This is considered to be a fit woman by American standards

>This is considered to be a fit woman by American standards

what an overrated sack of shit why do people glom onto winners like they did with her

she went from the biggest shit ever to nobody

>you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like

Wow, those losses really wrecked her

Are you fucking kidding me. she is not fit by american standards. What shit hole do you live in that you would even think this? Come to my gym and I'll show you fit chicks.

She got in shape for Nunez, not that it mattered.

jesus what went wrong?

So is she done now or? I don't pay much attention to MMA, but from what I gathered she was beaten when on top, got depressed and then lost her comeback match in the first minute or something?

>This is considered to be a fit woman by American standards

>This is considered to be a fit woman by American standards

To be fair Rousey's always been a bit of a fridge. Even worse when she's off competition.

that's exactly what happened. she's done now.

>This is considered to be a fit woman by American standards






She used to be quite cute.

>This is considered to be a fit woman by American standards

Yeah, she's finished. Not because she can't come back, but because she's broken mentally. You could tell her heart wasn't in the Nunes fight.


Frog lady is more flexible than me lol.

Have you considered that she's "bulking"? She needs to be under a certain weight at competition time, but the best way to get there with a maximum of muscle may just be bulking and cutting.

She wasn't bulking or even training at that time. That was pure depression eating.

How is she so mentally weak? Like how do you become a champion like that.
Not that it matters now anyway she's rich and gets movie roles

She got overhyped by racking up wins against jobbers and rightfully got her shit pushed in by someone who could fight. Blame Dana

>gets movie roles

Not anymore.

Is that amy schumer