OMG about to go up. Get in here

OMG about to go up. Get in here.

80 BTC sell wall nearly gone. Held the price steady for nearly 2 hours.

nice just sold thanks for the sell signal

Oh you :D

Sell wall? Doesn't that mean it will go down?


Just made IT before the pop! Now its steady upwards!

Holding 150'ofmthesembecsuse biz shilled hard
This better be the next ethereum

Huh, guess OP was right. Good thing I'm a bag holder. Why do I even try to shill for the opposite side?

Only question is do we know what's causing this? Was the blog post released/ about to be?

Long term, OMG is going to be big. Actually a reason for you to hold is because Veeky Forums doesn't frequently shill it


Give it up its a shit coin in wolves clothing

New road map is gonna be posted today apparently

nice just bought 10k

Yeah I'm in. This shit finally bottomed out. Pretty sure this won't go past $10 again but that's still a 25% gain for me.

OMG hodlers in 24 hrs or less

finally some non butt hurt genius up in here, it didnt go lower than last low, and now bottomed. wont go under 7 moon soon MOON MISSION
disclaimer: boat is loaded today @ 7.53 M F'S !!

>2 dolla 2 dolla

any insight on this 10 btc sell wall thats up right now? predictions of where it will peak when it goes down?

been hodling since august

OMG is a white man's coin. No Pajeets.

mfw plebs value their alts in USD

that's borat you moron. No pajeets

Highest potential coin right here ready to blow up at any day. It is the coin for every occasion. Omisegods assemble. The time is nearing.

holy shit kill yourself

Name one other shitcoin that has 10s of billions real world transactions already baked in

Not a slav coin too.

This is everymans coin. Stop the prejudice. Pajeet money is still money.

Ripple? Certainly not chainlink

Is it still about to go up lads?
it's lookin pretty down atm
where tf is this roadmap goys.;.

any year now kek

Where's the roadmap?

soon my dear nigger soon

That's what everyone says everyday... But it doesn't even break $10

Trips and "go" in the UserID.

holding 700 omg, am i gonna make it...please say yes.

700 x 700$

yea you'll be fine user

trust in the greenness of my id

you werent here 2 months ago when it was top performer

all in, i have a feeling this will do what link can not

if green id this confirms OMG at $20 by xmas


I can't believe people don't buy the shit out of this thing

you wouldnt think that would equal such a high number lol

Ya know Etherium was about $8 before it shot to $400. Perhaps today's the day. Although, that would have to be a hell of a roadmap for that effect.


Well fucking please

So when is this roadmap planned?


noob here
how does the sell wall have anything to do with the price?

>traded all my OMG for VTC a couple weeks ago

Best decision I ever made.

what if i tell you, when the time come it will be

You know ethereum was working product when mooned right?

And we still still waiting roadmap and praying its not another apple sticker thingy.

So no user dont be deluded dumb fucks, OMG is one of best longterm holders but nothing is fucking mooning anytime soon.

We'll see about that!

Lmao this marketing team better hire some devs soon. They are struggling to keep up the hype for this vapourware. Reality will truelly set in when they realise the enormous task at hand to code a scalable payment blockchain that can handle millions of payments a minute. Truelly deluded.

it could certainly hover in the $20-30 range soon

you're literally an autist retard. vitalik and poon putting out a plasma chain running alongside the ethereum chain with trees off the blockchain and shit that will make it less that the blocks on the actual chain have to confirm. and they have a huge dev a little research and buy some of this shit

You are a moron. OMG is a SEA + Japan coin.

No pajeets. No white cucks. No nigs. Not even proper chinks.

Unchartered territory...


I met the product lead for Plasma.

We are in good hands.

Sit tight and comfy.

just sold 100 units for 300000 credits, gonna buy radar upgrades. Thanks OP!

They will only have first mover advantage on Plasma but go ahead and sell now if you like, a year is a long time to wait

It is much more than first mover advantage on Plasma.

Their product isn't even dependant on Plasma.

Ever trust your intuition and get "good vibes" about something? OMG was the first coin I got this from back in June. If I'm wrong, I'm wrong. Got that same vibe for Antshares back in June too. Trust your intuition, user!

1)plasma is theoretical thingy, yes there is team, yes there is whitepaper, but there is no proofofconcept, it can happen in 1year, 5 years, or fucking never
2) OMG plan cant work whit no plasma

1+2=how the fuck you expect it to moon in 2017???????????

It can spike up on good news, roadmap beats stickers and mcburgers, BUT NOTHING IS MOONING SOON.


So this is what it's like to be a brainlet.

>Poster's ID is goj24JXj

What is plasma

Meh, the markets emotionally driven. All it needs is a decent moon for FOMO to kick in. See NEO.

Plus Ethereum went up steadily for a month before it mooned.

a network/software upgrade to handle the amount of transactions that OMG will generate