How do I get wider hips/rounder butt Veeky Forums?? 168 cm...

How do I get wider hips/rounder butt Veeky Forums?? 168 cm, 106 pounds and I can't gain weight even if I tried thanks to my dumbass metabolism

I really hate having narrow hips and a fairly flat ass in general, but can't gain weight so is the wide hip/ thicc dream dead for me

And if it isn't is it just doing squats/lunges regularly, or is there something else I should know
Pic related it's me

we have to diagnose your metabolism. Slide your underwear out of the way so we can match your interior flesh color to a metabolism chart so we can appropriately tell you how to achieve this

>thanks to my dumbass metabolism
fuck off

post fempenis

you have a thick waist so your hips will never look wide


Uhh t-this

i know some of these anons are joking about going commando for us, but we will need a back view to see how developed your rear is, this helps us assess how much your workout should use glutes vs quad vs hams.+ potential you can possibly see from a well build routine


This plus to see how/where your body stores fat

this. real "hips" are made from bone structure, not fat. fatass hips are just fat, not "wide hips". the best op can hope for is to get fit and at least get some muscle to fill out a bit

I want to look like OP but I'm like 6 foot tall :(

You look like the guitar!

Sorry OP youll never have thick hips, it's not in your bone structure

So slim waist and big hips :/ also sorry my pics post upside down atm I wish I could pull off trap mode but my bf would have to be like 6'5 atleast cause if I'm going trap mode I'm gonna be fem af also I have a flat ass too

>can't gain weight

Squats will help build muscle that is behind your butt fat, which will push your butt fat further out. It won't give you an incredible ass like those with amazing ass genetics. It will help though.


lmao ok rip the wide hip dream then i guess xd

can't say im surprised though

Op you look fine turn around so I can see your rear
Pic Realted Is me

Not even memeing but i fucking hate my metabolism, makes it impossible to ever look like anything thats not a fucking stick

and also "eat more" yes i have tried eating junkfood every day for more than like a week and didn't gain anything, all it did was make me feel sick

What up with all the trap body threads today?

It's really fucking woth my nofap March

>Pic related

eat more

you're obviously not eating enough.

your idea of 'eating junkfood' is likely retarded.

get some calories in you already.


just track your calories/macros. its that simple. i, as a guy, i didnt gain much weight going to the gym for two years. but recenty i started roughly track calories to make sure i get in 3500 plus every single day and i am already seeing a difference, not only in weight but in appetite as well. i would kill to bulk on like 2.3 thousand cals. just eat 120g of nuts on top of your normal diet.

Not sure if tarp..

A bag of chips and some soda once in a while isn't enough. A little big of mcdonalds and ice cream isn't enough. You must truly embrace your inner fatass and eat everything all at once every day alongside a gallon of milk to truly unlock a ``giantique'' ass.

>I can't gain weight
>thanks to my dumbass metabolism

Try this:
>get about a pound of bananas
>5oz of peanut butter
>a pound of oats
>a quart of milk
>blend it all up
>now take a knife
>and slit your throat

do close legged heavy squats for years

pic related

mfw thinking of you hurting

to elaborate more

wolffs law states that tension/compression can remove bone from one area and add it to another

so hypothetically, you would want to add compression on the outer side of your femurs (which would be close legged squats with heavy weight because you need to put substantial stress on the femur)

>density increases
>somehow, your bones will grow larger

She means literally bigger, not larger as in heavier, kek.

cute underwear

it literally bone remodeling, changing the shape of the bone

>rounder butt

/hm/ - is that way ---->

>I can't gain weight
>blah blah metabolism

you look like shit

Plus pre-workout masturbation for killer focus in the gym

implying anyone would find a fucking stick attractive lmaooooooooo

I would bury my face in that ass holy shit.



you g*d damn homos have no standards I swear


Cute tummy though

Get you some of this.

My ex drank it often and her ass was thicccc

>Current year
>Drinking milk

falling for the "derrrr milk is food for baby mammals hurrrrr" meme

>calorie dense

frigg off Randy

Hey buddy fuck you bread is AWESOME

>before Veeky Forums didnt know wtf a trap was
>months in now and I lurk Veeky Forums and /r9k/ for trap posters cause I find traps kinda hot

This site is a disease

first glute activation (i.e. clams / lateral band walks)

then weighted Bulgarian split squats, 4x12/leg. seriously. i saw more results from 4 months of these than i did in 4 years of heavy squats.

also eat more rice, potatoes, and protein

Don't forget to activate your almonds after you activate your glutes.

Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl. >mfw thinking of you hurting
Listen here little baby. You're gonna get a lot of hurtful and degrading comments, but that ain't what I'm about. Let me just say, you are perfect the way you are. You hear me sugar? PERFECT. Don't ever change. You deserve anything and everything you want. Stay safe for me, baby girl.

>mfw thinking of you hurting


A whole week huh?
You realize how long it takes to gain or lose weight?
If you eat a 1000 Cal surplus it would take over a month to gain 10 lbs.

OP, Im going to give you the opposite advice I gave to a friend who wants to achieve a god tier ass. Unlike you, she has no issue adding weight.

-Whole Milk. Drink two glasses (read servings) of this shit a day, an easy 300 calories.
-Peanuts, They so fucking good for bulking. set aside 1/2 a cup of these fuckers and make sure they are gone by the end of the day.

Dead lifts
Leg curls
3 times a week

The milk and peanuts is like 700 calories. If you can manage to get 500 calories per meal, you're golden.

>have never heard of htis before today

Thanks user. Really intersting stuff.

since startign my bulk I'm almost never hungry and have gained all of six pounds in five months. YOu need to eat. It's hard but you just eat a bunch of stuff and hit your macros.

Nice ass.
N-no homo

Most likely you were always bi man.


Ss and gomad unironically

Just slowly increase your milk intake while doing heavy low barsquats,deadlifts and directglutes work. Work your back muscles aswell, ypu want nice posture.

On top of that eat normal clean food with fiber.

Guaranteed to work bby

Wait, so is this a chick? A guy? Or a girl(guy)?

Count calories lmao. Eat 2,8 k a day for two weeks and come back. If you havent gained weight you either have a medical issue or didnt count right

Does it matter?

shit I would like to have slower metabolism so I can spend less money and time on food

I feel like I'm losing my sense of attraction more and more everyday..

I need a Veeky Forums cleanse, fucking traps everywhere.

why must you tease me like this? how would you feel about a 180cm, 78kg, lean-enough-to-show-my-abs, man pounding you all night?


You don't know how much you are actually eating until you track your calories every single day. I worked with a skinny kid who complained he wasn't gaining weight, I put him on a diet and he still wasn't gaining weight. Turns out he wasn't actually following the diet. I made him follow it, and wallah, he started to gain weight. Skipping dinner and eating a box of oreos isn't going to make you gain weight.

can someone pls post that user with pepe's ass?

who stole your ass?

what a mASSterpiece

No, your metabolism magically makes you unable to change your body fat percentage. Its really freaky

ayo bb u wnt sum fuk???


you seem to have good body fat distribution however hips are mostly wode due to hip bones, something you can't really change, but developing some muscle around that area might help a bit

Where's the penis

Just evade white bread, no matter what autists on this board tell you don't eat that crap


>every time i see a huge ass i think of BRAAAP
>every time i see a tall girl i think of the manlet meme
i hate this site