memes aside which diet is better for cutting
>high carb low fat
>high fat low carb
both with high protein as well

Other urls found in this thread:


Why the fuck would you go on a low-fat diet? I thought this meme died already?

I hear good things about keto.

It depends on the person, personally high protein and highish carbs works better for me.

maybe something to back up you opinion?

Google ya' little brat.

Low carbs obviously what the fuck?

Why anyone would willingly go on a low-fat diet is a bona fide fucking mystery

>hehe google it
typical new/fit/
zero arguments only broscience heard on the gym

Same. I maintained about 250g a day of carbs through my 25lb. cut.

That's a really important point to remember too. Everyone is different. Which means everyone's body responds differently. Find what works for you

>won't google for five seconds
>gives shit to people giving answers
Be glad you have a long row of quads to put up your ass.

>giving quality answer
>google it
pick one faggot, not my fault you take something for granted and can't give anything to back it up just because chad on the gym told you that and you're so much of a cuck that you won't question it


a cycling approach works best, especially if you get close or under 10% bf.

quints of truth

in my experience people who actually lift and look like they lift eat high carbs, both when cutting and bulking

You've officially made quints gay. Congrats.


burden of proof you fucking neanderthal

>burden of proof
>because u are the defendant a courtroom
>i love pretending to be a lawyer


Personally, going on keto removed a lot of saltwater bloat. LISS got way harder, but I was able to continue shedding pounds after the initial water weight loss. And I never felt hungry on a -200 or -300 cal deficit.

Literally no difference.

Carbs = 4kcal/g
Fats = 9kcal/g

But, carbs make you hungrier if you eat them simple - because you get a larger insulin response and it's stored.

Just eat a balanced diet with complex carbs and sufficient fats - not fucking meme diets.

enough of this meme diet bullshit,

>eat around 1g of protein per lb of lean body mass
>eat around .5g of fats per lb of lean body mass
>eat the rest of calories from carbs, above maintenance to grow, under to lose weight
>avoid too much simple carbs, read meats and specially processed shit
>drink only water
>lift weights, do some fun cardio 2 or 3 times a week
>always wear a condom

done, enjoy being healthy


Burden of proof is a universal principal you autistic cunt, not just a legal one, jesus fuck you're dense.
You can't just claim stupid shit then expect us to do your research for you. Do everyone a favor and eat a fucking bullet.

>mfw autists take offence to anything instead of ignoring

if it were not for autist then we would have no Veeky Forums community so fuck off


Sugar will make you hungrier, which will make sticking to a calorie deficit harder.

Fat makes you feel full, which will make sticking to a calorie deficit easier.

Plus, if you actually look at the foods you eat, chances are you'll find it easier to eliminate carbs than to eliminate fat, simply because the things you eat with fat in them are probably also the things with protein in them (eg meat).

>eat a bullet

But the bullet would be low carb tho...

it depends on the person
for example for me fats make me feel so heavy that it's hard to workout
i feel all the time like i would puke

Oh hey, that wasn't me btw, but gave me a good kek.


Low saturated fat, low simple carbs. Don't eat too many carbs in one meal.

>so many posts
>finaly an actual article
thank you user

Had plenty of time to google it.

Just came here to validate your quints

I will end this meme forever

The difference is just the absorption rate
carbs are faster than fat, so they end up stored easier

But the are used easier too
so If you want to train properly, carbs are the only way to go
if you want to get leaner but weaker, high fat

Carbs doesn't have to mean refined sugar. Eat a bowl of lentils and see how hungry you are afterwards. Fiber is a satiating carbohydrate.

Fat doesn't always make you feel full either. It's so easy to add calories to meals by adding oil to your food, and that doesn't satisfy hunger at all.

>the things you eat with fat in them are probably also the things with protein in them (eg meat).

shit diet detected

>end this meme by posting more memes

you need a certain amount of protein to maintain or build muscle, approximately 1g/lb
you need a certain amount of fat for brain and hormonal functioning, about 100g total for most men
you need a certain amount of carbs to replenish glycogen if you are training, I have no idea how much but 200g+ would be a good baseline

on top of that eat whatever you like to reach your calorie goal

Keto dehydrates the fuck out of me tbqh.

t. memer


Try low calories

Some carbs are absorbed fast, others slow (glycemic index)

Fat is absorbed universally faster (lipemia), there's no "complex fats" and the lipid phase formed during digestion is minimally impacted by disruptants like fiber

Fat is a shit fuel both harder to burn and easier to store as fat, it's only good when carbs aren't available and to satisfy the requirement for cell membranes and vitamin absorption

>you need a certain amount of fat for brain and hormonal functioning, about 100g total for most men


enjoy your low test


Are these macros okay, these are my macros for bulking. Is my fat too low?

160g Protein
50g Fat
300 Carbs

higher carbs on training days, higher fat on rest days.

This. Carbo loading is a meme for a reason.

>willfully wanting to impair your recovery

i still eat ~150g carbs on rest days. i highly doubt that's low enough to impair recovery.

depends on TDEE, and high fat will


Some days i eat high carb low fat, other days low carb high fat and sometimes moderate of each. I just make sure i get my minimum target protein and that i stay under my calore goal on myfitnesspal. All that matters is caloric deficit. This allows me greater variety in my diet than ridgidly sticking to low/high fats/carbs and probably makes me less malnourished whilst dieting.

>by the American Diabetes Association

ah, the people who recommend treating diabetes with insulin.

You need to more than just fun cardio bro

without insulin to lower their blood sugar diabetics can go into a coma and die

so why not reverse their insulin resistance? because there's no money in it, that's why.

>published in an ADA journal
>has no understanding of their guidelines or diabetes for that matter

so this is what having a 2 digit IQ is like

obviously that's the goal but you have to also keep people from dying in the meantime. they prescribe less units of insulin as people become more insulin sensitive.

>administer insulin several times a week
>somehow expect to become less resistant to it

wew lad

I'm going to laugh when keto faggots start dropping like flies when they get older.

>insulin resistance is caused by insulin exposure


the first step is making it so that glucose can enter the cells again, which you do by losing weight and eating a cleaner diet. insulin sensitivty can then improve. as insulin sensitivity improves, exogenous insulin use can be lowered to meet the body's needs. if you don't prescribe insulin at the beginning stage when it's most needed, you put the patient at risk of diabetic comatosis. it's the same reason lipid-lowering drugs are prescribed to people when they've just had a heart attack. it's great to change your diet and lifestyle so that you won't need to continue drug use but you also have to manage the disease in the meantime so the patient doesn't die or have further complications.

early treatment with insulin does


so do the lifestyle modifications they advocate


>i have no idea how insulin resistance works


chronically high insulin => obesity
chronically high insulin => diabetes


obesity =/=> diabetes

>i don't like how biology works, let me just make up some fantasies

diabetes and obesity cause chronically high insulin, not the other way around. a diabetic person has high insulin levels because their insulin doesn't work efficiently due to the decreased sensitivity.


*rests hand on your shoulder*

son, it's time to go