Achievable with calisthenics?


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Im stuck at a train station, so im going to reply to this bait thread. Good bait mate

couple months on ss + gomad

Keto and kickboxing.

what height is this man?

any chance this was pre-roid joff seid physique?
look at that lighting and how all the shadows illustrate his definition
prob had a pump
obvious posing as well

i sincerely hope this is attainable natty

Jeff Seid 5'9".

Doubt it, he is between 5'11 and 6.

Careful around train tracks, buddy

You are a delusional DYEL

no way he's a manlet, he's Arnie tier, ~6'4"

HAHAHA. No. he's 6ft confirmed

you have two computers Jeff?

This exactly proves what I'm saying.
Dude is 5'10 unless he is lying of course, and Jeff is a bit taller, therefore Jeff is 5'11 minimum.

>tfw the natty limit is lower than this

>roidtards actually believe this

>What Is Fat Free Mass Index?

The dude says "I'm 5'10ish" which means he's 5'9".
He also participated in the 5'8" - 5'9" class for competition in pic related.

I'm not asking what Jeff said I'm asking how tall he is objectively

No I mean the guy who is standing next to Jeff in pic related says he is 5'10"ish which means he is 5'9". Also Just look at the picture of the competition of the post you replied to, Jeff Seid participating in 5'8" - 5'9" class.


What am I looking at?

Hijacking the thread, people keep talking about calisthenics, but are there good calisthenic workouts out there or is it just a meme?

>are there good calisthenic workouts out there
yes how the fuck do you think Jeff got jacked?

Why do people insist Jeff is 6

I'm pretty much like that (if not somewhat more ripped) and all I do is bodyweight and Zumba 2 times a week



If yoy want size just lift. Its faster but boring as shit imo. Just do both

I made really good gains with calisthenics and its really fun. Lifting mainly challenges your strength and endurance. For calisthenics you need balance, coordination and strength in really weird motor patterns.

fucking manlet wearing booster shoes and lying about their height

It's fucking sad

>Jeff Seid
to be completely fair he was 17 at the time, don't forget he's a young dude. I grew a whole 2 inches from age 17 to 19

Awwwww man

his mouth is so feminine, it weirds me out every time

does he wear lipstick or something?

Do you want him to giv u succ?


My seids

Never realised how homo this board was.

You must be new here. I got here right after Zyzz was confirmed kill and this board has only got gayer. Trappychan is a fucking faggot though, and i dont approve though. Gays only, no faggots allowed.