Help bros how do I get rid of pimples for good. I literally just turned 18 I shouldn't have any by now right?

Help bros how do I get rid of pimples for good. I literally just turned 18 I shouldn't have any by now right?

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Be older


Acne doesn't magically stop when you turn 18. Learn how to take care of your skin.

Consume less sugar, wash your face morning and night, dont touch your face with your disgusting fingers, and wash your pillow cases often

You can have acne up until any age. Its all to do with oil glands. I'm 22 and I only very occasionally get acne around my mouth if I have junk food. If my diet is clean my skin is usually clean. But your solution should be go to a dermatologist and get prescribed Roaccutane. Problem solved. I went on Roaccutane when i was 16 and it solved my problem aside from like the occasional pimple.

Clean up your diet and wash your face often.

Acne doesn't just appear for no reason, find the cause and eliminate it.

Acne's stubbornness depends on the individual. For most, diet and cleanliness is enough, but it took a round of accutane to sort mine out after a bunch of other prescribed shit.

Keep trying all the home remedies and see a dermatologist to get the medication process going.

Protip: home remedies are unproven and highly particular to the individual whereas accutane has a ridiculous success rate if you can hack the side effects

1) don't ask fit
2) don't get disheartened that the only advice you get is shit you've been doing since you started getting it - people will assume you're stupid
4) tough it out until your hormones go away

Accutane. Took it two years ago. I'm 19 now and get 0 pimples. Tried doing a lot of shit before that like changing pillow case daily, using facial cleanser and moisturizer, no dairy. Nothing worked so I just took the easy but painful way out.

>just consume less heroin bro its easy

stop touching your face throughout the day. i never had bad acne but would break out and its all but stopped once i consciously made myself stop touching my face. its a filthy world that your hands interact with and then you mash all that crap onto your face and plug them pores up/irritate them.

if you don't care about your health, just poison yourself with accutance like all the other chums in this thread

but hey anything required to make yourself look good now and not care about its short term and long term side effects

You don't have enough acne to use accutane(imo). I recommend 10% benzoyl peroxide cream. Look into it it got rid of my acne completely. This is the first thing ur doctor will recommend btw

Go to the doctor or dermatologist. I had awful acne until like 5 months ago when I go minocycline and retin-a cream prescribed. Now I almost never get cysts and the zits I do get are small.

great lips, I don't have any advice though

wash face 2x a day
apply salcylic acid cream 2x a day
change pillow case 2-3x a week

Roaccutane will work wonders for acne but I'd think hard about how much it bothers you because it will give you other stuff to deal with; very dry skin etc.

Lurk here, it has great tips for acne.

They know more about skincare than your average dudebro that doesn't even wash his far and the r9kfags on on Veeky Forums.

If you go to a derma you'll probably be prescribed some sort of topical anti-acne cream, most likely Epiduo or some shit.
Your acne doesn't seem serious enough for oral retinoids.

>I recommend 10% benzoyl peroxide cream.

Studies have shown 2.5% BP is as effective as 10%, without the shitty side effects.

I got the same problem. Tried proactive and it dried my shit out like crazy. What acne soap should I use?

They will all dry out your skin if there is benzoyl peroxide in there
Most acne treatments will

You've got to moisturize after you apply the stuff, it's good for your skin, anyway. Just find one that wont clog your pores

It will fuck off eventually be patient

Yeah, was using Roaccutane at the age of 16 or 17 for about 6 months. I had much more problematic skin then you have user. Scars after acne stayed, which made me fucking angry, but after time I stopped caring about them. Also it's been 5 years and girls never gave shit about it, so you're good. My current gf of 2.5 years brought it up and said she likes it lol. Even if you will have any, after time it should dissappear. Good luck user

Go to a dermatologist, ask about tetracycline. Accutane is for severe acne, most likely there won't be need for it.
>tfw 30 and on accutane again

Don't use medicated creams (Clearasil, Proactiv, etc. ) many of them contain ingredients that actively dry out your skin and cause your skin to overproduce oils with a delay. This is done in purpose so you get the immediate result, but then you must keep buying their product like a good goy.

Cut down on dairy, eat more oils and unsaturated fats, more dietary fiber, drink more water, and get lots of sleep. Also cutting down on processed foods and simple sugars works wonders.

Good luck user. It's not an easy fix to change your lifestyle but the benefits outweigh the short term discomfort. Don't be a sucker to Pharma

You can fade "scars" if you really want to tbqh.

If it's discolorations (hyper-pigmentation), shit like Vit C serums and AHAs work wonders if you're patient.