Is there a historical precedent for what has happened to Western men in the last 30 years?
The reduction in testosterone levels, the reduced fertility, the lack of 'vitality', what is behind this? Is it fire retardant in our furniture, xenoestrogens in the environment, our diets, too many painkillers? Have their been times before in history where weak men predominate and noone can explain why? Have their been historians who have spoken about times like this before?
I think we’re pretty much in uncharted territory op
Jason Bennett
The people who judge soyboys on here are just as feminine unironically
Samuel Reyes
Read Spengler, he actually talks about cultural syncretism and reduced fertility in advanced civilizations.
Cameron Fisher
Wasn't he incel?
Chase Ward
What the fuck They're not even smiling, just holding their mouths open
Dylan Lee
The baddest, bravest bois getting killed in war. The men are in Arlington, as Charles Manson said. Then xenoestrogens from plastic and to a lesser extent soy. Feeling like the spirit has run its course and there’s nothing to do anymore. Overintellectualisation.
Christian Butler
>weak men predominate
Daniel Jackson
DH Lawrence essentially predicted all of this with rare prescience. The sterility, insecurity, guilt, humanistic idealism, obsessieve denial and suppression of instincts and tribal thinking, overintellectualism, denial of the subconscious, pacifism, loss of masculine expression, fetishisation of and obsession with all things exotic (or minority),...
Spengler as well offers interesting views.
Word of advice; enjoy the decline because the ride won't end
Jose Roberts
Gabriel Cox
Atheism, nihilism, sexual revolution, widespread internet, loss of the “sense” of belonging (tribal instinct) that came with the modern microscopic family unit or even worse non existent ones (divorce)
Luke Hernandez
Every man wants to be more masculine than they are.
Asher Myers
Eh it'll all fix itself with another world war.
Ayden Parker
A good example of this is the entire idea of jungle fever, latin sensuality, african sexual prowess, something both the left and the right have completely internally accepted.
The sexual expression in the west has been supressed and basically outsourced to non-white, non-western peoples who are envied for their spiritual/carnal expression (their vitality essentially) no matter how primitive, superstitious or nonsensical, because we have essentially discarded our own sexual heritage. To fill the void we fetishize and idolize foreign expressions of this universal vitality
Obviously this is a generalisation, but it is a brief exposition of a sympton for which there is no cure available
David Sanders
What's the point in having all of those things in modern-day first world country, where there is no hardship, and thus no need for strength?
Michael Thomas
This. Can't wait to kill all whit*y
Camden Robinson
Parker Price
Think about how many times you've testosterone referenced in a negative context, in the media or wherever else. In fact, think about how many times you've read or heard the specific phrase "testosterone-soaked".
Like "testosterone-soaked gym culture" or "testosterone-soaked fraternity".
These people hate the very hormone that makes them men.
Jaxson Williams
fuck off with your broscience buddy
Caleb Johnson
Literally never
Kayden Foster
Google the phrase "testosterone-soaked", in quotes. Look at the multitude of contexts it shows up in.
Julian Jones
>think about how many times you've read or heard the specific phrase "testosterone-soaked". Literally never until I read your comment.
how did no one here get the right answer? its pretty much: >porn + >high speed internet
porn is highly addictive and only gets worse the deeper you go. its addiction causes many, many psychological issues and reconditioning to your brain. most relevantly to OP's post, though: >sexual dysfunction, such as PIED (Porn Induced Erectile Dysunction) and delayed ejaculation >lower arousal >lower sexual satisfaction >lower libido >confused sexuality (ex: fantasizing about being with men despite identifying as straight due to porn)