Has anyone here actually made it?

What does "making it" mean to you?

gf who goes to gym with me and we do machines together

I got girls that mire me, I got guys to respect me.

I was told I make people uncomfortable because I look like a selfrightous prick who looks down on everyone rightly so because they are dyel scum but I am "such a nice guy in person"


>I don't like you for your body, user, I like you for your asshole attitude

>I have a bf but I thought you could send me pics of your 6pack to get like a female broreview on it lmao xD msg me

at the end of it all I thought this is what I allways wanted, but now that I have attained it to some degree it's just pathetic in my eyes.

Sports are one of the only truly pure things in this world.

I don't enjoy drinking, I don't enjoy the company of woman except if I want to fuck

I just want to feel the strain in my lats when I lock out a 1RM

This fat cow is disgusting.

Fuck your cultural reprogramming, this isn't attractive.

(((you))) have been warned.

Busted face

the moment you start feeling the memes you know you made it

I don't think i'll ever fully "make it". I think life is a constant struggle towards the peaks that you never reach. There are certain plateaus along the way, but you'll die long before you reach the peak. Unless you are Alexander the Great tier or Hercules tier.
As for life goals, i have a few:
>2x bodyweight squat
>learn a martial art
>become social to the point where i have no need for Veeky Forums any longer
>have my own piece of land where i can build my own house
>qt wife

teaching my first born how to hip drive in my home gym with a picture of zyzz on the wall


6'4 392lbs to 6'4 200lbs

I made it. Making it just means you changed your life around. You changed the way people treat you, you changed the bad habits that made you that way, you changed yourself for the better and you made yourself into the person you wanna be.


Having a dick I dont need to be ashamed of but this will never happen so I will probably havemyself castraded at some point so I dont need to fight the sexual urges

Knowing youll never make it is making it

that leg cellulite but you probably look perfect from further away

go away /pol/

lose virginity.

Did you have loose skin?

Asking as a fatty trying to make it

I got some on my chest and lower stomach. Best advice I can give you is to lift heavy and build as much muscle as you can so your skin can attach to it once you burn the fat off the skin is currently clinging to.

I've always had a decent body from sports, but was a total autist for a long time, with my body occasionally smoothing over the social shortcomings when it came to getting girls. Eventually I realized I was actually "hot" and could get away with a lot of shit, which is probably what the children on this board think making it means. I had fun but also did stuff I'm not proud of in that phase.

Having grown out of being a total douche, I now think that "making it" means that your lifestyle and successes reflect your values. I value fitness, and have an admirable body that serves me well both aesthetically and athletically. I value the arts, and produce quality art. I value thrift, not wasting things, and my home reflects those values. To me, that means that I've made it, and am likely to keep making it in the future, because making it is a state of being, not an end goal.

Back to what kids on this board think making it is: yes, my definition of making it will get you women. Not all of them, but the ones worth keeping will recognize a man who's made his life worth sharing.

>married to lovely woman
>Going to father in law's birthday today, in fact
>Making crazy gains on my lifts
>Making money hand over fist
>Reading everyday
>Building a body and reputation to give my own children something to strive for


>Has anyone here actually made it?
>What does "making it" mean to you?

I've made it user. After high school I was a fat slob who ate Lays with dip and watched movies all night. I ballooned to 245lb as a young man! Got tired of being fat, switched to Diet Coke, went on long walks for months. Dropped to 190lb. Still big for 2m tall.

I joined the Army when I was 26. After 6 months of clean eating and exercise all day long, I was exactly the kind of beast I wanted to be. Dropped another 30lb and became a "good" runner. PR on 2mi/3.2km is 13:00. A few years later, I had bulked up and was doing 60PU/12+ pullups and running 15 minute 2mi. Now I'm out and 35 years old. Ballooned to 260 on booze and Fallout 4. Kettlebells on the floor next to me are calling my name but I'm never, ever hydrated enough for a session. Reply with thank you drill sergeant may i have another or this could happen to you.

Routine and time it took you?
Shiiiiiit good job m8

>thank you drill sergeant may i have another

Shit... are you depressive? PTSD?

Just having a rough transition. Went from NEET to living in Hawaii to living in hell to being back at the house. Might be depressive, I dunno. Back to being a NEET, reading postmodern shit and comparative mythology. Working on being a fiction writer, but my craft's not there yet. It's hard to find a reason to do anything physical.

Thats depression mate.

We humans need the physical. I am a fat fuck and recently started jogging and oh my god it feels so good and rewarding. Physical activities change your views on life radically.

Fearsome transformation m8, respect.

gotta say, you sound a lot like me
and fwiw, ive been diagnosed with depression

Thanks for the replies, guy. I'll drink water for a couple days and get out there for a long walk and calisthenics. Gonna make it I think.

Err, that was to you fellows. Checked and saged. Will report back in a few days with results.

>Sports are one of the only truly pure things in this world.
Amen brother.

part of me wants to be a writer, or a creator of some sorts
ill write a couple pages here and there, but nothing more
working with some friends on making a mobile game, but its really too early to see if it will ever pan out

wondering if i should just drop out of law school
but part of me thinks that law is the path to normalcy
and i just want to be normie, with a normie life, with a stable normie gf that will hopefully become a normie family with normie kids

can you give me a sign god

I feel like im close to making it. Lifting got me attention from girls and i managed to get an amazing GF. I just need a decent job and then ive made it. At least my own personal definition of making it.

what do you hear, starbuck?

I have not made it, but I am on my way.

Over the course of 2 years I've lost 175 lbs and am not a healthy BMI of 22. I started lifting. I am scheduled for my first (of two) surgeries to remove excess skin.

I will make it after I have completed my surgeries and successfully implemented lifting into my daily life.

When I look into the mirror I want to feel pride.

i hear depressing thoughts telling me i should just kill myself

what made you decide to become a creative writer?

Making it (fitness)



And diet.

Everything else : money, women, fast cars, assets, career, culture, hobbies. I got those.

This is going to be my final form.

making it:
>money money money money money money
kill yourself you dense cunt.

Nah m8, it's not about that. There's nothing that can't be overcome, trust.

>what made you decide to become a creative writer?
Mimetic desire. One of my literary heroes is alive and my friend of Facebook. He wrote some of my most favorite works in any medium, and obliquely introduced me to some life changing ideas (Jung's collective unconscious and active imagination, Campbell's hero's journey and masks of god, Hegel's bildungsroman of the spirit, Borges' people-as-labyrinths, perennial philosophy, etc.). Nothing someone who went to college wouldn't know, but I'm just an uneducated scrub. I've been reading some of these chaps for years and I know my unconscious is suited for the work. Just need to find some conscious discipline, some hours when I'm not blacking out drunk. The market is starving for quality writers.

You can do it user.

>good career
check, just started it
getting there, m-maybe in 2 more years
>getting married and having 3-4 kids
not even close, but I'm 24. Need to start looking.

thank you for your kind words user
wish you all the best
random questionish since we're on Veeky Forums, how long you been lifting?

thank you drill sergeant may i have another

Congratulations, user. Keep going!

You're welcome user, I hope you get some good lifts in.

>random questionish since we're on Veeky Forums, how long you been lifting?
Not counting these past whisky-soaked 18 months, I've been lifting for 7 years. The vast majority of my exercise has been running and calisthenics though. I don't lift heavy at all. Heaviest I lift at home is 53lb/24kg two handed kettlebell swings and squats. Turkish get ups, lunges, presses, curls use 25lb kbells, or 35lb if I'm careful and isolating. I don't have a bench, but could probably do 170lb/77kg? I used to be able to toss that (ex-Hawaii gf) up into the air and catch in my arms, no problem.

I should add, all of those 7 years were fed by booze and Burger King. Probably could have done a lot better eating clean.


Mad respect user.

For me is function over form. I went from a proper /v/ NEET to///well, a proper /v/ NEET that could carry an 80kg fire door up stairs. The secret was getting a job on a building site - it made me manly right quick.

Downside was I was simply building muscle under my existing fat so I looked like a set of stairs would kill me right until I carried some very heavy weights up and down them for 6hrs a day. Take it from me most of Veeky Forums would break under the onslaught of actual site work where strength and stamina combine in this unholy mix which means having a Mr Universe body is simply not going to happen.

My favourite one was carrying a 110kg roll of lead on my shoulder up a ladder 3 stories high - the goddamn ladder was flexing under the weight. Alas I was promoted to work in the office so all my gains are wasting away.

Face is important in attraction. Asians who look like they got stung by bees are not a turn-on. Hell, asians for the most part aren't a turn-on.
Making it means to be truly happy and healthy in body and mind. That means you have goals and dreams that you fulfill and have gotten in the habit of knowing how to fulfill.

I will have made it when people recognise me on the street for my voice and when I get invited to make shallow conversation about my completely irrelevant celebrity life on late night shows where they casually compliment me for my physique and I handwavingly reply that it's only because I exercise to keep me balanced.

I will have made it when I stand in front of my currently terribly overweight uncle's grave and say "I will never be like you were". I will have made it when I stand in front of my aunt's and mother's grave each and be glad I never had to have surgery on my digestive tract because of shitty food habits. I will have made it when I can enjoy a good, hearty and delicious meal that I cooked for my wife and three kids and not worry about the calories because I'll casually burn them away with a good routine. I will have made it when my kids grow up to respect food and their own physical health, when they are not reduced to being nerdy pushovers whose only ability is some mental capacity but the physique to help them defend themselves against those who give jackshit about their wit, who can enjoy physical exercise just as much as reading a good book, listening to music all day or going hard on the vidya.

I will have made it when I close my eyes for the last time, knowing I have learnt and taught that life can not be lived sitting down all the time.

I will have made it when I know I've earned my rest.

>carrying a 110kg roll of lead on my shoulder up a ladder 3 stories high

That sounds ridiculously dangerous and illegal. Did you have no safety officers or something on site?

Still making 3 points of contact yo (two legs and one arm). We certainly did have health and safety inspections but said weight lifting is not a violation.

The key to making it is to never consider yourself made. Always strive to improve.

Went from childhood obesity to college ROTC to being a software developer with a fiancee.

> the worst nightmare of all, reality

>and i just want to be normie, with a normie life, with a stable normie gf that will hopefully become a normie family with normie kids
Normies are all happy user.
You should have goals to strive for but becoming something you're not isn't one of them.
Unfortunately it's hard to differentiate between "that's not me" and "that's too hard".
Just keep working on yourself, I go to gradschool for something I truly love and fuck japanese sex toys on the weekends, if being normie means I can't do what I love then fuck it.


*normies AREN'T all happy

i appreciate your reply
a different way of seeing things i guess


Making it, to me, is getting at least 4 clearly visible abdominal muscles without having a light shine straight from above in a low-lit room
Or getting a gf. Still haven't made either, but I am closer to the abs than to a gf.

>amen for sports

"Making it" is something you should always strive towards and never meet. You should always have that desire of seeking perfection and progression as a human being. The moment you've claimed that you've made it is the moment you've lost since you've lost that drive and hunger that made you into the man you are today.

I wanted to escape from this beta hell too but i started to realise 90% of normies don't stay fit and and just go downhill with age.

This and they treat their minds and relationships the same. You can be better than them bud, you can be a Beta Prime.

While Chad can never be defeated, making it is when Brad gets a beer belly, his wife leaves him and I surpass him.

thanks bro i love you, glad you made it