That first rewarding sip after meal prep

>that first rewarding sip after meal prep

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Break a leg.

why is your food on the floor?

americans are generally disgusting and have no sense of culture/ethics/morals/hygienics

he spent all his money on sips

>he doesnt have Veeky Forums doggos

its still hot, and I don't have much space on my kitchen table...

>"meal prep"
>puts all his food on the filthy floor
OP is a filthy animal

yeah, what about it?

>Eating leftovers all day every day
Why do you dumb shits do this? You're almost guaranteeing that you cheat on your diet with some shit food-substitute like McDonalds this way, eating stale tasteless old leftovers all the time. You should be cooking your meals FRESH every time, with fresh ingredients, and eating while it's still hot, not after it's been sitting in the refrigerator or freezer for days and days, then thrown into a microwave, like some shitty burrito from a convenience store. Seriously, you guys have no idea what you're doing.

>falling for the meal prep meme

so you have private chefs? or ur just neets who dont have anything to do all day?

people have 0 cooking skills, they think cooking everyday will take them fucking hours and hours, they eat like shit cause they're not even trying

>a coherent human being on this board
wew lad

I work 10 hours a day

Boys boys boys. This here is a sip thread. You don't have to leave, but I will need you to take a sip if you're going to hang around.

Full time physically active job and i cook my breakfast, pack my lunch, and cook my dinner when i get home and leave time to go to the gym/relax at night. here's the protip; Don't be a lazy fuck in the morning. wakeup a bit earier, have that extra cup of coffee and get ready for the day.

>being this bad at time management
Grow up, sonny

Yeah, right? Seriously, how hard is it to grill some chicken breast and steam some vegetables? We're not talking about a 7-course banquet for a dozen people, we're talking about munitions-quality, basic nutritious food, which by the way can be made tasty without spending hours doing it. These children of Veeky Forums need to get their mothers to show them basic kitchen skills.

So do I, some days even more than that, and I never eat leftovers. You're just lazy.

looks like you steamed some veggies and scrambled some eggs?

>no room on table for 9 small containers.
user is you table a 2'x2' square?


No, I just have a dog I need to walk, a gf to spend time with, and other hobbies I would rather do than make my lunch every single day. I have no issue eating leftovers.

Post your 9 cats, OP


yeah but why? there is literally no benefit, only when you care about the taste, and yes i rather trade time for taste. i dont give a fuck if the chicken tastes a bit less.

and about time management, prepping your food IS time management.

>his 'girlfriend' doesn't cook for him
>he doesn't cook for his 'girlfriend'
You know waifus aren't real, right?

Dog i need to walk, Wife i need to spend time with, errands that need to be ran, hobbies to do, things to fix, this and that. dude. the list is endless, treat yourself with a nice fresh meal. you have the time to do it, just to lazy to realize it

She cooks dinner once in awhile, but I don't rely on other people like a child.

>i dont give a fuck if the chicken tastes a bit less
>t. low quality of life
Why are you depressed, user? Do you lift just to try to make the FEELS go away?
>you're now thinking of HER

.5 kek

Why wouldn't you care about taste? I fucking love food and I love eating. It's one of the last things in life I'm going to jew about.

My nice fresh meal is dinner. On my days off I cook decent meals, but I have 20 minutes to eat my lunch at work. I don't really care about the taste I just want the fuel.

apparently you cant even really rely on yourself.

Would you care to explain to us how a waifu pillow, which has no arms and isn't alive, can cook meals for you?
>t. delusional

so if you dont care if the chicken tastes a bit better your depressed? im not depressed how would you deduct that out of not caring about the taste of chicken. its one thing out of the whole day. breakfast is fresh, meal 2/3/5 are all fresh, except the damn chicken and rice from meal 4. yeah so depressed.

Nobody said anything about lunch. Most people work and unless you're some fatass who eats lunch out every day, you're eating a sandwich or something you brought to pop in the microwave. But eating cold dried-out leftovers for dinner every night? LOL that's pathetic.

But I do, by prepping my meals on sunday.

OP you are taking the b8 so hard


>dinner tastes like dried-out cold wet cardboard

Yeah I don't do that unless I made a big batch of stew or chili or something along those lines. I do enjoy at least one well prepared meal a day.

why is that pathetic, how is the temperature and humidity level of the food ur eating a factor in how pathetic you are? i do get it, its kinda sad, but i cant think of WHY though.

Well now that's totally different, chili is actually one of the few things that tastes better after it's been in a covered container in the 'fridge for a few days, seriously there's chemical reactions ('aging') that's going on. I've made crock-pot chili and it always tastes even better after 2-3 days. But chicken and veggies and shit like that? LOL no, just gets all dried out and tasteless. Things like that should be cooked fresh every time.

Let me guess: you were raised on hot dogs, Spaghetti-O's, and frozen shit thrown in the microwave; mom didn't cook. Was she a single parent? Hooker, maybe?

That's his counter top you manlet.

Yeah chili is seriously one of the best meals for a lifter imo.
>make a big ass batch that you can eat over a few days
>it just keeps tasting better every time
>all those macros from the meat and beans
And I pretty much stopped buying boneless skinless chicken breasts. It's awful. When split chicken breasts are on sale though I swipe them up and follow this recipe

Totally wrong. still didnt hear a reason why its sad?

>being this deep in denial
Why don't you tell us where the FEELS hurt you, user?

Jesus OP you gotta stop taking the bait.

im not OP, and what bait?

my current feels are being cucked out of oneitis for a second time. got over her the first time, she told me she really liked me some time ago after a few years of not seeing her, she backed of a week later because i handled the situation wrongly i guess.

but that has literally nothing to do with not caring about microwave chicken.

plus i shorted EUR/GBP but it keeps rising.