You are in the club with your girlfriend

>You are in the club with your girlfriend
>this guy comes and Knocks the fuck out of her so fucking hard the bitch eyes turn into X's.

Wat to do?

Other urls found in this thread:

sip tea in his hood

Eastern European here. I break a bottle and shiv him with the gypsy knife. Not even kidding.

pop his jawbone

this guy went of record saying he was on testosterone

>juicing for this

>Beats the fuck ouf of everyone that looks at him
>Almost murders a men
>beats girls
>does porn
>Stealst shit
>worshipped by many, popularity keeps rising, girl openly want to fuck him

What the fuck is wrong with this world

I have no idea who this is. Nigger worship in an American thing.


Rapper who is mentally unstable

>breaking the bottle
have fun with your hand full of glass, using it as a bludgeon is much safer and still nasty as fuck.

Pull out my carpet blade and slash him.

Third bogdanoff brother?

>Nigger worship in an American thing.
basically, but it is more of a jewish thing

This guy can't fight. Typical ghetto fight mode, throwing punches and hoping to land first.

become his prison bitch?

Knock his bitchass out with a knee.

Unironically kill him.

Unsheathe my katana

He's a weeb too.

you're not allowed to criticize black people, duh. All of that is just part of their culture

Even if you beat his ass, you lose.

>Since this type never works alone, his friends gang up on you and almost beat you to death.
>"Jamal was jus 17 and he dindu nuthin wrong. He's a good boy. He go ta class and love science."
>Once the news catches wind of what happen, you become worse than the baby birthed by Hitler and the KKK.
>You either go to jail in your neck brace, or you get acquitted and someone kills you because you are "part of the system of oppression"

Isn't he 5'2?

I would stomp on this manlet

He'd have no chance to knock my girl out lol. I'd snap his snap.


why do cumskins like this guy so much?

Le edgy teenager but sometimes relatable and sensitive man. Same shit happened with Tyler the Creator

Why would you link me to an ad website?

>implying security would let him in
>implying blacks are allowed to join my country club

Slav here

>implying I don't go out with 15 of my friends carrying guns and knives


>niggers at Slav clubs

He'd probably get stabbed by the bouncers kek