Hey guys is the anit-smoking jew real?

hey guys is the anit-smoking jew real?

my life feels a lot better when I'm smoking vs when I'm trying to quit... I think this is jewish media trying to trick me into being more miserable.

what's your take?

plz help I really want to go buy a pack it's been 6 days

Quit smoking if you want abs.
Keep smoking if you are going for high test bearmode.

What would Jews gain by getting you to quit smoking?

i think you might be onto something......!

i'm gonna go buy a pack of cigarettes, i hope you'll join me op. let's stick it to the jews.

are you serious?

people who don't smoke:
1.) live slightly longer (more time to produce money for the machine)

2.) tend to buy more snack food, and they get more of the profits since it's not taxed heavily by the state

3.) obesity (far more likely in a non-smoker) fuels medical cost far greater than smoking related illness, leading the more money for the medical jew than smoking

i could go fucking on and on

Well in that case you have Jews on both sides of the battle so you might as well either pick the Jews you prefer

>Jewish lie
>Hitler ran the first anti-smoking campaign
>Jews would lose money if you quit
Make your choice.

why not kill yourself then?

Really it's up to you man, some people die from smoking some people don't. If that's a gamble you want to take why the fuck would any of us care?

i dunnno man I just really want to smoke but am having trouble finding a reason not to smoke

everytrhing feels like a lie, u know?

no man smoking is great

i just love the taste of the tobacco and chemicals and i love it in my lungs and i love the buzz it feels great. i'm not going to stop smoking ever and neither should you its good

>Justifying your addiction by saying you don't like trying to stop
>literally fucking circular logic

replace tobacco with weed and buzz with high and im telling the truth

Chad smokes. If you don't smoke you're a beta incel cope.

that being said fuck off to where this thread belongs

nah not him but the weed high is too strong. can't control my brain

>obesity (far more likely in a non-smoker)

lmao no. ex-smokers maybe. But not non smokers.

Anyway, OP, the reason you think your life is better with smoking is because you have an addiction, you have made life without nicotine feel miserable because it is you in a state of withdrawal from a drug.

this is basic information about addiction.
Its the same with heroin, alcohol, anything. When you're addicted to something, life feels worse without it.

What if I grew up smoking, should I still try to quit while my adult life is just beginning?

I started smoking at 12, and I've been smoking every day since then to now, 22yo...

I probably should not be trying to quit until I'm at least 40-50 right? I don't think I could handle it.

Get a vape.

Its easy if you have the right mindset.
Read Allen Carr's Easyway to stop smoking.

I started when I was 13 and quit at 23, smoked 20-30 a day by the time I quit.

hmm would you agree that you shouldn't quit smoking until your personal life is stabilized?

Depends on what your goals are at the moment. I am just lifting to stay in shape, and smoking doesn't stop me from doing that so I smoke occasionally.

Smoking does literally nothing to improve the stability of your personal life.

All it does is remove the withdrawal that your addiction causes.
90% of the addiction is in your head, and if you have the correct means to deal with that happily (something the book I mentioned addresses brilliantly) then you will not struggle to stop smoking.

The physical aspect of quitting smoking is nothing hard to deal with. Caffeine addiction has worse physical withdrawal.

Don't start smoking. You think waking up and needing to smoke is okay? You feel good because you feel shitty when you don't. And yeah you feel a bit more relaxed during, but the trade-off is insane.

Nothing like seeing people feening for a cigarette and blowing a shitload on it every day.

the correct term you were looking for is mouth fedora!

Why does smoking kill abs?

well for me it always feels like my core is less firm whenever I am finished with a cigarette. Don't know why tho

Vaping is shit and puts a band-aid on the problem.

okay but if you're dealing with 3+ pending problems in your personal life right now, why would one consider quitting?

I think you're shilling that book, did you write it?