What's up with Veeky Forums's obsession with traps?

What's up with Veeky Forums's obsession with traps?
They're literally the least aesthetic muscle group right next to lats.
They also make your shoulders appear far more narrow and stubby.

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>They're literally the least aesthetic muscle group right next to lats.

Just because you have a shit back doesn't mean your opinion is right.
Back is easily the most important part of the body for looking like a big dude, especially in clothes. If you have small traps it's a sign that you're weak as fuck.

>What's up with Veeky Forums's obsession with traps?
>They're literally the least aesthetic muscle group
>next to lats
I disagree


Traps are extremely overrated from an aesthetic perspective

I thought this would be a bussy thread.

If you have traps, you won't need to emasculate yourself by using one of these when you do squats.

Hahaha I know who this faggot is. His name is Kevin. His parent's are well off but among the poorest in their neighbourhood.

I think they're hideous and I would never work them.

Traps and lats are the most important subconsciously intimidating muscle groups

Without either, you just look like a curlbro

Fuck that, traps are the best. Pull and push immediately the day after is the best shit ever since you get to do power shrugs, t bar rows, and then ohp, landmine presses, and lat raises.

I also have 22 inch shoulders that need development as well as traps so it doesn't overtake anything. I'm going to start hitting my neck heavy too.

My arms are going to look like shit if I get everything to where I want it shoulders up. It gives me the illusion of being big too.

I've never seen anyone use that for anything besides barbell hip thrust.

Agreed with you up to lats. Lats are one of the most important muscle groups for giving you a sexy bod.

His arms look like a pea pod


I agree that traps are thoroughly un-aesthetic, but lats are the key to looking big.
Look at the guy in your pic, he looks fucking ridiculous. Straight up and down with 0 width. Fucking manlet.

this, everyone at my gym uses this shit and i don't understand why when they could just look up how to properly rest a bar on their shoulders rather than the base of their necks

>when ur deltoid goes walkabouts

t. trapless curlbro

this just looks bad

Traps are a muscle that look good in proportion, huge traps compared to the body just look stupid

Every casual gym goer and many of Veeky Forums lifters train and admire them simply because they are incredibly easy to build.

I agree that they look like shit over a certain amount and yeah, the muscle is already severely overbuild, strong and overused for almost anyone, so there is zero actual benefit to building it.

This excludes passive building from something like deadlifts Ofc.

Personally I just wanna look like a big guy

trapless sissies out

>"just do heavy deadlifts brah"
>"your traps will get huge brah"
>deadlift for years
>get to lmao6pl8 deadlift
>still no traps
>can 585 fucking pounds, and still have twink traps

I'm convinced "deadlifts for traps" is a meme.

people are different m8, just do shrugs after diddlys

Without traps or lats you just look square. Id even say that they are one of the most important muscles for aesthetics because nobody thinks fridge mode is attractive

maybe somewhere along the road to 585 you should have noticed your traps weren't growing and done isolation for them

how much deadlift volume do you do a week? one working set is not going to do the same thing for your physique as a whole bunch of sets

I never do direct trap work and my traps are pretty good just from deadlift

I also got my squat to mid 400s and had the tiniest most pathetic quads you've ever seen

is that ben shapiro

>They're literally the least aesthetic muscle group right next to lats.

actually the most aesthetic muscle group tbqh

>I have shitty genes therefore deadlifts are a meme

But lats are the most aesthetic muscles

Let me guess, you're a curlbro

im the same lmao

im at 235kg now and my traps are mediocre, meanwhile I know a guy who diddlys 20kg less and has developed traps

I noticed that I never felt the traps stretch when I diddly, you probally have the same thing. Stretch is key for building traps I think

das right. i don't work them, i only do a shit ton of shoulder work and do deadlifts sometimes and they've grown quite a lot. do work them if you like but it's a waste of time to stay there and shrug like an idiot when you could be doing better lifts that will work the traps as well indirectly


if you've been lifting for years and can deadlift 6 plates you should know not to make a post like this. the time and dedication it takes to get to a sixplate deadlift, along with the accrued knowledge, should have taught you what to do. whether it be shrugs at the top, lateral raises with a top squeeze, or many other exercises. you're a pathetic liar on an anonymous board or a liar.



Because traps are gay, and this board is gay.

Traps aren't something that get big by accident, and fat guys can't pretend they have them. When you've got developed traps it shows purposeful dedication to your body.

it just shows that you've got a weak front neck and fucked up posture, most of these people with huge traps has shoulder problems guaranteed

What the fuck do oyu mean fat guys don't have them fat people get fattraps.

Fat deposits on the shoulders don't look legit. Very obviously fat and nothing else.

traps yea, but lats? why would you not want a v taper faggot?

traps are qt

unlucky lad I can only rep 4pl8 for a few reps yet my traps look out of proportion, although my leg genetics are fucking awful

lanky limbs and a stubby torso isnt a good look


Traps look cool as fuck from behind. Just because you're a cuck and have a small back doesnt make them unasthetic

you're mom is subconsciously intimidating

> damn, why isn't bench press working my calves?
> must be shitty genes

>lanky limbs and a stubby torso isnt a good look
I'm picturing a taller lenny right now.

Whoever thinks traps are not important to look big are completely wrong. Developing all muscles is crucial, but once you did that, bigger than normal traps and shoulders are what make a physique truly impressive.

If you wanna look like a meathead, that's the muscle to train.
If you have a relatively short neck, a tendency to pull up your shoulders and underdeveloped delts, that fucker is a pain in the ass

They look like women but actually have a penis. Everyone wins

Pls give me a (you)


Where did he say deadlifts were a meme?

Traps are only gay when they don't have a feminine penis

Serratus anterior is the most aesthetic muscle. Prove me wrong.

>prove me wrong
youre asking for something impossible

Thats why Zyzz is so aesthetic.

was i mean

>not abs

racing dog mode



How do I avoid getting big traps? Can I still deadlift?

give me all your traps gains please
i want big traps

pic related

I wish, I'm dyel and yet my traps are already on the big side. Also narrow shoulder so it looks extra shit.

>a muscle group
>not knowing abs are actually kitchens in disguise

Fact: There has never been a Chad in history who isolated traps.

Who cares about chad though

also note how good he looks with flat pecs

Just don't take steroids. This is up there with retarded skinnyfat girls saying "I don't want to lift weights because I don't want to look like a man."

Notice that this guy got some child bearing hips xddd

I want slabmode pecs but am too prideful to give up my huge flat bench :(

With some isolation work he could look better, though.

fooook that got me wet babe

I agree.

Big traps are the muscle version of driving a huge pickup truck.

Just a fucking insecure fuccboi way of trying to look tough.

Because people already know the importance of chest, bicep, etc.

traps are okay

found the traplet

You know what else huge pickup trucks do? Move huge weights.

Traps are fucking important dude you use them any time you're carrying something and anytime you pull or push above or below you.
That being said, most people are fucking retards and don't even lift, so they neglect the other 20ish muscles that act on the shoulder joint.

For a while I was deadlifting 3 days a week, doing 5x5 deficit deads Monday, sets of speed pulls with chains on Wednesday, then a rep max on Friday. I've generally always done higher volume or higher frequency deadlifting.

Didn't say they were a meme. Just that they aren't guaranteed to give you huge traps like some people think.

I know what I need to do to get big traps. Direct trap work. I haven't done it because I don't really give a fuck about traps. I just like deadlifting, and was pointing on that deadlifts aren't guaranteed to give you huge traps.


This guy could bear octuplets no problem.

Getting noticeable traps is easy, making them look dense and thick is another case

>not having nice traps for your gf to massage and compliment you on

never gonna make it

make your shirt look great on

Like your mom

er backsquats?

I mean lowbar doens't require traps to sit on.

thanks for sharing you seem like a great guy

This chad has insane traps. inb4 manlet

He'll knock you out with 1 punch

he looks like bigheadmode