I have 2 options:

I have 2 options:
Weight loss or suicide.
I have no longer any control over my eating or my endless self-hatred.

Current stats: 105 Kg, 180cm.
I want to change myself.

Veeky Forums might not be the best place to ask for advice or anything, but I'll give it a go.

Other urls found in this thread:


100gr tuna
60gr brown rice, 150gr chicken
200 gr chicken.
Basically starve yourselve, drink a shitton of water too. gl

Eat less. Do EC stack. Start lifting.

How hard that is?

ps skip EC stack if you're on antidepressants

Simply cutting out junk foods will do somebody your size a heap of good. Start drinking lots of water if you don't already do so.

Avoid processed shit and the like. Try to eat about 2,300 calories a day. Also, you don't have to go crazy hard with the cardio right away, light stuff will do you fine for the present.

Most importantly, start lifting if you don't already. Good luck and godspeed.

That's not great, but you're a couple months of discipline away from being lean. Unless you're a skeltor DYEL. Or a manlet.

Pic walks around at 190ish

Do heavy weights deadlifts, bench press squat and heavy compound movements, fuck cardio

Wow I weight The same exact as you, and I though I was going places. Now i feel.sad that im still a fat peace of shit.

I can't afford to go to any gym in my town yet THIS MONTH, I will have money to start going to the gym on April, what should I do until then?

>push ups
>sit up
>jumping jacks
Basically, stop feeling sorry for yourself and go do shit.

>I have no longer any control over my eating or my endless self-hatred.
Then you're not going to lose weight

>Veeky Forums might not be the best place to ask for advice or anything, but I'll give it a go.
Eat less calories than you spend every day until you reach your desired weight

those were my d igits


if you can't work out at a gym this month, take the first comment in this thread as good advice for what to eat, that's a good model for now. take walks, jog, stick around here and lurk for motivation, scan your area and look for gyms, spend some time looking over our sticky. don't kill yourself bud it's not worth it.

Exactly this.

nothing is endless, not even self-hatred bro

Swim everyday.

Breakfast 2 bananas.
Lunch: a sandwich and yogurt
Dinner: chicken or steak with rice or asparagus.

Use small plates. Swim for 1 hour straight everyday. It's all about will power

well said


Also dig into it, take that self-hatred, turn it around, and use it to strenghten your lifts and efforts.

The dark side of the fit is the pathway to results some would consider to be... unnatural.

Do push-ups, chin-ups, bodyweight squats, planks and cardio. Everyday. Distribute your sets across your day, i.e., 10 push-ups as soon as you wake up, more 10 reps in the middle of the morning, more 10 reps before lunch etc; both for push-ups and chin-ups. Do sticky stretching routine at least once a day every day. As simple as that.

I've just "coached" a friend of mine in a state similar to yours: 175cm tall, 90kg. In just six weeks he got down to 82kg and noticeably stronger. Just by doing this scheme.

Commitment is the key word here, OP. If you follow your diet, do your exercises, and enjoy it all, the gains will come before you even notice.


Not natty.

Brown rice is a meme food for idiots. The only reason why it's popular is it's just carbs and thus easy to calculate macros for morons. Full of arsenic, low protein, low fiber. White rice is useful for insulin spiking , brown rice is a shit food for shit people

Thanks for everything y'all.


My gf buys Bismati, but I used to go with Brown. Our 20 kg pack is almost over and it's our next big decision.

I'm a fatty who bulked during the winter, about to cut.

My gf wants to strenghten her body without bulking.

What rice should we get and why.

Starve yourself

distract yourself from hunger by playing video games

eat and sleep a lot

if you don't die you'll go down in wieght fast

Don't do this. Stop filling the voids of your life with distractions. Use March to learn discipline instead. Make that connection in your brain that sacrifices reap results.

>Hmm, I'm fat and hate that my choices have consequences. Should I stop eating like a fucking hippo?
>nah better kill myself


Brown rice is full of arsenic, no meme. If you are cutting, don't eat any rice. Replace with green lentils in all recipes

>>Don't eat too much fish, you'll poison yourself with mercury.

>>Don't eat rice, you'll poison yourself with arsenic.

Is nothing sacred anymore? Also thanks for green lentils tip, I'll try it out in my recipes.

Cardio doesn't cost anything except time.

Depends a lot where you get that fish. If you're buying frozen panga from vietnam at the supermarket, yea, you better not be eating it everyday.

Most good quality regular rice won't have arsenic, btw.

diet start at the kitchen first. Start cutting by doing intermidiate fasting 16hours + calculating your BMI and have a calorie deficit of 500 calories a day. counting calories and cutting on carbs (bread,pasta, rice) is the key.

After alot of cutting start building. by doing leg days, chest days, and biceps day. you can also eat more normally.

That's not true senpai. You can learn to solve multi variable equations, you don't have to keep eating shitfood

My bmi is 32.4 What next?

My apologies for being ignorant

Get MtFitnessPal, determine how much calories you need to maintain weight and eat 500 calories under that a day to lose 1 pound a week. Recalculate every 10 lbs.

OP, I had literally the exact same stats you do now about a year and a half ago. Now I'm down to 84 kg and making all kindz of gainz. Start small, count your calories, start doing more and more exercise here and there. When that becomes a habit, take the step and go to the gym once or twice a week. If you fall off the wagon who cares, you're not gonna get it straight right out of the gate. Get back on the wagon and you'll get there. You're gonna binge and skip workouts, but the important thing is that tomorrow is a new day and you can hit the gym again. The key is literally consistence and patience, you're not gonna get fit in a month or two months without frying your fucking hormonal system and gaining all that weight back again when you try to go maintenance mode. It'll take a lot of time and patience. Write your goals out 2x a day every day, it helps with commitment. Good luck, fellow user, I've been where you are, there is hope, it's not your genes, you can do it if you have enough patience. Besides, time is gonna pass anyway, might as well make the best of it.

(pro tip: nobody really gives a fuck that we're fat when we're in the gym, people aren't really staring, and if they are staring, use that as motivation to prove those motherfuckers you can do this)