Yogurt, 15+ grams of sugar

>yogurt, 15+ grams of sugar
>fruit juices: fuck ton of sugar
>canned arizona green tea: too much sugar
>any sweet tea: LOL amounts of sugar
>organic healthy veggie and fruit drinks: 17+ grams of sugar

>yogurt, 15+ grams of sugar
greek yogurt
>fruit juices: fuck ton of sugar
why would you
>canned arizona green tea: too much sugar
dont drink that shit
>any sweet tea: LOL amounts of sugar
dont drink that shit
>organic healthy veggie and fruit drinks: 17+ grams of sugar
fruits have sugar in them

do you even skyr?

is fruit sugar bad?

Veggie juice, unsweetened tea, plain yogurt, add sweetener or fruit.
The good stuff is out there too, but not if you have a sweet tooth.

i mean it's still calories in the end. eat some that have fiber.

It's calorie dense and high carb. Most people limit it a lot on a weight loss diet and eat whole fruits, not juices.

>greek yogurt
this. really. It's a lot easier to avoid that shit than you think. I mean holy shit, the amount of weight I dropped simply by dropping flavored yogurts and fruit juices, goddamn! And it's not even hard. And once you get rid of the sugar, you start to taste it, and you can't stand the gigantic 30% sugar content anymore.

Sugar should have 150% taxation or something.

Brew your own tea. Most sweet tea is the lowest quality tea possible because the shitload of sugar disguises the taste.
Get yourself a high quality looseleaf tea and there's no need for sugar or milk in it.


Plain water is the beverage that fueled humans for centuries, drink as much as you want guilt free.

Stay the fuck away from anything processed. Before eating something ask yourself if you can make it at home from whole, unmodified natural ingredients.

By doing that I stay under 12g of sugar a day. Still eat carbs of course. My daily dose of sugar comes in the form of two teaspoons of honey in a cup of milk before bed, or on top of plain yogurt with oats.

>bought into the vegan meme
>never buy animal products but end up binging at least 2x/week on sugary bullshit
>eat healthy besides that but have no self-discipline around sugar and sweets
>go vegetarian instead, eat skyr, eggs, milk in oatmeal etc.
>cravings slowly get weaker
>no longer binge, fulfill sweet cravings healthily and in moderation


>sugar should be taxed

Don't you worry trump is already on it

Loaded with sugar.

Only way to go is magerquark


Beats me why people would willingly adopt an eating disorder.

That's like trying to act like a schizophrenic because you feel like it one day. It's irrational and completely against our physiology.

I make my own quark at home actually. Mommy taught me well.

It's not as bad on blood glucose I believe, I have also heard it's best to stick with non tropical fruits, apples, strawberrys, blueberrys, etc.

Fit them in your macro and forget about them.

Just wait until you get a look at the nutrients for milk.
>12 grams of sugar per cup

Fruit sugar is no different from the sugar you get from other shitty food.

It's the fiber content of fruit that slows down sugar absorption so it doesn't cause your blood insulin levels to spike like crazy. Sodas and shit don't have fiber so it causes your insulin to spike resulting in long term health issues like diabetes.

Fruit juice removes most of the fiber so while not as shitty as a soda, it isn't good to drink a lot.

Lactose is not quite the same as corn syrup or sucrose.

Everything in moderation as always.

Because in the USA the way animals are treated is horrible. It's a crime here in europe. I would also be vegan if I were in the US

>>any sweet tea: LOL amounts of sugar

Look, you can make tea sweet without dumping a shitload of sugar into it. The average American sweet tea is ridiculous, for example, a small sweet tea from McDonald's has 21g of sugar in it. That's about 5 and a half teaspoons. For a small.

yeah I used to eat a fruit yoghurt after my dinner every night before I realised I might as well have eaten a fucking mars bar or something.

unless you're a fat ass who consumes like 300grams+ a day, its energy, its calories and priority for brain function. A small amount of sugar is actually good for you as its the most easily absorbed energy

>Fruit sugar is no different from the sugar you get from other shitty food.
Fructose: GI=19
Sucrose: GI=65

Thats the exact same way I look at sodium. Even canned veggies taste like god damned salt.

Hey you dag gownit', What the frick is that black thing are you eating the eyes of a troll.

The best tea on the market imo is the Lipton Green with Citrus. Very low in calories comparably (20oz is 90 calories, an equivalent soda is 250), gives you Vitamin C while remaining still very sweet.

But I like the burn of a soda with some foods.

mushrooms u buffoon

I just had one of those quark protein yoghurts, tasted pretty meh but good macros