What would you boys do if you saw me at the gym? :)

what would you boys do if you saw me at the gym? :)

nothing, i don't talk to women


spill my spaghetti

Just do my workout and not say anything to you because guaranteed you aren't interested in me.


Go extra deep on the squat. DO the same stretch you're doing and watch my own crotch

Try not to get caught leering at you through the mirrors

Flex a 'cep.
Deal or no deal.

Turn 360 degrees and walk away. I have a girlfriend. I don't need your skank ass. Thank you

Bomaye that beeatch

Laugh at the shitty drawing of eyebrows on your face.

Typical basic bitch...shave em off and draw on new stupid ones.

Train with you

haters gonna hate.

Avoid eye contact

>Implying girls want you to do anything with them
Nigga, you ever met a woman? they want the envy of other girls, thats why they do make up and most things
Guys are optional and even hambeasts are getting attention so...wtf?

These guys are telling the truth, others are not

avoid looking anywhere near your general direction at all costs

its the girl who dethroned lara mirasol from Veeky Forums

>that meme wall


leave my workout early because I'm really nervous then eat chicken tendies at home