Motivation and depression

Hey Veeky Forums

How do you motivate yourselves to go through with working out and eating properly? I know what I should do but I can't make myself follow through. I have often caught myself sabotaging myself on purpose and I have been giving in to depression.

Background story:

>moved to a new country
>got married
>thought I escaped from emotionally and mentally abusive family
>moved to the middle of nowhere
>language is difficult
>no real friends
>on welfare
>mom back home starts guilt tripping me and forcing me to send money to them every month
>send back home like a good offspring
>only leave money for gas for myself
>cant afford clothes or underwear
>husband doesn't approve but understands so he pays for everything here while I contribute nothing
>gains 16kg in less than 2 years
>keep thinking of how I wish my mother dies and fantasize about hurting her
>mother continues to milk me for money and complains about everything
>can't learn the language and feel like I am losing my mind
>lose interest in everything
>husband opens the idea of going to a shrink because he is convinced I am dealing with depression

Has anyone dealt with depression and kept it at bay by working to be fit?

Why can't you learn the language though?

I have no idea, I'm in teh same about. No drive for anything. Would rather be dead. fuck

You shouldn't be working as a woman anyways.

I worded it wrong. More like, I have difficulty learning the language and I have been too upset to function and my mind wanders. I am still happily married. It's everything outside of my marriage that is fucked up and I find myself wishing I could just die or want to kill myself. I look at my reflection in the mirror with disgust but I find myself intentionally sabotaging myself. I am not hungry but I still eat because it calms me down. I should exercise but I dont because I am a stupid fuck. I just wallow in misery and I have to stop this but I cant stop myself.

Break all contact with your mother you fucking moron

OP sounds like you have a good husband that cares about you
If your gonna do it than do it for him and get your life on track so you two can build a life together
Start working out and learning the language

It's easier said than done. Your mother is still your mother no matter how toxic the relationship is. It's really hard especially with mine. She's an incompetent fuck who I have been cleaning after and supporting since I was a teenager. She will literally die without me and manage to put all the blame on me. My brother is an abusive cunt who aggravated her illness and heart problems. He is literally killing her and I am the only one stopping that

did any of u tried lifting while having a boner
gives me 2 extra reps but my hart is pumping like crazy

Do what these guys said.
Also if you learn the language it will help you make friends.

How about you kill yourself homo

He is the only reason why I haven't an heroed myself. I know I should do it for him but I need more motivation to push myself. I feel sad, angry, bitter, disconnected and upset about everything right now and I can't even have kids yet because I cannot juggle supporting a child and my mother. I just paid for her surgery last month and she tried to lie to me about the cost, luckily my aunt was giving me updates since she helped out. I gave my mother more than enough but my aunt still had to cover part of the bill and my mom never told me what happened to the money. I had to pay back my aunt and then give more to my mother. I feel so upset that I feel like crying but couldn't cry anymore because I have done it so many times that it just wont come out anymore.

>being milked money by someone you don't give a shit about

Typical woman. Grow some balls, tell her to fuck off. What the fuck is your husband even doing? Why the fuck is he letting send a majority of your money to some cunt?

>he understands

No, he's a fucking pussy just like yourself

No but OP, seriously. This'll seem rude and/or pushy, but tell your mom to fuck right off. Blood-related or not, a greedy bitch is still a greedy bitch, and there is no reason you should endure that.
Sometimes it's just best to flee. While giving the middle finger, if you'd like.

Forget your mother and do it for your man until you are at the state you can do it for yourself
You have something a lot of people would kill for so you should get it together and I mean that in the nicest way possible. Stop giving money to your mother or if you have to give it to her confront her about the missing money and try to get the money to her through your aunt so shit doesn't go missing

If it doesn't help you get rid of it. That goes for thoughts, behaviors, and any influence. You got to stream line your life to a better future (healthy finances, body, and relationships). It's hard but just like lifting wright's it gets easier and you look forward to it. That's what being a man is. Being a man must be achieved and earned, not given. You can do it user. Or else you will live a bleak miserable existence.

And some wailing country cowboy song plays in the background. I would like to do that.

Yeah. I was thinking of doing the aunt route but it might just cause drama and grief to my aunt because my mom is a difficult person. I was thinking of saving up then giving her a small amount and then sayonara

Become a camwhore and bring in tokens to send to your mom.

I would 100% see a therapist. very very helpful. ween your mother off, or try and get her in a home.

>tfw you still hasn't sorted yourself out

Stop shilling this shit on here, it honestly looks interesting but no way should someone have to pay money for this shit.
Link self-help guides or fuck off, stop shilling for products.'s like $35 dude.

Yes, and there are plenty of free resources online.
It would be better if you would actually explain what you think is so great about this program but everytime you post it you just post the link.
You are very obviously a shill, when someone asks for help with their diet you don't just post a link to a product, you discuss things because we are on an image board.
$35 is a good sum to spending on something that hardly gives much information out before buying and may or may not benefit someone more/less than the thousands of other FREE resources.

So please, if you want to discuss how this program changed YOUR life and explain how some of it in detail affected you, then great do so.
I'm all for helping others, usually I post meditation resources but I of course post free ones instead of the paid bullshit because mental health shouldn't cost money unless absolutely necessary.

TLDR: Actually talk about the payed content your shilling or fuck off.

Homes cost a lot of money and are unacceptable in my culture. I am planning on weaning her off. I can't live like this anymore. The anxiety and depression is ruining me. I will see a therapist like what you said.

How do you guys motivate yourselves? Do you have a routine or habit you go through before you start your workout or something?

OP, drop your mother (and anyone who enables her). I haven't read the other replies but people must be telling you this already.

1. She is an adult. She can handle being by herself.
2. Ignore her toxicity.
3. You don't owe her anything.

Just skimmed over Yeah, she's not a good mother and you're enabling her by cleaning up after her. She's dependent on you because she KNOWS she'll have you do shit for her. JUST STOP, OP. Don't be a dumbass and waste more of your time.

You're already in a different country. Stop contacting her. Remember that you don't owe her anything, ffs

The way she acts is worse than being a stranger

I'm going to sleep now, so no idea if your thread will still be here or if you'll reply. If you screw up your life, you're automatically screwing up your kid's life.

There have been people who have ghosted their family members for reasons much simpler than "my mom is a greedy bitch THIEF who makes me feel like shit and is constantly grabbing at me for more money, leaving me with nothing."

JUST DO IT. You have a kid. Do it for them. Be a fucking role model. Teach them that when somebody is toxic, no matter if they're family, you NEED to cut them out. It's for your mental and physical health.

This whole thing makes me angry because she has manipulated you to an extent where you sacrifice yourself for her. How shitty. You don't owe that person anything.

This drama can stop, you'll have more money to spend with your loved ones (including for yourself), and it just takes cutting her out of your life. There's no way to lose! You'll only win.

Goodnight, OP. Be safe & rational.


Jordan B Peterson OP.. You need him


you don't have to pay for it
go watch his free lectures on youtube