Both 5'5"

>both 5'5"
>trained for almost same time
>both natty
>one does full body workouts with ego lifting
>another does bro-splits with emphasis on time under tension and volume

So what is better splits of fullbody?

Other urls found in this thread:

>Both natty

>both natty

You forgot

>Both ugly as sin

Guy on the right is definitely on something, look at those "natty" delts.

Alpha looks so much better. Roids make him look like those Brolic pitts

why does the guy on the right have short arms like t-rex? or is it just weird photo angle?

Jeff is pumped and has better lighting

It is because he is 5'3 who is claiming to be 5'5

pumped with roids you mean?

alex pls go

Eat clen tren hard test your limits dbolish your goals ghet huge keep husslin winnie it all anavar give up

I do believe that jeff is natty. He benches 3 plates for 7 plates like nothing

If you think Jeff and Alex (especially Alex) are on something you will never make it. EVER.

That said, Jeff looks better for two reasons - strategically developed muscles (side delts, upper chest, traps and abs that aren't overbulked) while having small waist and low bf%.

>both natty

You're fucking retarded OP.

When will they learn

the one on the right is on shit
the one on the left looks natty atm. dont know about his history

>both natty

The one on the left is a little Manlet faggot

>He benches 3 plates for 7 plates like nothing

What did he mean by this?

Wasnt the main question of this thread is what is brosplits better than fulbody, not who is natty?

>He benches 3 plates for 7 plates like nothing

You can't say something completely retarded like that without responses.

Nippard's 'brosplit' has him hitting every bodypart 2-3 times per week and unlike AD, he has an IQ higher than 89 which helps.

natty as fuck

if i was a manlet i'd train for strength too, there is NO POINT in lifting for aesthetics as a manlet. it's like polishing a turd.

but manlets get the best and fastest results when they train for aesthethics

Jeff is on gear, stop being a delusional faggot.

Who's this Jeff? What's his YT?

And they still look like shit.

>both natty

Ayy lmao, pecs and delts so freakishly big that he looks like a skinny guy trying to escape from a muscle shell. Of course he's roiding to hell and back.

right = thick frame
left = thin frame
look at their wrists.

They're both 5'5" so who cares

Holy shit I never cared about anyones size, but the dude on the right really looks like a freakish dwarf character. Just fucked up really desu.

And dis nigga is on the sauce

ITT: 100% natties

Because they're bent.

Also he's a fucking manlet LMAO

If the guy who trained bro split was on gear then yeah it fucking matters.

depends if you want to be strong or not

Jelly faggot. They're still both stronger than you

High, Alex.

>>both natty
stopped reading there

Alex is literally what Jeff would look like natty. That's also a pretty shit photo of Alex, he tends not to ever take photos with a pump and great lighting like Jeff does, his actual size shines through better here

I would bet money that if Alex took whateverJeff does while training as heavy as he does (1000lb rack pulls etc) he'd be bigger.

Seriously, fuck off, Alex. Nobody cares about you, you gross pube-bearded midget.

Lol dude you seem mad. Alex is just a die hard natty that wanted gains, so he does crazy shit to get them, I don't need to shill for him, he has plenty of subs. Maybe if you had impressive traps and delts too you wouldn't be so bitter bro.

the guy on the right has to be shorter than the guy on the left, or has shit proportions. He looks like a fucking caricature with those super short forearms and hands

>some natty veins

Maybe if you weren't a pathetic dwarf you wouldn't have to shill yourself here, Alex.

> impressive traps and delts
Fucking kek.

guy on the right looks better.

He makes a stack of 7 plates next to him before he benches, which he calls his waifu, he then benches 3 plates to impress 'her'.

>for some reason I've been a lot more vascular recently
>for some reason

Top kek.

they probably juicing, but then again you guys think literally everyone is on roids or is DYEL. there is no inbetween, it's either roids or dyel. that's it.

>implying nippard natty

>both natty

I can see why some newfags might believe dboldestiny when he claims natty but how fucking delusional must you be to think Jeff's not on?

>not natty

choose one.

>muscle maturity

Because when he gets in contest shape he looks depleted. He looks big because of his side delts and upper chest.

What looks like shit to you may look good to some womanlet.

Aesthetics are subjective.

>both natty


Womanlets love talls guy though. It's like they're compensating.

Who the fuck grabs their phone like that. It's not a fucking goblet

its funny how you can immediately tell they are manlets


Sometimes I really think I'm lurking with low test klinefelters

Womanlets don't like manlets.

His hands are so small, he's unable to hold the phone like a normal human being.

kys fampai, dude on the right is on gear. You're delusional if you think otherwise.

>natty gets any gains on bro-split after 1 month of noob gains.

Your lifting years?

>chest tattoo

LMAO and people think he's natty?

Your lifting years?

Go home Jeff

spotted the gnome boy

>Both natty

OP confirmed non-lifter

>both 5'5"

Lmfao turbo manlets. Nothing else matters.

stupid fucking manlets lol

You're delusional if you think boi on the left is natty.

You're on Veeky Forums commenting on people's height, lmao.


Easily doable with ~4-5 years of lifting.


This is the best you can ever get after 10+ years of Olympic tier strength training as a natty

>both natty

I'll take it. Here's a better picture of Candito, and powerlifting isn't olympic style weight lifting...

Not even close to being natty lol

Painfully obvious right is on something.

Why even live?

I can't tell if you kids are lé trolling xdd or do you really look fucking horrible irl.

>mfw the one on the rights gnome arms

fucking manlets will never learn

He's right you know.

Not that I like Alex since I can't fucking stand him holding his phone all the time and his stealing of the Buge, but he does seem natty.

He just tries really hard and is a super manlet

You're going to be real disappointed when you start working out and realize the guy on the right isn't natty

>disputing using the word "both" means neither are natty
>Veeky Forums education

dude on the right looks like he's 4'5"

>Those shoulders

top delusion

Alex's shoulders aren't even good. You must be thinking of Jeff, the one without the douchey beard.

is that dingleberry

this, we are discussing the daily routine of ants

>I really hate alpha destiny that kid really thinks he's like wise or something.

>doubting someone who puts up 3/5/6 at 160lbs
>le trolling tier assumption