Major Calorie Deficit

Probably ate 3500 calories a day for the last ten years until I decided to get my fat ass sober and back in shape. Quit smoking and drinking at the start of the year.

Ate a thousand calories yesterday and 650 so far today. Feels good man.

What are the best tasting low calorie foods that aren't vegetables and sugary fruits? I don't want some google results 'top 10' bullshit, I want the straight dope.

I've got a bowl full of steamed carrots for dessert....that should get me to around 800 calories for the day.

Basically I'm looking for foods that don't have jack shit in them to fill up my gut, like rice cakes or some shit.


Sounds good bro, how long have you been doing this

I need this kind of diet as I am really fat

Remember too that losing weight is about changing your health and diet for the rest of your life.

If you do nothing but eat rice cakes, you may lose weight, but you risk losing morale and quitting the diet.

Don't be afraid to have actual meals with steak and ribs and such, just do it in a way that maintains a decent deficit.

Oh believe me, I'm gonna have some fucking meat. This is a major life change event thingamajig type deal and I'm sick of not fitting into my clothes and I refuse to buy bigger clothes anymore.

I'm no stranger to lifting but I've started and quit like 5 times in my life, work or some shit always gets in the way. I may just buy my own weights this time around.

These steamed carrots aren't half bad.

What that other dude is trying to say is youre gonna feel like shit eating at that much of a deficit. Gotta make sustainable changes/habits. Your deficit shouldnt be more than 500-700 below tdee

just hop on the rfl diet. been on about 1k calories of pure protein and maybe 20 g fat/carbs for the past 16 days. gonna do 40 days, and maintain for 2 weeks to balance my metabokism before bulking again.
lost about 12 lb in 2 weeks kek

Sorry mate, fiberous vegetables are your only path for low calorie AND highly filling. Personally I enjoy plain celery sticks. Also, be sure to check what your minimum amount of calories you need to consume per day, otherwise your body is going to fuck you by tightly holding on to your weight like a jew with a coin purse.

No vegetables or fruit? Ain't gonna make it low calorie if you don't figure out how to make them every possible way.

just go to 1200isplenty


I'll check it out.

I'm not going no veggie, but when you search for low calorie foods that's about all that pops up. Just looking for food ideas.

Bran is basically the only optimal kind of grains for cutting. Wheat bran of course better than oat, but I find a mix of them both is great for breakfast.

Just an absurd amount of fiber. Unsweetened dark chocolate also great.

Edamame, celery, and spinach are my favorite low calorie bulk. But if you are seeking to feel full you should try soylent. It works wonders for me. I usually blend up in the morning two scoops soylent powder(500cal), two scoops of water, one cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk(30cal), and two cups of frozen fruit (60-200cal) i get at walmart fav is a berry mix with kale. I can drink on it throughout most of the day and it keeps me feeling full, legit, throughout my entire weightloss even when I weighed 320lbs and could easily eat two medium pizzas in one sitting. I usually have that 750cal shake throughout the day with lots of water and eat something balanced for dinner, but some days I'm lazy and just make a half "shake" for dinner. I eat shit and drink on weekends. It's really easy to lose weight when you feel physically full, the kind of full that you can't eat or drink more, which I rarely felt when fat and through bulk of cutting.I'm female though, so you might want to eat more in a day than I do.

>320 lbs
>recommending testosterone killing soy

this is bait, right?

And when I say balanced for dinner I mean 500-700cal in small portions of various foods, I really like Japanese home cooking.

Listen to this user, he gets it. Losing weight (and keeping it low) is a life style, hence, why most people that went on a "diet" usually gets fat sooner or later.

Eat healthy and exercise often = profit.

Eating low calories per day like what you're doing is bad, you're not getting enough nutrients.

Well no. I like soy. A lot of soy hysteria appears equal in idiocy as people who use black salve to cure their "cancer". But do what you please, I'm just providing my method of weightloss that worked better than just cutting on veg at first.

How much do you weigh now and are you still trying to lose weight?

If I had 100 grams worth of protein powder (60 w/ milk 40 w/water) and another 90 in chicken fish and broccoli will I be fucking up?

I got my deficit and correct protein amount

don't be retarded and read the sticky you fat fuck

>250+ lbs
>1000-1200 cal/day
>3 days later "Veeky Forums why do i feel like shit?"

why is this such a common thing here? are people that come to this site really this fucking retarded? eating below your bmr for extended periods of time and wondering why you feel like dog shit and can't maintain a diet?

so eat a little more until you don't feel like shit?