What kind of foam roller should I use to fix my back? Something like this?

What kind of foam roller should I use to fix my back? Something like this?

A foam roller won't fix your back.

Just go for a regular round roller, not one of the bumpy ones.


Coming from someone who bulged their disc. Do not roll your lower back. You can hurt your spine.

As long as you don't roll the vertebrae, it's fine.

For the muscles around your spine you want this, not a roller.

Not him but how do i even use that?

Lie down, put it between your spine and the floor. Move yourself up and down.

So the same thing as two tennis balls?

Everyone seems to recommend roller instead.

The spine gets in the way of the roller in the lower back. A roller works ok for the upper back though a ball can still press deeper there too. Tennis balls are ok but they are a bit too soft in my opinion. Also cheap ones will split open quickly. I think a solid hard ball is best for massage.

I've got a rink bandy ball for massaging areas that I can't get to with my roller. I bought a dual ball for my back so I could massage both sides at once but it turned out to be hollow and compressed under pressure and, thus, didn't provide the amount of pressure I wanted. If you get a dual ball, make sure it's solid and hard.

what kind of foam roller?

A deep tissue massage from a good licensed masseuse.

OH WAIT you're all POOR FAGGOTS. nvm.
stick with your useless
giant dildos.

My gym has that one and I don't like it for my back. The different shapes makes it roll weird, if it was just bumps or just flat it would be better. I really like it for quads though, the bumpy part.
I have a rumble roller at home and I prefer that for my back. For lower back I use a ball.

I just use a shot put or a small dumbbell

you can still roll the lower back with a roller

just come roll it at an angle and dont roll on the spine itself.

i usually roll the left side and then swap and roll the right side, never really had a problem

That's just a wide tire you retard, it's not doing shit

I know, it's just not as effective as a ball for me. A ball will focus the pressure on a smaller area. Also I can't relax the lower back if I have to lift my shoulders off the floor and hold myself up. It makes no sense since it's the abs that are holding me up but my spinal erectors are always contracted in this posture. With a ball I can lie down with upper back on the floor and relax completely with the ball against my lower back while I just wiggle a little bit.

I use a 4" pvc pipe with hockey tape on it and a lacrosse ball.

holy shit user are you me?

Do you guys get warmed up before using it?

When I use this on my upper back, I get a sharp pain in my right shoulder. What does it mean?

What is a foam roller and why should I use it?
Is it just a massage tool?

How should i know? I've read that trigger points can radiate pain elsewhere. Sometimes when I stretch my back I get a pain in my thighs which I think is this kind of referred pain. Maybe it's that? I don't know. Experiment more with the pain to find out what exactly hurts it and figure it out yourself.

>Is it just a massage tool?

That's right. It's an alternative to stretching but really massaging and stretching do different things. I like how foam rolling removes the tightness I get from lifting and makes the body feel limber. I also foal roll as a warm-up at home before going to the gym.

I just roll back and forth at a faster pace before slowing down and digging in.
I don't know if it does anything but I like to think it brings some blood in and wakes the muscle up.

If I've only got one roller ball, can I just roll each side of my spine one at a time?

That's what I do. I'd like to find a harder dual ball but you can't really tell just from pictures in online stores.

you have AIDS

Tape 2 lacrosse balls together, that's what I use and it's perfect.

There's no lacrosse here but I guess I could buy an additional two rink bandy balls and do this.

>tfw I use one of those puzzle rollers I got as a kid as my foam roller

it works surprisingly well

I have the one in the pic, it's pretty good.

Has anyone itt heard of miserable malaligment syndrome

Why would anyone roll their lower back? I roll the upper and use the roller to stretch the upper spine to improve posture.

Thought for sure you were making a joke about using MDMA

is there a weight limit on these things? curious about getting one to stretch my upper back/shoulders.
reforming fatty here,im around 320

i have the exact same one in ops pic. i used to use a pvc pipe but that shit slips from under you if you have tiles, smashed the back of my head on the floor a few times

Unless you're doing targeted, specific movements you're wasting your time.

Current evidence on MFR is not all that encouraging.