
If test shrinks balls+dick, would no test enlarge them?

We know from history that castration during puberty makes you taller and castration anytime stops hair loss completely (or avoids it if you do it as a kid). So, that's already two pluses Veeky Forums is obsessed with.

But what about penis size? I know it sounds counterintuitive, but can low test/high est enlarge the penis/balls? See, for example, trannies, who have generally enormous cocks. If you look at bailey Jay, his penis even grew to almost twice the original size since going on female hormone.

Is there any science about this?

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True, most numale milennials i know have huge cocks, but they have no manly desire to use them or energy and independence, i would say its a bad trade off.

>We know from history that castration during puberty makes you taller

What? Source?

Test DOESN'T shrink balls and dick you moron.

Are you serious? Any source on Eunuchs talks about them being taller, a lot taller, than normal men. Only if they got castrated before puberty, of course.

Lmao, sure thing princess.

Yes it does unless you take other shit to balance it out, sorry cuck

Uh-oh! Baby roider mad at his little balls!

It's exogenous test that shrinks balls.
To make it simple: balls produce test until a determined value is reached. If you supply enough test they won't produce it and shrink.
The brain senses test levels and tells the balls to produce it or not. If you get castrated your test levels will drop and the brain will send your balls lots of signals to produce it but its requests won't be answered


same fag

>any sources on eunuchs talk about them being taller
Bet you this is a misconception of the time. What really happened was that eunuchs had severely stunted muscle growth (cos no balls) leading to them being way slender and emaciated, giving them a much lankier appearance compared to real men, but no actual height difference.

Zinc supplements and no fap make my balls "shrink" as in theyre never hanging unless i start fapping or get excessively hot they will drop before i started all this they where hangling like some 90 year old dying white haired fuck boy. So i dont know my niggas

>Estrogen enhances wound healing in the penis of rats.
> Estrogen was found to facilitate wound healing and increase vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)
>Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), originally known as vascular permeability factor (VPF),[1] is a signal protein produced by cells that stimulates vasculogenesis and angiogenesis.
>Vasculogenesis is the process of blood vessel formation occurring by a de novo production of endothelial cells.
>Angiogenesis is the physiological process through which new blood vessels form from pre-existing vessels.

tl;dr: Rats at least get better blood flow to the penis from estrogen.

>test shrinks dick
it doesn't. Balls only

Klinefelters also makes you a lot taller than normal males.

It just happens when it's cold, if you took a warm bath they'd hang loosely. Your scrotum has a layer of muscle that contracts when it's cold. This isn't your balls shrinking, it's that they're getting closer to each other and to your body.

With exogenous test they will literally become smaller, no matter what temperature

nope, test makes your balls smaller because its not being used like it should, but your dick stays the same size, maybe bigger if you lose some bf during your cycle

You're both right, everyone is different.
Test stunts growth to some extent (it doesn't mean that the shorter you are the higher your T is, kek manlets) and surely facilitates muscle growth

>Bet you this is a misconception of the time.
Well, american education.

Stay in school guys.


>trannies, who have generally enormous cocks
Stop watching porn you fucking retard.

It isn't just porn, im not OP but i once knew a transexual (pre-op) and i asked to see his penis and it was genuinely massive.

Bump. Was this ever investigated by those crazy American fetish scientists?

i've fucked at least 35 trannies, and only about 5 or 6 had average/big dicks, most were tiny, couldn't even get really hard and they barely cum anything

I didn't fuck him, im not a faggot. It was just sheer intruige and im confident enough to just ask these things. Sure i stroked it a little whilst i was working out its size and i had the courtesy to catch him finishing in my hand because it wasn't his fault i was working out the size for so long but 35, you have issues.

no, i'm really secure of my sexuality, i fucked them but said before and after no homo and they agreed with me "yeah totally no homo" i also never got fucked, sucked the biggest ones but also saying no homo


Pros and cons of being castrated (Removal of the testicles);

>Massively reduced sex drive
>Infertile (Wouldn't have to use condoms or birth control)
>Lower aggression
>Drastically reduce the risk of going bald
>Reduces risk of male sexual organ cancers
>Longer lifespan
>Less body hair
>Taller height
>Bigger genitalia

Though these benefits may seem nice, they come at too large of cons.

>Infertile (You may never reproduce; your bloodline ends)
>Massively reduced sex drive
>Non-functioning genitalia
>No feelings of aggression or competitiveness that a man requires
>Loss of a major source of dopamine release and pleasure (This will affect every area of your life that requires motivation; less dopamine equals less results in your life)
>A multitude of health conditions associated with the loss of testosterone that your body requires (Although eunuchs have lower rates of reproductive organ cancers, they suffer from a variety of other health conditions targeting other bodily systems)
>You will require testosterone shots your whole life, costing you time and money
>A large social stigma of being a castrated male
>Your body losses a lot of it's masculine functions, such as the ability to grow muscle at a fast and drastic pace, or the deepness of your voice
>Expensive procedure and illegal in most states unless you claim you're a trans

The first con is more than enough to disqualify being an eunuch for most men. One of the things I really want in this world is a loving family with beautiful children; I wouldn't throw that away just so I can keep my hair (I don't even have male pattern baldness in my genes, so get fucked).

Veeky Forums can really bring it out of the bag once in a while

not the same fag

if that semen demon on the left is a man then im gay bros

your dick technically is hanging infinitely lower than your balls

are you castrated?

>Veeky Forums

>not understanding the difference between exogenous testosterone and naturally produced.

Lel stunts muscle growth. Yes, yes that's why we castrate all of the male farm animals destined for the butcher... Wouldn't want them to be too meaty.

No, but I do know men who have been.

test shrinks balls because your balls cease to function as they did before, but dick is unchanged iirc

ok A) in rats!
B) having high estrogen kills the dick. this shit here is bullshit.