enough for me.

Funny thing is, now that I stopped playing LoL, whenever I see a bunch of teenagers talk about League, I can't help but cringe. There's this group of dyel kids at my current gym, all they do is work for an hour or so on machines and do different variations of curls, they just occupy machines and space. I don't hold anything against them but they're annoying everybody, talking loud about the meta or how they can't get out of gold.

tl;dr LoL is trash
t. player since beta, quit in season 5

I wish I could do the same shit but after work and working out there is nothing to play.
There is only path of exile every 3months and inbetween seasons there is nothing for me to play/do besides browsing the net and watching movies.
I used to play q3 and would love to sink my teeth back into competitive 1on1 fps but there are none out there (ql is dead). I hope quake champs changes that.

Fuck, gaming in general is so fucking shit right now. Iam amazed you can lose yourself in retarded shit like lol/twitch or whatever.


Anyone who isn't 18 has experienced the peak of gaming with the xbox360 and ps2 generation of console games. Gaming will never be as good as it was 10 years ago.

Any habit you can't break is an addiction, and any addiction, regardless of how inoffensive it seems, can only be remedied by abstinence.

You can't reason your way out of your gaming/internet habits the same way you wouldn't be able to reason your way out of heroin. You need to acknowledge you have a problem and that only cutting the habit completely, at least for a period, will give you control over it. So go cold turkey.

You'll probably be bored out of your fucking mind for a while, but you need to endure it. Plan ahead some activities that will keep you away from your computer for a few weeks, or just shut it off completely for a while.

A good scheme is to write down habits you want to drop and habits you want to pick up, and every month or whatever you choose one of each to follow through. Then instead of looking at your videogames and resisting the temptation, you'll be busy trying to do some other shit.

why should he drop his hobby completly?
he could just play less by just... playing less.

it sounds like gaming is some kind of addiction or something, its just something that he enjoys so why dropping it.

If he could do that he wouldn't have made this thread you fucking retard

yeah but do you really think he can just drop it altogether if he cant even reduce the time he spents infront of his computer? thats some realistic and retarded advice you gave him.

>have free time
>don't feel like playing vidya

>have stuff to do
>suddenly feel like playing

>yeah but do you really think he can just drop it altogether if he cant even reduce the time he spents infront of his computer?

You know what you're right because people never do this

Smokers for example never stop smoking, they just rationally decrease the quantity of packs they smoke right?

Are you me?

My problem isn't vidya, I'm not even motivated to play through that shit, my problem is Veeky Forums, i expend 3-4 hours on this shit and it leaves me feeling i don't have any leisure time

Whats the problem?

It's just a computer, without it humanity would be nowhere.

The problem is that you have no vision or goal in your life.

Theres literally nothing wrong with Veeky Forums, vidya or using a pc.

You start to do productive things (study, job, gf, hobby, lifting etc.) and everything will be in balance.

You don't just snap into normiemode, you work towards it.

Being a cop is the easiest thing lolz

LMAO my cousins step dad is a sergeant cop for a highly populated city and used to play WoW all the time still has a nice rig and plays it all the time just not WoW cause it sucks now. but he raids and does all that shit. im a deputy and fucking playing WoW right now. and im married. FUCK YOURSELF

you sound salty