/Cooking General/

Get in here you fags, eating good food is half the battle.

What are you guys favorite meals? I usually prefer healthy protein rich food thats easy to make.

Here is one I often make:
>Warm up first pan on medium-warmth and give it a bit of butter
>Put frozen salmon 'steak' on pan
>Give pepper and salt
>Turn it once every 1-3 minutes for about 10 minutes
>Once done and put on your plate, add some Blue Cheese Mayo Spice.
At the same time
>Warm up second small pan on medium warm and give it a little bit of butter
>Chop up and mince some garlic, put it in the frying butter. Stir around a littler bit.
>Put as much spinach in the pan as you feel like
>Stir around passively to make sure the frozen spinach is completely thrawed
>Keep stirring around
>Recommended: Add some salt and various spices, experiment with what you like. Spinach can taste a bit bland after many portions, so feel free to use it as a base for taste to spice up. It works wonders due to the way it 'fries' in the buttery and garlic infused pan.

Takes 10 minutes in total to make, as the spinach tends to be done first, and it can sit and cool down just enough for when the salmon is done.

Other urls found in this thread:


Bumping with Second recipe:

>Butter Pan
>High warmth
>Take Chicken breas and cut them out in either cubes or stringes, anything that increases surface area
>Get Steak Rub / Steak Spices / Grill Spices (Anything works) and cover that shit in it. Give it a bit of salt if you feel like its needed
>Give it 30-1min of high warm, turn down to medium afterwards until its cooked all the way through. This depends on how thick your pieces are, so try your way ahead to find the balance. Don't be scared of taking anything off the pan and cutting it in 2 just to see if its done.
>Enjoy your protein and taste bomb.

>parents always cooked for me
>move out
>tell myself I'll finally learn how to cook
>roommate is Italian and cooks like a god
>other roommate is a decent cook as well
>I happily accept my role as dishwasher
>tfw they are both away for a week
I am surviving on soup, bread and pizza. Help

What is the best advice you could give to someone learning to cook?

What kind of tools would you recommend?

How would you rid a kitchen of german cockroaches?

For the past 4 months, my mother and brother have been fucking disgusting leaving food out in the kitchen and not finishing it letting the creatures have free meals and now we've got this shit.

I want to exterminate it but at this point, I want to move out since they have no sense of self-control with hygiene.

Fucking kill me on second thought, I don't want to live anymore.

Move out bruh. You don't want to live a life of always having to clean up after those disgusting people.

>What is the best advice you could give to someone learning to cook?

Look up online for meals to just copycat, do it for a while until you feel comfortable experimenting. Don't just look for cookbooks either, sometimes finding a social media post by some rando can be an amazing experience, since they often came up with it themselves by experimenting.

Also, don't be scared of calling your parents if one or both of them is an amazing cook.

I often look for healthy things to make food out of first, then find out good ways to cook it later.

>What kind of tools would you recommend?
I have an extremely basic kitchen. I got kind of a bias here, since my brother spends a fuckton of kitchen utensils, while I prefer to just have the absolute basics.
My mindset is often How often will I use it vs. How much space and money will it take up.

A good artist only really needs a pencil and paper to make amazing art.
The Amateur tends to overfill his living space with tools thinking it will make him good.

For example, I don't own a garlic mincer.
Instead, I peel it, and crush it with the side of my knife, then cut it a bit, crush it (If needed), cut it again. If done right yous should get a good paste and no loss of precious garlic.

>How would you rid a kitchen of german cockroaches?
Incorporate them in your meals for easy free protein bruh

victorinox fibrox 8 in knife and a honing steel, a stainless steel bowl and a cutting board if you don't already have one
look up recipes online at first and experiment
alternatively go work at a kitchen and poach their recipes for yourself

>realized im disgustingly fat when i got on a scale
>started cooking for myself
>been eating oats 1 cup of rice 2 chicken breast and a bag of microwave vegetables everyday for the past 2 weeks
>get occasional hungers

should i divide the meals up into 4 instead of 2 or should i add a snack like steamd vegetables in the mix

>tfw italian and can barely cook pasta


Fellow itaian here. ask family for recipes. its when youlll realize italians dont measure shit and its something you just need to learn. Accept your mistakes and learn from them just like anything else. I literally burnt a pot of just water once because i was such a bad multitasking cooker (Meaning the water all evaporated and i scorched the pan).

Just practice. I can now duplicate my family recipes just knowing the base ingredients on memory of taste alone.

>german roaches

its easy, just shut the borders

Your mistake is this.
>>tell myself I'll finally learn how to cook

When it should have been this.
>finally learn how to cook

You've got access to the internet. It has most of humanities knowledge there ripe for the picking - including cooking. Be a man and use that resource to better yourself and make your life easier/better. You can do it.

Eat as much vegetables as you want, bro. Just don't fall into the trap of dipping them into ranch or something and it's basically free food. Plus that fiber and micronutrients.

Eating right is just like training right: HAVE A FUCKING PLAN. If you don't have a plan, you're going to end up giving into whatever fucktarded instincts that make every other monkey get fat and dumb.

For dinner, my plan is simple: I have a protein portion, a carb portion, and big ass pile of steamed or sauteed vegetables. Last night I made polenta, thin sliced pork chops breaded in seasoned panko breadcrumbs and fried, and steamed kale. Pic related.

Replying to myself, because no one is here right now.

Here's my breakfast today: Two medium sized potatoes and one onion prepared as home fries. 3 scrambled eggs with a negligible amount of sharp cheddar cheese, and four pieces of bacon. I fried the potatoes in a little bit of leftover bacon grease, which makes them good.

Normally my breakfast is whole grain toast instead of home fries, and no meat, but it's the weekend.

Here u go bras

Don't fall for this, it tastes disgusting. Seriously, don't cook canned tuna. This is prison-tier.

literally has no nutrients

Wrong. Kale is full of fucking vitamins, and it's better to get your vitamins from whole natural foods than from pills. It's also got a lot of dietary fiber, which aids your digestion. Kale contains a lot of potassium. It has a not-insignificant amount of plant fats, which are extremely good for you (think avocado).

You are wrong. Stop being wrong, and eat a fucking vegetable.

I really should take a pic of it for posterity.

I get about 1kg Beef Joint, and stab holes all around it with a fork.

I make the seasoning from 3 teaspoons of Chopped Garlic in Marinade, 2-3 teaspoons of soy sauce, 2-3 teaspoons of olive oil, 3 teaspoons of beef seasoning, 2 teaspoons of all purpose seasoning, and 1.5-2 teaspoons of paprika. Mix that up, and rub it into the meat very thouroughly. If possible, let it marinade overnight, but it's not necessary.

After that, I put the meat in the slowcooker, and get the bowl I seasoned it in, pour some water in, and get the excess seasoning mixed in with the water, and pour that around the meat in the slow cooker, making sure not to wash off the seasoning on the meat. Then I leave it on low for about 8 hours.

Best beef I've ever eaten in my life. I usually eat half of it with a pack of 280g Veetee Basmati rice at a time since I'm a greedy mf. I also pour some of the juice on the rice to add some flavour to it.

Total macros, including the two packs of rice -

Carbs - 136g

Fat - 78g

Protein - 226g

Calories - 2190

As a side note, I keep the leftover liquid after cooking, seal it, refrigerate it, and use it the next time I cook it, for extra flavour.

NEVER gonna make it

I use canned albacore, tastes less poisonous as other poster said.
I also add in dijon and lemon juice.

The problem is the picture has flour in it but not the recipe. Yeah they are horrible.

Am i the only one not bothering that much with cooking ?

I mean most of my meals are either a pound of chicken breast thrown on some olive oil in a pan with rice and veggies or whole wheat pasta with beef patties and tzatziki as sauce/dip

The whole cutting garlic/onions/whatever just takes too much time

One can make serious gains while eating schnitzel, my friend.

just cook man it's not hard. just start easy.

Pan fry some chicken, sautee some spinach with it and have get the cheap microwavable rice to go with it. Boiling rice is easy too.

Check out some youtube videos if you want to learn to cook something a bit more complicated. There's not really any skill involved, you just need patience.

you could cheat with garlic and onion powder... but I love having it fresh.

If you do it enough times it will only take you a couple mins to chop and onion and slice a clove of garlic.


Watch that youtube for the GOAT method to dice onions

The only thing it seems to have going for it is that it's a way to get people to eat canned tuna without mayo. But a little mayo won't kill you (stop being autistic). I like to chop up a pickle and drizzle a little pickle juice in with canned tuna. You can also use mustard to give it a little more flavor and cut some of the dryness without using mayo.

At Whole Foods (fuck you) they sell a high quality mayo called Sir Kensington's. You don't need to use as much of it as Hellmanns.

Chicken and vegetable soup, chicken fillet with mashed potatoes, chicken fillet with rice, I don't know how to say it but ripped chicken strings with tomato sauce and rice/spaghetti, mostly rice. Sometimes I also eat various kinds of chicken breast with bread. If I'm cutting sometimes I'll replace a meal with milk.

Honestly, I really like chicken. It's so cheap, tasty and can be prepared in so many different ways.

I got two meals for you guys, and if I can cook it, anyone can

Chili the Easy Way
Chop half an onion and a couple cloves of garlic, add them to your HUGE pot in oil
After a minute of cooking, add your ground beef (I use 1/2lb, 85% lean, but that's because ground beef is expensive where I live, feel free to do 2 lbs 98% lean or w/e)
Cook for maybe 5-6 mins, until everything is cooked
Add half a can of pasta sauce, I use Four Cheese sauce (this is how you get flavor without actually doing any work)
Add 1 can of diced tomatoes, I add the juice in the can too
Add 1 can of your favorite beans (rinsed)
Add chopped green peppers
Add corn
Add a generous amount of chili powder
Leave it on high heat for a few mins of boiling to soften your beans, then reduce to a low heat and simmer for up to an hour.

Serve with cheese, add cream cheese if you're bulking. Anything can be swapped for fresh if you want.

Mac and Cheese
Put your macaroni in the pot
Add chicken broth until the mac is just barely covered
Boil for 5-7 mins
Add heavy whipping cream (maybe 20-30% cream to broth)
Add in a generous heaping of low-skim mozzarella (amazing macros)
Keep stirring
Salt and pepper and cayenne pepper powder.

Drink a protein shake to even out the macros (but mozzarella cheese is amazing macros for cheese, srs) or add some sliced chicken or tuna if you really have to be a gay faggot about the protons

Jesus, these recipes are fucked up. Heavy whipping cream? Four cheese pasta sauce in chili? I'm with you on mozzarella having decent macros, but what the fuck, man?

>A good artist only really needs a pencil and paper to make amazing art.

When my dad forced me to take golfing lessons the teacher told me that the mark of a professional was that the professional was able to use any club to make any shot, eg. one should be able to make a 30 yard chip with a 5 iron.

But we are not professionals, I've actually found that as a bad chef the only way I can make somewhat decent food is if I absolutely do not try any funny shit and just stick to the recipe. Once I start going off on my own tangent and making substitutions is when shit really starts fucking up

I was like you but eventually realised that cooking is a potentially a really pleasurable experience. Put some good tunes, pour a glass of red wine and just chill out and make some tasty food.

I went from barely being able to make toast to cooking delicious and healthy meals every night in a few months. It's almost like meditating at this point. It's very relaxing once you're comfortable with it.

As for what I cook it's basically all Mediterranean stuff so very healthy and with the right spices is tasty too. Just look up the foods that make up that style diet and as long as you don't stray you'll get the benefit.

Plus if you can whip up a competent pasta dish it's a guaranteed fuck if you have a girl over. A bit of red wine and their pussies swell.

This guy fucks.

Seriously, cooking can be extremely enjoyable. Once you transition from eating prepared processed foods to whole natural foods, and you get interested in experiencing different flavors, you start to get off on it more and more. It also gives you the ability to have absolute control of what goes into your body, which is just as important, if not more important, than what you do in the gym.

I also think that eating the same foods, or very simple foods all the time, is a good way to get burnt out from eating right. Guys who eat a pile of rice with some canned tuna and ketchup sprayed all over it, maybe they just don't like food, but I don't think it's a sustainable way to hit your macros for years on end. You'll eventually fall off. Your mental won't be there.

I think there's different naming conventions for cream, my box says heavy whipping cream but it's just heavy cream which is also called pure cream in some places

And all grocery store pasta sauce tastes the same desu, typically recipes call for tomato puree, but why add tomato sludge when you can add tomatoes sludge + a bunch of seasoning for the same price. I mean, I'm clearly going the lazy route of all canned food instead of fresh so might as well go all the way.

>all Mediterranean stuff
Where do you get reasonably priced lamb meat?

I'm pretty familiar with heavy cream/heavy whipping cream; it's the same thing. It's good in coffee. Let's say I'm followng your recipe and using half a cup of heavy cream to two cups of broth, the way you recommended. That's more than 400 calories, almost all of them from fat. That's insane, and I haven't even gotten into detail about the fat from the cheese and the broth. This meal you're describing is mostly fat. Why?

I had to get up and look in my fridge to make sure lmao, you're right about the calories in whipping cream it's pretty steep at 50 cals of all fat in 1 tablespoon, but your serving size is off I think

Last time I made mac and cheese I had just enough to fill me up (and I'm 200 lbs), and I used a little less than 1 of pic related (8 fl oz)

That would leave me with only like 2.4 ish tablespoons of cream which is an added 120 calories of fat in a meal. I don't really count the breakout of fat/carbs I just do total protein / total calories and aim for 10g protein per 100 cals, which obviously I don't reach here as only the cheese even has that high a ratio. That's why I said drink whey separately or add in chicken or tuna. Secondly, 10g/100cals is overkill as I'm not even trying to get bigger so 200g protein/2000 cals is way too much.

What you're describing is not as bad as I originally thought, so I guess you're doing less than a 5:1 broth to heavy cream ratio, but I would probably use whole milk mozzarella and whole milk instead of heavy cream and skim mozzarella. Heavy cream is pretty damn expensive and you'll probably end up with the same amount of creaminess.

Made these the other day and they were fine. I used the oven instead of a pan, left out the salt, added some lemon and served with yoghurt.

>What are you guys favorite meals?

Not my favorite but the one I make most often. It isn't fancy but it's a ton of food and very satiating.

Seitan loaf and roasted potatoes.

1/2 cup vital wheat gluten
2 tbsp nutritional yeast
1 tbsp of your favorite barbecue sauce
1 tsp garlic powder
1 tsp onion powder
1 tsp rosemary
1 tsp sage
1 tsp soy sauce

vegetable broth is preferred but you can use water


2 Medium size red skin potatoes
1 tsp rosemary
1 tsp garlic powder
sprig of thyme
salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 425 F

In a large bowl mix all of the seitan ingredients adding in both little by little until you get a very firm and doughy consistency. Put the seitan into a bread pan and pour in broth until 1/2 of the way submerged. Dice up potaoes into quarter chunks and add seasoning. Use a foil lined baking dish for potatoes and spray with cooking spray. Potatoes will take roughly 30-35 minutes and seitan may take another 10 or 15. Take the seitan and potatoes out when both are golden brown. Let seitan rest and slice into 1/4 inch pieces.

635 calories
58g protein
56g carbs
3g fat

Interesting...I took the recipe from a friend, and she used cheddar cheese, I just swapped cheese to try and improve it, maybe after I'm done with this bag I'll try that. I need something to use up my milk faster anyways, thanks m9

> take a pan on medium heat
> put in a bunch of shaved coconut and stir until lightly toasted
> put some coconut oil in the same pan
> cook 2 tilapia filets in the oil for several minutes
> when you flip them to cook the other side, cover in the toasted coconut
> Once the fish is cooked, top with some type of fruit salsa (I used pineapple salsa)
> serve with a light spinach salad

Takes 15-20 minutes total, fairly easy but looks ridiculously impressive. I got laid using this meal.

Thanks for the recipe. I don't like fruit salsa but I'm sure there are dressings one could use.

coq au vin
bbc good food style but no brandy and only use thighs or legs at a time, not both.
dinner for the week

Life on easy mode
>slice and pan fry around 2 ounces of turkey sausage
>start warming another pan to med-high heat
>scramble 1 whole egg with 3 additional egg whites
>prepare a salad of freshspinach and half a sliced avocado
>leaves you full AF at meal prep 4lbs of Boneless Skinless chicken breasts, with two differet marinades
>marinade one: Rice vinegar, Teriyaki sauce, sesame oil, dark mushroom soy sauce, and a few tea spoons of brown sugar, in a ziploc with 2lbs of chicken
>marinade two: Balsamic vinegar, olive oil,2 cloves of chopped garlica little bit of Worcestershire sauce, a little bit of dijon mustard, then throw every herb you can find in this bitch, I usually have a lot of oregano parsley and thyme, prep in a ziploc with two pounds of chicken
>grill all that glorious meat
> usually have one breast for lunch and one for dinner
>eat with a salad of fresh spinach and carrots
>assuming 8oz per breast, about 400 cals each meal with 60g of protein

Postworkout Dessert
Usually post workout I just have two scoops of whey after workout but on days I'm craving sugar I make this easy concoction
>put one scoop of flavored whey (Peanut butter is by far the best for this, but it's been great with chocolate vanilla, and strawberry flavors)
>add a splash of water just to get the whey wet, don't want to completely dissolve it
>Add 1 cup of greek yoghurt (Fage is my preferred brand, least sour imo) and some DARK chocolate chips (pref brand Ghirardelli, but bakers chocolate is good too)
>stir vigorously until uniform texture, too much water in the whey makes it too soupy so its better to start off with too little water
>comes out to about 350 calories and 50g of protein while satiating a sweet tooth

>What are you guys favorite meals?

1 Meat + 1 Grain + 2 Veg

Good combos:
>Chicken + Rice + Mushrooms & Corn
>Turkey + Quinoa + Cauliflower & Courgette/Aubergine and a cheese sauce
>Pork and beans with tomatoes and onions

Be sure to add at least two leafy greens throughout the day (veg heavy lunch works best for me) and you're golden.

>Veeky Forums Tuna patties but with sardines, anchoves, mackerel and other fish added in and served with red onions and green leafies and drenched in balsamic vinegar = god tier

Protein fluff ice cream- Avocado & Banana = personal fav
>20g of any mix of protein powders- casein + whey for best dairy like volume
>1 avocado
>1 frozen banana
>pinch of xanthan gum
>1 egg white
>vanilla to taste
>granulated sweetener of choice- erythritol ideally

= Thick, creamy luxurious ice cream with stupidly low calories. I filled a 2 litre container with

>those overcooked to hell scrambled eggs

jfc nonny the chicken was never alive no need to kill it, only cook your eggs long enough to set, flip them over, and they shouldn't be on the heat for longer than 15 seconds after that if your pan isn't too hot

That´s what you have managed to "create" after how many years of living ?

Made Fisherman's Feast today, fucking delicious. Looks like shit, but for 500 cals and 50 g of Protein, why not.

Local butchers typically. They're becoming a rarity in England but I've got a good one near me and the butcher is a bro so he cuts me deals.
That said I don't cook much with lamb at all. Maybe once a week I'll eat red meat unless the occasion calls for it.
I mostly just eat fish and a bit of chicken and the bulk of the diet is fruit, veg, legumes and wholegrains.
It sounds fuckibg miserable but I was instantly amazed at how good a big load of varied chopped fruit and veg tasted after a little frying in olive oil with some garlic and maybe red wine. Takes 10 minutes and then throw it on top of some wholemeal pasta and crumble in some feta and serve with a slices of wholegrains bread with some olive oil... Beautiful.

Before I used to just sit with a big lump of raw broccoli and carrots and shit and chomp it down like a miserable fuck. Now I eat ten times more veg and enjoy it.

Basically a bowl of 5 or 6 different kinds of diced veggies go into everything I make.

Veeky Forums bestof

>more butter
>more salt


They were pretty fluffy user.

Butter is optional, a bit of oil works just as well.
And not literal Mayonnaise, ya goof. It's a spice that has mayo in the name.

> Protein fluff ice cream- Avocado & Banana = personal fav
i need to know more about this. any websites with more infos/recipes etc?

Google Protein Fluff, that's exactly what I did after finding it on reddit a couple days ago

The protein fluff itself is also pretty good but it's like eating whipped cream so I turned it into deserts.

It's great for experimenting with and fantastic for cutting in general.

I also stole and changed the idea and have been making what I'm calling Cutting Custard:

>2 Eggs
>'bout 200ml Almond or Nut Milk of choice, or any low cal milk
>Vanilla of choice
>2 scoops Protein Powder of choice- I use Casein as it gives more dairy and more volume
>Cornflour or xanthan gum if you want to cut extra cals

Pretty low in cals, high in protein and volume.
