Mfw I do no more than 5 exercises per workout

>mfw I do no more than 5 exercises per workout

nice double trips.
i only did only 4 exercises over the last two days

haha enjoy your gut and facial fat you fucking faggot loser.

lotta gets in this thread already

>mfw i only do one exercise per workout


I only do 4 exercises per workout.

If 666 get Panzerjäger is Jessica's sub bitch

what the fuuuck

>>Veeky Forums40666666


>doing more than 3
Excluding the warmup, I unironically just squat bench and deadlift. I go 3 times a week

I do 4 exercises for my primary muscle group of the day and 2 for the secondary. For the life of me I can't think of any benefits staying longer than that.

Bet you look shit.

Mfw these are my lifts for one day


why do you do pull-ups + lat pulldown + seated row? They're redundant. And in a "chest and legs" day no less.


can you stop please

Chest and legs was what the workout once was, now the titles are only a means of keeping the two days separate

Also, I find machine exercises pretty easy even with max weight so after I exhaust myself on the hard lifts I just use them to get a little more in

No I'm getting jacked m8

On lower body day I just do squats and diddly, normally do five exercises on upper body day. Hardly unusual for strength training.

>all this machine faggotry

i do 2-3 on lower days and 6 on upper