Who /repsforJesus/ here?

Who /repsforJesus/ here?

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wow his wrists are huge

Daily reminder that if you're not working on improving your physical, mental AND spiritual gains your never gonna make it.

Jesus is in my corner, is he in yours?

amen, -from a devout christian



Is it cool if i believe in god and not jesus?

Warm regards


Catholic Jesus was skelly as fuck. But what kind of core strength did he have to make it 6 hours doing a crucifixion

There is no right or wrong way to believe

Not me any longer since i read Julian the Apostate's letter "Against the Galileans". He completely BTFO christians as early as 1700 years ago.
Basically he was the last pagan Roman emperor and he tried to halt the spread of christianity and restore the old gods but he failed. His letter "Against the Galileans" explained logical arguments why christianity was inferior to the pagan worship and is widely considered irrefutable. The christians had him murdered and burned his book, only 1/3rd of it survives today.

There's only one god in the church of iron. And you do reps for jesus

caviezel was pretty fit

I suppose, maybe.

But Jesus was the blueprint for perfect humanitarian living. Only once everyone achieves Christ Consciousness, will humanity reached the next zenith of existence.

That must be acknowledged in your heart.

i lift so odin will accept me into valhall.

i respect you jesus fags though. we all have our beliefs.

how much +Strength do those rings grant? and where did you pillage them?

Lift for Odin




rings grant me inner strength

heh enjoy your homosex, faggot

>literally worshipping a gay cocksucking 'diety'

This desu while I like Jesus and he receives all of my reps, Odin is the shit. Honestly prefer him (Odin) over god unless it's wrathful old testament god then nothing tops that.

thanks brah. have a rare odin wojak.

totally understand that brah

thats why i dont talk shit about other religions.

nothing but respect

+1 for gungnir brother

>Odin literally had to suck cock to learn magic
>Didn't even know all the magic inherently, not a real 'god'
>Loki called him out for his shit
>Didn't even get punished

You people are truly the most homosexual. Enjoy.

oh shit, just realized i double copied

heres the helmet one.


>didn't have to suck cock, gave up one eye in exhange for wisdom
>you don't have to be supreme to be a god. there are many lesser gods
>Loki is a cunt

Nothing wrong with being gay either. Pagans win again

I'd eat buncha cocks for sick fucking gainz

Always doing it for jesus

Odin hung himself from a branch of Yggdrasil, pierced himself with his spear, Gungnir and peered downward into the shadowy waters below. He forbade any of the other gods to grant him the slightest aid, not even a sip of water. And he stared downward, and stared downward, and called to the runes.

He survived in this state, teetering on the precipice that separates the living from the dead, for no less than nine days and nights. At the end of the ninth night, he at last perceived shapes in the depths: the runes! They had accepted his sacrifice and shown themselves to him, revealing to him not only their forms, but also the secrets that lie within them. Having fixed this knowledge in his formidable memory, Odin ended his ordeal with a scream of exultation.

Having been initiated into the mysteries of the runes, Odin recounted:

Then I was fertilized and became wise;
I truly grew and thrived.
From a word to a word I was led to a word,
From a work to a work I was led to a work.

Equipped with the knowledge of how to wield the runes, he became one of the mightiest and most accomplished beings in the cosmos. He learned chants that enabled him to heal emotional and bodily wounds, to bind his enemies and render their weapons worthless, to free himself from constraints, to put out fires, to expose and banish practitioners of malevolent magic, to protect his friends in battle, to wake the dead, to win and keep a lover, and to perform many other feats like these.

try again


Didn't Loki fuck a horse lol

he did.

Loki gave birth in the form of a Mare, despite being male. Loki's Baby Daddy is a stallion. The baby is a horse

the funnioest thing about this, is Odin took the horse (named slepnir) (an 8 legged horse)
and rides it

Odin cucked lokis baby at birth

>pagans win again

No, it's Jewish

mormon masterrace reporting in

what do pagans believe in? why does everybody hate them

If he worked as a carpenter until his 30's with nothing but manual tools he'd end up looking like pic related over some skeletor.

pagan is a derogatory word made up by Christians to describe anybody not doing Christianity.

That they so happily label themselves that proves how misguided they truly are.

Is this what a peak male looks like?

Looks interesting, I'll add it to my Amazon wish list.

you may find this of interest:

" The Emperor Julian, who restored to the Empire its old religion, which had been abolished by Constantine the Apostate, is justly regarded as an opponent of the Galilean. And, when perusing the petty treatises of Julian, one is struck with the number of ideas this enemy of the Christians held in common with them. He, like them, is a monotheist; with them, he believes in the merits of abstinence, fasting, and mortification of the flesh; with them, he despises carnal pleasures, and considers he will rise in favour with the gods by avoiding women; finally, he pushes Christian sentiment to the degree of rejoicing over his dirty beard and his black finger-nails. The Emperor Julian's morals were almost those of St. Gregory Nazianzen. There is nothing in this but what is natural and usual. The transformations undergone by morals and ideas are never sudden. The greatest changes in social life are wrought imperceptibly, and are only seen from afar. Christianity did not secure a foothold until such time as the condition of morals accommodated itself to it, and as Christianity itself had become adjusted to the condition of morals. It was unable to substitute itself for paganism until such time as paganism came to resemble it, and itself came to resemble paganism."
—Anatole France, The White Stone Ch. III, p. 135

Depends on what god

Pagan is an open term for anything not Christian. It's basically ethno religions. Germanic, celtic, Slavic(broken down into its various regions), tengrism, taoism, Buddhism. Pagan means nothing

Too many """Pagans""" now are lesbian emo cucks who think they can call on the moon gods and cast spells. Aka. Wiccans. If you are interested in Paganism stay far away from these faggots.

seven day Adventist master race reporting


i hate them too, i just like to believe in a god that i think is badass, im not into the whole magic thing,

many of those fucks ruin it for alot of us.

I cannot stop laughing at those proportions.

No, Arius.

Need those gains so you can beat the merchants out of the temple

Blessed be thy gains, and thy shit posting.

Psalm 18:32
It is God who arms me with strength and makes my way perfect.

Philippians 4:13
I can do everything through him who gives me strength.

Ephesians 6:10
Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power.

Why is it that people's only concept of God is the Christian one?
Hundreds of religions out there you know.


I was asking because I was raised Catholic.

You can't believe in the father and reject his son.

1 Corinthians 6:19-20 "19 Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit within you, whom you have from God? You are not your own, 20 for you were bought with a price. So glorify God in your body." Starting today my gains are for the LORD.


Based Julian absolutely wrecked the illogical monstrosity that is Christianity

We call those "jews".

holy shit

city fuckbois btfo

Nigga he was hit by a stray javelin gtfo

I'm reppin for the old Gods


the Amish gains are real

>not squatting for raptorjesus until achieving rightful T-rex mode

I /repsforAllah/


his son was a jew

>not even a sip
no god of mine

Christians was also a derogatory word made up by jews to describe those following the false messiah

*money changers


Even pagan shitposting is weak


Worshiping fictional jews....

Nah he died like a bitch on that thing man. Also was definitely scrawny and malnourished rather than jacked.

Nah he gave up one of his eyes. Learn MYTH you Avengersbabyfag.

Odin and Zeus are the best mythological characters. Old testament god is cool. New testament one is lame and JEBUS was never cool always came off like a crappier Buddha.

Nah Buddha did it better and like 400 years before Jezus.

People are THIS retarded

Well Jesus is a historically recognized figure, so it'd be the same as believing in Napolean or Julius Cesar. Whether you believe in the spiritualism surrounding him is different (and lack of belief valid in my view).

Nah you definitely can't even lift with those confused atheist hands

Maybe Buddha can rub some faggot creme on your butthurt

Is this achievable natty?

Maybe catholic priests can do that for you

He's a life changer, miracle arranger...

it is if you are a mudshit

>Well Jesus is a historically recognized figure
no he isn't

prove it

>prove it
just as soon as you prove my invisible intangible unicorn isn't real

Born to the Virgin, mom in the manger

Man I wish he had a 'fro like in the thumbnail

i think christianity is a wonderful myth, and christ as a figure is the highest form of ethical purity anyone can aspire to, that's the point of the story. i go to church every sunday because the college aged females are so sexy. i don't buy into taking the bible as literal happenings but proverbs, and many other books are wonderful for advice and guidance. this outlook on christianity is objectively best. sexy christian women are conservative, generally active, healthy, non-degenerate, and going to their church puts you on their radar. all you have to do is volunteer once or twice a month, get some moral gains, feel good, do good deeds, and have sex with young christian chicks.