It's a Deadlift

>it's a Deadlift
>it's a Squat
>it's a one way ticket to Snap City!
Seriously who comes up with this shit and why do they do it? I mean most of these weird ass lifts were mostly invented by experienced lifters/strongmen.
>Zercher Squat
>Steinborn Squat
>Jefferson Lift

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>>it's a one way ticket to Snap City!

Prove it with evidence.

I don't see how this would snap your shit up.

did these for a while but it fucks with my ankles
great lift otherwise

it's a meme you dips

It's akin to crossfit. Trying to reinvent the wheel by making it square. He's also wearing boxing shoes, because he's mentally handicapped.

>did these
>great lift

my knees have issues and I reinjured myself multiple times doing squats on SS

experimented with hack squats and they feel fine to me and blew my mind at how neglected my upper back was

i could see people thinkng its a meme lift. jefferson probably has similar usecases

i did them because squats and deadlifts are gay as fuck like you

just looked up steinborn squat i havent laughed that hard in a long time

>why do they do it?

Because if you weren't a DYEL noob who thinks 6 months of SS makes you a lifting authority, you'd know how fucking dull training the same movements for years gets.

I don't think it's necessarily a ticket to snap-city and mechanically it's a good exercise, but lifting weight in such a manner with your trunk slightly twisted sounds bad for the spine.

Most bodybuilders are sad people who are desperate for attention and a legacy. It's why people come up with shit like the "Scooby Katana Draw Barbell Spin" and other useless movements.

You've been squatting since you were a child numbnut. It's a natural movement

this squat from the pic i saw kai greene doing on his leg day and i tried it and its fucking great for me

That's actually something I'd like to know. How the fuck does anyone who knows anything about anything come up with shit like steinborn or zerchers? (jefferson lifts look cool tho)

Are they actually any good? What do they work anyway? Are they more of a squat or a deadlift? Or does that just depend on how you decide to do them?

10 sets of 100 go

how would it be snap city?

the torso angle is more vertical than a regular deadlift or even a lowbar squat, there should be less shear on the lower back

there's much more to lifting than 4 barbell lifts that are popular due to lineage and marketing as much as effectiveness

watch some eric bugenhagen videos

drink a pot of coffee

lift whatever feels fun to you

>Snap City


>that ''fuck'' perfectly timed with the music followed by a crotch grab

It's too perfect

That man has the pepper.

Fuck I want to do them now.
Would like to know this. Which one are they most similar to? I've seen both names.

it's somewhere inbetween

there is more knee flexion than a conventional deadlift, and a more vertical torso angle (resembles a squat)

bar is still in your hands, still allows for heavy loading and taxes the lower back (resembles a deadlift)

just do them and find out if they feel good, are fun to do, and give you good results

after the first 5-6 years or maybe even a decade lifting really just becomes about finding what you enjoy doing and what produces results for you (there's a huge amount of variation in that other than just squat/bench/dead/ohp etc), or you've made it into sport specific training or you've actually become involved in PL, WL, strongman, etc

thx mane. actually just read eric's interview and he's almost convinced me to go absolute madman mode and do hack squats+jefferson lift

I mean, if you don't have access to a rack I guess it's better than not squatting, right?

They are jefferson squats. Best glut workout.

Do not go heavy. Start with the bar, concentrate really hard on form and mobility.

As get down into the bucket fight your knees trying to cave inward, and keep the contraction going throughout the lift.

Like I said best glut workout, also hits hammies a little, hips, groin. The groin will snap up if you go heavy tho. Best to do after squats or superset with squats if you can handle the volume.

You are like little baby, watch this

I've only done the jefferson diddy and the zercher squat.

Jefferson really hits the abs and obliques more than the regular diddy.

Zercher to me seems like an excellent lift to train fucking a girl while holding her or picking shit like boxes up. Really hits the abs hard too and biceps a bit.

Never done the steinborn squat cause I have a power cage

omg thats my neighbor.