How do I get rid of stomach fat? Or fix proportions in general? My legs are pretty muscular from fencing and Rugby...

How do I get rid of stomach fat? Or fix proportions in general? My legs are pretty muscular from fencing and Rugby, my arms are about average Size, but my chest back and abs gave hardly anything. What's the best way for me to at least get rid of the stomach fay, and maybe tone up my torso in general?

Pic unrelated

drink a gallon of milk everyday

>spot reduction

oy gevalt

Gallon of milk a day, or GOMAD as we call it.

Milk is full of cattle steroids, protein, and healthy fats that decreases appetite while increasing fat burning potential.

Isn't that just a method used to quickly gain weight?
Fuck I just reread my first post and realized that shit made no sense. I guess my priority is losing my belly, muscle gain can come later. How do I get rid of the belly Veeky Forums?

you cant spot reduce.

Do 50 crunches a day to burn that stomach fat and tone the abs.

Yea, keep toning and drinking lots of milk. It will help you lose all the fat in the stomach area.

Calorie deficit

Would this be essentially the 50 crunches a day? I don't browse Veeky Forums often, so I'm not quite well versed on the terms.

Is that essentially the same as the milk diet?

You can't focus your weight loss in one specific area. You have to eat at a calorie deficit of at least around 500 calories less than TDEE. Read the sticky friend.

Eat a good amount of protein from meat or shakes and fibre from vegetables whilst minimising sugary carbs. A small bowl of oats should be sufficient per day.

Then it's months of cardio + weight training. Go for hanging leg raises, russian kettlebell twists and planking but make sure your enlarged thigh muscles don't pick up the slack via bad technique or your muscular imbalance will get worse.

You should be aiming for a fairly sizeable weight loss. For men with body types with large stomachs and wiry legs/arms BMI makes no sense whatsoever and gives bad advice. In order to lose your stomach your BMI should be under (for some men significantly so) because of bad genetics.

The general theme here is that you should be doing cardio to lose weight but eating protein after working out to not lose muscle. The thinner you are, the harder it is to lose weight which is why men with pregnant body types have a hard time losing their bellies - you can be 140lbs and still look pregnant.

I should add that if your chest and abs have no strength you need to really watch out for your posture. You almost certainly have lordosis to some extent and posture correction is extremely difficult.

If your posture is bad you'll always have a belly. I was 130lbs and still looked like I was about to have twins because my spine was basically concave.

Don't listen to those other guys, they are just hazing the newbie. Do 5 sets of 30 sit ups every morning and every evening for max results. Then get my fitness pal to track calories and eat at deficit. This worked for me and I'd post pics if I weren't on my tablet

My posture has actually improved a lot lately, I think at this point it's solely the stomach fat, probably caused by my sugar filled diet. Thanks for the advice though, I'll definitely get into it!

Don't listen to this guy, he's trolling. Faggot didn't even bother to capitalize or use proper grammar

Spot reduction and toning is the way I sculpted my body to perfection.

Alright I'll give that a shot, sounds most reasonable.

All these faggots are trolling you. There is no way to spot reduce. If you want to lose fat, eat less calories than you burn. Make sure you lift too else you will lose all your muscles.

>Basically, this

cardio lifting and proper diet.

-t. fat mom

IF cardio and yohimbine

It's real, it's just very ineffcient.
Fat becomes more liquid at higher temps
Exercise makes heat
Therefore raises temps
Body is good but not perfect at keeping itself at a general temp
Therefore there will be a slightly higher percentage of fat will be used from areas that are warmer than average
I.e. spot reduction