IF and not losing weight fast?

Hey guys. I weigh 300lbs on the dot. I used to work out a lot and my lowest ever was 210(I'm 6'3 and with a large build), I looked very skinny at that point and my body hated it, eventually I went to 230-240 and looked great but also felt great.

I had girl problems and let it wreck me. Now I'm trying to get back in shape but struggling really hard. I BP, DL and Squat 4 days a week and throw in accesories after doing the compounds. I also alternate with cardio every other day. I just don't seem to be losing weight on this 18/6 diet(And yes I count my calories and macros) usually around 180g or protein, 10-30g of carbs and the rest in fat and veggies for a 1500cal diet.

I used to run long distance and that made me drop weight very fast, I'd run about 3-5k each night before bed and people were always stunned at how fast I changed. I've been IF for three weeks now, it's not hard; but it doesn't seem to be as fast as my old schedule. Should I give it more time, or do I hit my old schedule of lots of running and lifting? Thanks.

You're not counting correctly.
Don't try to argue this or make excuses. You are not counting correctly.

If you were you'd be losing 2 or 3 lbs a week easily at 1500 calories, which is far too low by the way.
And no that doesn't mean your body is going in to starvation mode. That's a fucking myth. Regardless it took time for you to gain weight, it'll take time to lose it. You're looking at minimum 8 months to a year for healthy weight loss levels.

To add to this, your tdee is like 2800-3000 calories. If you were working out often and eating 1500 calories you'd be losing like 1lb every two days.
You're eating more than you think you are.

I lierally count the nutrition info off the cans of salmon/fish that I eat and add spinach to it. I've been very strict about it. I actually thought I was eating too little at first like you're saying, but I've done harder diets before and 1500 is plenty when all I eat is turkey,chicken and fish. But you're right, clearly something is wrong. It's not magic. Is it possible that my body just responds better to high volume cardio?

You're counting wrong

No. You have to be counting incorrectly. Even if you had slow metabolism the weight would fly off at least the first few weeks at 1500 calories.
Even without ANY exercise you'd be losing lbs a week. I assure you, you're counting wrong.

Add more cardio if you want. It'll help because you burn more calories and may burn more than you consume. But you should work on counting.

I'm 5'10 and started at 308lbs. At 1900 calories a day and working out 3x a week, NO CARDIO and a desk job, my first 20lbs went extremely quickly. I promise I'm not some freak of nature, it's completely normal. I'm eating at 1600 calories a day now sitting around 225lbs and still losing weight.

I agree that it must be my f-up. But I wonder also why when I used to eat less, but run more, I lot weight quickly? I mean obviously it's calories in vs calories out. But now that I'm trying to do a "slower" weight cut, I'm really struggling to see the needle move or my body change.

I'm going to cut to 1300, add an extra hour of cardio each night by walking on days I lift, and running on days I don't. I have a lot of fat on me so I'm not stressing too hard about more than preserving muscle mass.

1500 would not be slow weight loss at your height and weight. That'd be extreme. Are you using myfitnesspal?

You dont even need exercise you fatass. I've gone from 6'3 290 to 200 without doing any exercise. I literally lay in my bed or sit all day. Losing weight is so easy if you stop eating so much. It's all in your diet.

Are you counting liquids too? Like coffee, sodas etc

>1500 would not be slow weight loss at your height and weight. That'd be extreme. Are you using myfitnesspal?
I used to use mfp, but fell off the wagon with the weight gain and "having fun" with the girl. I just feel like a flipping idiot because I literally have one of the cans of salmon in-front of me and it says 130calories for half a can, and 23g of protein for half a can. And I usually eat one whole can a day with spinach or salad(No dressing) and turkey or chicken breast for dinner with spinach again. I don't get it. I upped the calories to begin with to 1500 because I was worried about "starvation mode", but remembered that not necessarily a real thing.

My diet is fucked. I'm doing something wrong clearly.

I only drink water. No juices, hate coffee and never liked sodas. I've stood on the scale everyday for the past week and it hasn't changed. I went to my doctor for a checkup on Monday and same story. 300lbs.

yeah, at 300lbs you shouldnt be worrying about starvation mode.

maybe your scale is broken? either you're lying or fucking something up or your measurements are wrong

No. My doctor weighed me on Monday and we went over my weight history. He told me to aim for 240 like last time and 220 at the lowest. I did eat these protein bars which had 250 cals each, but I finished them up two days ago and realized they're basically candy for me. And no, I only ate one when I lifted very heavy.

that promo was kino af

Use myfitnesspal again. You're not counting right, lying to yourself, or sleep-eating.

If I'm lying to myself, who is befitting? I don't mean that as an insult, but I'm just stressed out about this and feel like a crazy person. I'll DL it again and use it.

Fatties make up all kinds of excuses. That's why they're fucking fat.

Is starvation mode a real thing at all?

If so, when to worry about it? On my first cut and tryna not fuck myself.

That's a fair point. But I can discipline myself and am trying to look at the bigger picture in life now. Not qqing about girls.

IF plus 1500kcal, weight should be pouring off

With 180g protein, very well could be packing on noob gains if you are just starting in the gym. Have your lifts gone up since you started? I'd keep on doing what you are doing, take pics weekly, I'd also use myfitnesspal for the most accurate and easiest way to see your daily kcals.

No. Unless you're eating at absurd levels it isn't a thing.
300-800 calories below your tdee and you're good.

>IF at 500kcals below BMR (not below TDEE unless you work manual labour or train for a sport and burn thousands of extra calories a day from activity)
>make as much of it protein and fibre as possible
>make sure all your cardio is LISS or HIIT and do it fasted (lift fasted too if you can)
>if you have a healthy heart drink all the black coffee and 0kcal energy drinks you can without dying
>refeed once every 7-14 days with whatever carbs you want
Got me down from 98kg to 90kg from the 5th Jan to today (6'3" and ~18%bf -> ~12%bf if that helps)

I used to workout and was in pretty decent shape. My lifts obviously died in the year I didn't do anything, but they're still pretty good right now for being out of shape. I bench 1pl8, dl 2pl8 and squat 1pl8. I used to do more obviously, but whatever. I'll start taking pics too.

I feel you dude, while eating at a deficit my body responds to LISS cardio better than anything else for losing weight. Continue that deficit and get back into jogging or whatever. It'll def help.

who the fuck slices a pizza like this?!

and do you think u will hold that weight over a long time?

Have you been pooping regularly? Do you think you're holding more water? Have you checked other things, like waist size, besides just weight?

Plan is to hover around 89-92kg for a month or so, do a bulk with 25mg/day of mk-677 until I get to 100kg (or go above 18%bf whichever comes first) then shred down to 8-10% alternating between using ECA+yohimbine for 2 weeks and using clen for 2 weeks with the same diet principles etc as the cut I just did except without extra caffeine (might drink 1 or 2 energy drinks a day whilst on clen for the taurine and appetite suppression but that's it) and using lower glycemic load carbs for refeeds

mk-677 for bulk? thought its better for cutting and lgd for bulk.... using ostarine right now and yohimbine for cutting

the ghrelin spike from mk677 makes it borderline impossible for anything other than a bulk unless you run it with something like ECA and T3

>my body didn't like it!
>i am not my body