Hey Veeky Forums

Hey Veeky Forums
I'm a 285 pound grill, 5'5 and I'm only 19.

I'm willing to get off my ass and change it but here's my issue.
My dad has been built as fuck my entire life and he pushes himself to his total limits and I've accidentally adapted his strategy. Unfortunatly for me, because I'm so obese, pushing myself to my limit has almost given me an actual heart attack.

I'm about to go for my first run in over a year, what can I do to just chill out a bit more and not over-exert myself to the point of almost killing myself? And how can I turn exercise into a habit?

My over exertion usually means that after 2 or 3 days of exercise my body just crumbles and I fall out of the habit and lose motivation.

Pic related, it's me 2 or 3 years ago. It's the only candid shot that I don't hate myself in because the magic of a good angle and lighting means you can't see my double chin. I've only gotten fatter since then due to poor choices, stress and medication.

Other urls found in this thread:


jk just read sticky and eat less

If this is real, you need a medically directed diet and exercise plan, where you are supervised at all times. In no way is it advisable or ethical to accept any advice from this board except to direct you to a medical professional.

If this picture is supposedly a woman then you have no way of ever making
my condolences

>short hair
>dyed tips

please leave, you make me toss up my proton shake

>man hands


Just don't push yourself hard in the beginning. One thing you need to make very clear is that you didn't gain this weight overnight, therefore, it isn't going to fall off overnight. One of fat people's biggest problems is that they push too hard in the beginning. Just go for a walk for like 10 minutes. Add two minutes every day or two, or even week if it helps. You're going to hate yourself and working out.

Secondly, don't overdo it with the going clear on food. Dropping all bad habits at once will make you want them even more. Start eating less of the shitty food, eliminating them entirely over time. You'll find you won't crave them when you pick up steam.

Thirdly, you talk about getting good at angles: Cut that shit out right now. By doing this, you're convincing yourself that you're not THAT fat. Trust me. You are. You might acknowledge it, but taking a good angle furthers your denial that your weight isn't an issue. Weigh yourself, take your measurements, and give yourself a really good look in the mirror. You don't have to hate your body, but know that it shouldn't look round and lumpy like it does.

Lastly: The first month is always the worst.

I'm actually trans, female to male, but it wasn't relevant.

wasn't meant to be dyed tips, just didn't have the money to redye blonde

You should get a gym membership somewhere and just start off by walking and lifting weights. Also read the fucking sticky if you haven't because weight loss just boils down to calories in and calories out. You're much better served determining your TDEE and eating 500 calories below it than running and hurting yourself right now.

>5'5 girl

So? That's nothing sp-




> has had a heart attack

I'm with that other user there, I'm really not sure this board is equipped to give advice. I'll address some of the things you asked, though.

> what can I do to just chill out a bit more and not over-exert myself

You want to be working just hard enough that it's hard to carry on a conversation. If you feel like you're really straining, slow down to a jog or power walk and focus on breathing, then pick up again.

> how can I turn exercise into a habit

A combination of forcing yourself and finding things to enjoy about it. You do have to make yourself do it every day for a while and it'll eventually become automatic.

I honestly hate exercise and physical activity but I still manage to go to the gym 6 times a week because it's 30 min - 1 hr where I can just be totally alone with my thoughts and listen to music I like while I work.

> medication

Another thing I don't think anyone here can comment on, if there are medications you must take that make weight loss difficult.


Ech even worse, and you probably come bundled with some garden variety mental issues and dumb political beliefs.

Just go treadmill and leave the board, thnx.

I've read the sticky, losing the weight wasn't my issue. My issue is I fuck myself up in the process. i get into a loop of wanting to do something and not taking my time. It's partially a BPD thing.

I'd get a gym membership if I could, trust me. There are a bunch of 24/7 ones near me that would be perfect but I barely have $20 left for a fortnight after rent and basic necessities. There are some cool public exercise machines kind of close but it's still over 3km away and I don't have a car to just drive half way there, do my thing and walk back.

> I'm actually trans, female to male

What are you waiting for, then? Get on the test. Most people report fat loss and muscle gain even if they don't significantly change their lifestyles (even though you still should).

Looking at your hands and frame, with 1 year of test and a good fitness regimen you'll pass as a man. Testosterone is a godsend.

(Sauce: My family's line of work is specifically in female-to-male transition, I see their clients a lot.)

Why do mentally ill "people" think it's okay for them to post on here?


eat less

Try DDP Yoga, OP

Most important thing is diet. You can actually lose a lot of weight without working out if you cut the calories.

Yeah I dont know
I imagine this "person" also gives out advice occasionally

Never listen to anyone without bodypic


You're morbidly obese
You go too hard
You almost had a fucking heart attack...

Here's what you should do. Apply that go overboard mindset to your fucking diet.
Eating too little is not good, eating not well is horrible, eating too much has gotten you to where you are now.
Find the balance, eat better, occasionally fast.
Drink only water.

As for exercise. Ignore everyone who inevitably tells you some bullshit about how you need to run for fucking miles or lift weights or go to a fucking gym.
You'll just inevitably fuck it up.

Here's the bare bones honest truth about fitness for women.
Basic calisthenics, moderate aerobics(like walking, stepping, long ass walks) and good stretching, like yoga etc are queen.
No bullshit, no special programs, no running for a thousand miles none of that shit.
Pushups, situps squats, stair stepping, and long ass walks every day.

Become far more active in your day to day life. Just finding an active hobby that you can devote a lot of time too will do far more then any workout plan when it comes to losing weight.

I would also suggest doing an early crash diet to drop some pounds. Look up the rapid fatloss handbook and take up walking and basic calisthenics as well.

After you've dropped about 140 pounds(yes, that diet is that fucking effective) I'd suggest doing Intermittent fasting from then on.

It works.

> Apply that go overboard mindset to your fucking diet.

This is good advice.

You know what's funny? There are men as short as you (and shorter) right now. I would know. I'm one of them at 5'4" - so don't take this the wrong way. I hate your guts because you are what I worry people will think I am. I'm a man and I was born male. I don't usually tell people to fuck off, but I take your post as possible trolling so whatever. Fuck off. Nobody wants your Lena Dunham looking ass on our board. We here can laugh at everybody, including failures of manlets like me. Go back to Tumblr and moan about how much men suck and how much you want to be one. Once again, fuck off.

don't do treadmill, it doesn't work your ass. This is how girls lose asses over time even though they workout.
yes you're a girl, and a straight one probably, there are 30 year old lesbians that realize they're at-least bi with a preference for men.
i can't add anything

You're an angry elf...

Nah, I just hate all transtrenders.

go swimming instead of running.

Normally, I recommend people diet before getting into a dedicated fitness program. Combine diet with 20–30 minutes walking or gentle swimming every day.

But if you have this issue with over-exertion, you might try a dedicated strength training program. Pushing yourself to the very limits is sort of the watch word.
Do you think you could follow the program though, even knowing intellectually that you are already pushing yourself as hard as possible, and resist the urge to do more than a walk on rest days?

>But if you have this issue with over-exertion, you might try a dedicated strength training program.

I wish I could sage your stupid ass.

This is Veeky Forums. We're not known for being too good with the advice shit. We're like a big brother that gives good advice sometimes. We don't always do that, but when we do...we're sort of cool.

Please don't be gay just because you're unattractive your self hate is still going to be there

>Thumbnail looked just like my younger brother but skinnier.

>I'm actually trans, female to male, but it wasn't relevant.

You've almost had a heart attack while running.
And you're a FtM and more then likely going to go on test.
Here's something you should know, test significantly shortens the lives of women. It also destroys their cardiovascular system. Just fucking ruins it.
You, who almost had a heart attack from just running, will not last very long.

Just give up the gear, do some fork put downs, and just find a nice thirsty big dicked guy to dick you till you're straight and be happy.

Actually, I take my original mad post back. This one and one too. I want OP to fuck up her body with test. Female privilege is just so stupid and we all know how the women slide through life. Anyone who is willing to give that up is doing the work of the Lord at this point. So, go for it OP. Destroy your female body (yeah, even that fat one) and try to be a male. Try to be a "male" even though you never will be. Time to eat a tub of ice cream and watch some yaoi. When you're done with that...

1. Smash boobies
2. Start test
3. ?????
4. Parental disspointment!

>push yourself! You go girl!!
>fuck your tendons

Or you can take swimming lessons for land whales, either way you have no value, and your parents are retarded.

What can fatty like that do with all disgusting rolled flappy skin even if they manage to lose weight?




It's not in my habit being a whiteknight but you guys really were assholes to this girl.

50 Shades of Gender OP can fuck off.

>Assholes to this """girl""""
Dude, this is not your safe space. Or """hers""" either. Pretty much.


I'm a giant floppy dick and I don't care.
She needs to know how dangerous the game she's playing is.
She will probably fucking die if she's not careful and I will not have that bullshit on my fucking conscious.

Besides, I have a disturbing rape boner for dykes. Especially dykey looking chicks/reverse traps. Being a cock to them online let's me vent without going to prison for forcefully taking one to pound town.

>No new posts
Just workout then do stairmaster hard while listening to tunes.

Don't eat like shit, which is everything u think is chill

More like over-exaggerating. Learn to do cardio 30~45 mins for 5~6 times a week maximum and eat a clean diet that never goes under 1800cal. Trust me, your ass will be fine. Why do you have to make shit complicated, it's only weight loss, it's not like you're going to a war.

Don't run, you'll hurt your knees. Look into Keto, if you do it right the fat will melt off you.

Hi OP, also a girl here. My mom is a fitness model and on her way to becoming a personal trainer, so I know a bit about overexertion. My best advice is to begin very slow, start with eating habits - a lot of people here will recommend immediately hitting a gym but the best thing you can do now is start with eating better. I was forced into homelessness last year, and it turned into a great diet plan, because I no longer got to eat for pleasure, I was eating to keep my body fueled - think about the vitamins you need to treat your body with, think about the basics - I'm talking food pyramid style. Fill your meals with fruits and vegetables and try all different sorts of foods to see what you like and start substituting your favorite foods for something even just a tiny bit healthier (grilled/baked chicken instead of fried) While I didn't start going to the gym until 6 months into my weight loss. I definitely started walking around more, if you can walk instead of bus/drive somewhere I seriously recommend it, walking isn't intense but if you walk even just a half an hour a day in combination with eating healthy, you will see a difference. Now it took me at least a year to physically see a difference so don't get discouraged when you're not seeing changes, the thing about not overexerting yourself is that you may not feel the results coming, but they'll pop up and it feels sooo great to notice, to feel your shoulder bone for the first time, to look at your legs and notice they no longer chafe - I can't even begin to tell you how long I wanted to see that!! I seriously recommend taking a nutrition course or googling some youtube nutrition videos, it also helped me to mostly cut dairy out of my diet, I still drink milk sometimes but replacing my drinks with water has also helped me tremendously. I've lost around 130 pounds, I believe in you OP! Here's me, I am pretty proud so I'll show anyone who listens! I hope you do this for your health if anything!

Knowledgable and dickable.
Why can't all femanons be like you.

We're just flooded with legbeards who think this place is their own personal cock roost and horribly out of shape chicks who'll get around to it "eventually", and lesbians who're pushing swole chicks everywhere and talk constantly about women getting strong and swole while never once lifting anything heavier then their own ass out of their chair.
And all of them ALL OF THEM are here for the guys in the /cbt/ threads.

Holy shit I think I might work with you. Back on topic, I would not start running. Shit is bad for your knees at that weight. I would work on unfuck your diet first, and if you want to get active now I would recommend swimming and/or stationary bike. Just take it slow until you drop at least 80lbs. Take care of yourself. This shit is a marathon not a sprint.

Cardio is essential for weight loss, are you telling her to not to do one? There are many ways of doing cardio, rowing machines, punching bag, zumba.

did you track calories? if so how much did you eat to lose weight?

>partially a BPD thing

Holy fuck, BPD, morbidly obese AND a fucking ftm tranny. That's the fucking triple crown of tumblr degeneracy and you should unironically kill yourself. This is what happens when you let kids have unsupervised access to the internet.

So much hate on this board. Veeky Forums is supposed to be nice.


Bunch of teen aged virgins with micro penises here, what did you expect

Actually diet and increased activity is essential for weight loss.
"Cardio" is nice. But it's just something to do.
That time spent on cardio would be better used by finding an active hobby they would spend a long time doing, rather then sitting around getting fat and eating.

Couldn't track calories because it (not joking) triggers my eating disorder bad, however I had to force myself to be hungry a lot to realize how much food my body needed, I tried not to eat after 8PM and after making myself be hungry for a bit, my stomach shrank and now I just eat till I'm full and never force food down (something I got used to as a fat)

Hey thanks dude. I've been on here so long and I really appreciate that. I think there are a lot of people on here that hide in the shadows (myself for awhile) and if more people would stop shitposting and trying to mack we could seriously help some people lurking around trying to get actual fitness help, but that'll never happen - either way, appreciate the compliment, even though this board is a cesspool l am grateful I got the health advice I did when I was fat, or I'd probably still be fat.

Isn't cardio a part of increased activity? Can't it be included in your daily life? How hard do you think this cardio thingie is user.
I see, I'm glad that you're not being hungry now. Being hungry is normal but no one should ever feel starved while dieting down that is for sure. Nice progress

would it be out of line to say you were super fuckable as a whale? That ass, that belly, that back, those tits... don't show the before pics to prospective bf's or they might try to get you to put the weight back on. Holy shit I want to grab your lovehandles from behind and pin you to the bed.

still THICC now, but you just look like a regular thin girl with booty. Great work on the weight loss and lifestyle change, keep it up.

may need to go fap to chubby girls now..

OP here,

I appreciate your honesty. You're being a dick for a reason, unlike the majority of this hell site.

I'm not planning on going on testostrone. I've gotten used to being androgynous and confusing people about my gender. It's tumblrina as shit, but it's funny. I'm planning on getting my tits cut off and thats about it.

I just came back from a brisk 2km walk. I tried to jog for about 100m and regretted it, my lungs are not what they used to be. I used to play the fucking tuba, damn it.

>More like over-exaggerating

The last time I went out with my parents for exercise we did a 6km walk. i was basically running the whole time and my heart beat maxed out at 180. My dad gave me a huge lecture on "you don't have to power ahead of use, you're carrying more weight than us, you're already doing more work than us to keep up."

So it's not a huge over-exaggeration.

Thank you so much honestly. At the moment the biggest reason I eat like shit is because I'm paying for myself and my partner to eat. We have Aldi here now and a bag of wedges isn't even $2. That's one meal for the both of us for $2. It's hard to say no to that strictly because of budget. I don't snack much at all (I might go through one bag of crisps in a week. Maybe.) If I can find healthy alternatives that will feed myself and my partner for that price, then I'll do it. A jar of stir in sauce of some kind (satay, butter chicken, whatever) and rice is like $3 so we do that a lot but adding meat to it is an extra $10 which is crazy.

I almost developed an eating disorder because I was tracking calories in high school. One of my friends was doing it. For her, counting turned into bulimia, bulimia turned into anorexia. I took her to hospital one day and they said if she didn't eat she'd have a week to live. She lost more weight coming out of her eating disorder than she did when she was keeping down MAYBE half a piece of toast and some gummie vitamins a day.

"don't do treadmill, it doesn't work your ass. This is how girls lose asses over time even though they workout."
>comes to board for advice
>starts dishing it out
typical schmuck

Also holy shit these fucking breeders being like "FUCK OFF NOT YOUR SAFE SPACE TRANNY"

Literally said at the beginning my identity wasn't relevant. I'm perfectly aware that I'm biologically female. I have a vagina. My health is gonna be based around that. No issues there.

Yall are getting more triggered about some faggot being on your board than an actual faggot.

>I was basically running the whole time
Then that's your own fault then like your dad says. Don't run, jog. do that for 30~45 mins a day and you'll be fine. preferably do it indoor with a treadmill. Not that hard right?

holy shit all this unnecessary mental baggage.

A bag of carrots is $1.70
2kg of broccoli is $2
2kg of bananas is $4
frozen fish is $15
milk is $2
weet-bix is $3
oats are $2
pasta is $0.70
pasta sauce is $1
eggs $2

How about you budget 50 dollars for food per week, do shopping once a week, and eat 2 or 3 meals on rotation.

Every one of your meals should look like this:

Massive serving of vegetables, steamed
Medium portion of protein
Small portion of carbs

Breakfast is where you eat big.

Dunno why we bother, you sound to weak and your partner is a blanket who is also weak and you reinforce each other with shitty behavior.

How about you get an education? How about you work your ass off to make money? How about you're now earning 2-3k a month and you can eat whatever you want.

inb4 disability whale is triggered.

Ignore the manlet, you'll accomplish more than he ever could if you stick to a regimen of a continuous diet and exercise.

I should clarify.
My run is most peoples jog.

Also I live in a space that is around 2.5mx3.5m. Treadmill simply isn't an option.

>budget 50 dollars for food per week
I'm not even kidding, I don't have that much money.

>How about you get an education?
I'm studying full time online.

>How about you work your ass off to make money?
I probably should have mentioned this earlier.
I typically use a cane to walk. Natural balance disorder.

>inb4 disability whale is triggered.
Holy shit. You said it first, buddy. No one here is triggered except you.

Thanks for the advice anyway. Not really sure why you had to be a cunt about it but I'll take what I can get.

>I almost developed an eating disorder because I was tracking calories in high school
No shit that's because you were a highschool kidlet who had no idea about calorie counting. You're not a kid anymore, and has the ability to learn how to do it properly... Just because your friend didn't know how and almost died doesn't mean that you're gonna die lol. It's the most efficient and accurate way. As long as you don't eat under 1800 you will be fine I said. calorie counting is just there for you so that you don't over eat and get to 3000 cal without knowing.

It's weird, because all the times I've counted I've never gotten to 3000 in a fucking day, but I've pretty much been told my entire life I should be aiming to stay inside 1200 cal.

It's pretty fucked up what we learn in health and on TV, I guess.

I know what my typical day looks like and I get to about 2000, which I find disgusting.
But it's because I'll eat like 2 huge fuck off meals a day and then accidentally starve myself because "i don't feel hungry".

>My run is most peoples jog.
Then go slower??? Do a power walk till you're sweating and panting. Why is that hard for you to figure out? But listen here, cardio is hard, and it will make you feel short of breath... but it won't kill ya that easily. You're NOT gonna die. trust me. You just haven't learned to do it correctly, and you will learn by doing it.

>You just haven't learned to do it correctly, and you will learn by doing it.

Thats honestly damn good advice.
I just need to keep it in mind.

Also concerning my diet, pic related.

>1200 cal.
That is way to low, 2000 is very normal and very healthy. If you're not losing weight eating 2000, then you just have to add cardio, you'll still be able to eat 2000, you just have to work out for it and lose 200~300 cal off from activity.

I eat 7 small meals a day, keep the metabolism going and it makes me feel full, too full sometimes lol. Separating meal is actually great, you should try little boi

Fucking perfect then, because adding cardio is exactly what I'm doing!

Your one post made me feel a whole lot better about myself and the way I'm doing things.

Thank you dude.

>I typically use a cane to walk
why the FUCK are you running holy shit.

swimming or bike is your only option.

>Not really sure why you had to be a cunt

because you fucked up your life and refuse to take responsibility for all your problems, which were created by... ding ding, you.

even the fact you are combative is mind blowing. you are getting honest up front advice from people who look like greek gods compared to you, they have visible definition, top 1% of the population in health, fitness, athleticism, longevity, sexual appeal, earning potential.

Do you know why there isn't a "how to be a disgusting human being born into an incredibly priviledged situation and so immaculately selfish as to squander it to the point it's a health hazzard" forum, where regular people go and ask how to put on 150lbs and be a female tranny and live without any money? Because it's not fucking hard to do. It's incredibly easy to get fat, lose all self-respect, and destroy your future.

Oh you want to change, we should all embrace you. Fuck off retard, if anything you should be physically held down while the millions of the worlds poor, sick, needy, walk up to you and carve a pound of flesh off your body. We could hold a lottery for tickets, how much do you want to lose?

nah im just kidding, you're all right, just don't run, it's really bad for you when you're this heavy, gravity is doing a number on your joints and you will hate yourself in 10 years. Use water or stationary motion, just get on your back and do the bicycle motion with your legs for 15mins, best cardio ever, no impact or risk of injury.

If you want to lose weight you need to eat clean, no more processed anything, cut that shit out. Maybe this means looking into dumpster diving, going to food co-ops and your local church and asking for help.


Oh look, it's another episode of "delusional hamplanet thinks she's hot shit"
You obviously have no willpower and are constantly making excuses in this thread, so I don't know why you even bother asking us.
Oh right, attention.

>Push myself to my total limits
>Be obese

Either you're a lieing piece of shit like most fat people or you're pushing your limit in the wrong way. Next time you get donuts dont try to see hiw many you can stuff in your fat face but instead push yoursef to the limit to see how many you can resist eating.

No but seriously, you're fat and should feel bad about it.

No, jk, just take it slow, remind yourself of how fat you are and the medical risks that bribg along iverexerting yourself. Also going all out from the start is a recipe for failure. With shit like this you need progressive overload. Start with small changes and keep adding small, sustainable changes consistently. It's not about losing weight, it's about reprogrammibg your mind and get a general happier, healthier lifestyle. If you just go all out for a year and lose all the excess weight there is a big chance you'll relapse. But if you do it slower, steadier and give your mind time to adapt to the new changes there is a higher chance you actually enjoy your new lifestyle and that it's permanent.

ayyy you'll make it dude


>you are getting honest up front advice from people who look like greek gods compared to you, they have visible definition, top 1% of the population in health, fitness, athleticism, longevity, sexual appeal, earning potential.

Buddy you do realise you're posting on Veeky Forums right?

is 180bpm a healthy, normal heart rate for someone exercising? Or should I literally push myself to the point of DEATH before you'd say I truly pushed it to the limit.

You're not giving advice, you're just being an asshole. I appretiate assholes who are assholes for a reason.

They're right. I should be ashamed of myself for letting it get this bad and I shouldn't be making excuses but JUST LIKE WEIGHT LOSS, changing ones mindset is not an overnight thing.

I'll be saving this thread and looking at it every time I want to skip my routine and need a good kick up the ass.

Like and They're being cunts but giving solid advice and I'm grateful for that.
Unlike what you may assume I don't want "muh safe space" and I didn't come here to get treated like a child. I asked a question and I got some hard answers. If I wanted someone to beat around the bush and cater to my every issue I'd go to fucking tumblr. But I'm here, on Veeky Forums instead.

Is that attention seeking enough for you?

No, I'm saying you make it sound like you're incapable of doing ANY LESS THAN 100%.
Just fucking do some Low Intensity Steady State. Jesus. It's not that hard.
And try to put down the fork down once in a while and count your calories - this has to be your main strategy, running is secondary.

Still don't think you're gonna make it.
This is Veeky Forums, stop whining about people being dicks. That's what we do here.

Fast for three or four months.

>mother was a fitness model
>and you got fat
Was it because your mom was the unnecessarily health conscious freak that didn't let you eat happy meals as a kid, and when you went to college and finally tasted fast food for the first time, you suddenly realized what you'd been missing out on, and needed to make up for lost time?

Don't take what people are saying too literally, any of that doesn't matter. It's important to learn your limit so that you can finish your cardio, finishing your cardio time is the number one thing that you should keep in mind. If you're doing cardio and feel like you want to end it half way, then you lower your intensity, and you finish it, never stop because it was "too hard". It's kinda like how weight lifters use 70~80% of their one rep max weight so that they can do their reps. If they use their one rep max weights and try to do 15 reps out of that... then obviously that isn't gonna happen.

Thanks yo.
Is a 2km brisk walk a good place to be starting? Because that's what I just did.

The only part that was "toohard" was when I tried to jog for, like, 100m and was like "fuck that I'm just gonna powerwalk". I kept going though. Had a 5 minute breather at the half way mark then kept going.

OP, instead of just grabbing a random ass number of calories to eat, how about calculating them?


If you feel that you can safely push your highest limits with brisk walk then that's a perfect start. Instead of doing distance, try doing it with time. 30~45mins is good enough. But by the end, if you feel that you can still get going for 5~10 more mins, then that wasn't enough. Make sure that you're tired. Power walk is great if you do it while trying to slightly flex your glute (butt) and thigh muscle, and move your arms with 5 lbs dumbbells in both hands while power walking.

>reddit spacing
read the goddamn sticky and get out

God damn don't ever post pictures of yourself on here ever again you disgusting fat dyke, I was having a great morning up until now


1200 cals is insane at your height/weight
I'm 5 foot and 1200 is cutting for me
Listen to this user And good luck, remember to catch yourself on time when you start making excuses and don't give up!


get free test from your doctor


I went from 335 to 160 to 192 after bulking lifting. The method I gave you is the only one that really works, it did for me anyway and I've been at a healthy weight for 5 years now. Just be sure to know it's about changing mentally, not physically. At this stage your mind works like an addict. Tailored to instant gratification and no self control, that's what you need to change. Something like that does not happen overnight and should be a long term plan. It took me 2,5 years to get to 160 and another 1,5 to get to 190. But I did it slow and steady, at my pwn pace. Pushing myself but not overexerting myself. Yes you fucked up with your weight but it isn't something you can change abd aslong as you are actually taking steps and have progress it is NOT a thing to feel bad about. Being complacent and not doing something about it is thou. I started my body recomposition journey at the same age as you are. If you do it now your body will recover really well because you are still young. There wont be much long term health effects, maybe some loose skin, if you change now. The benefits and how much your life improves on all areas that come along with coming from obese to healthy are unfathomable, it's insane really.
I was the laziest fucking cunt alive and if I can do it you definatly can. Just take it slow, dont rush it. Go to hard and fast and you'll crash or crumble under the immense pressure you put on yourself.

Ur 285 lbs

Just go for a three mile walk every day, after dinner. It's good for digestion and mental clarity anyway.

There's nothing sweeter than manlet rage

OP is fucking retarded.

Just stop eating you ham, exercise will be a very small part of losing any weight.

I've been training for over a decade, when I put on fat, do you know how I get rid of it? I change how I'm eating.

"It's too hard/complicated" just code for "but I don't want to"

You can't have your cake and eat it too, piggy.

just so you're aware (and a lot of people aren't which is why I'm telling you) running burns approximately the same amount of calories by distance as walking does. The difference is marginal. So if you weigh 285 and you try to run, you will feel awful and you won't get very far. Walk fast. At that weight it will still raise your heart rate and if you measure your walk by distance rather than time (google pedometer) you will accomplish the same result. Walking or running for ten minutes is bullshit. At most you'll burn 50 calories tops. That's not even an apple. Walk two miles every day and when you get down to 250 start jogging if you want and add a mile.

If you eat a little below your daily calorie requirements you will lose weight. Also lift heavy weights.

I went from 280ish to 215 in a year doing this. I didn't starve myself, I just did SOME sort of exercise daily and walked 15-20 miles a week. I run now, but my body can handle it.

It shortens the lives of everyone. That's why males have shorter lifespans, and when females are brought up to male levels of testosterone they gain with it the male risks of heart disease, no more no less.

>Sauce: My family's line of work is specifically in female-to-male transition, I see their clients a lot.)

Merchant plz go

Where I live, there is ONE guy, a psychiatrist who can refer you on to his specific endo to prescribe you T. He has his own personal checklist and if he thinks you're not "trans enough" (which, because I've learned to be okay with the way I present and whether I look masculine or not) I wouldn't check his boxes.

I used to see him and he's a fearmongering cunt. It'll take you a year to be able to see him. A half an hour session is like $280 and his clinic is so fucking hard to get to, the whole process is fucked up.

Which is why I've decided that T probably isn't for me.
He also said (when I was 16 and seeing him, i'm 19 now) that if I went on T at the weight I am now, I'd only gain more weight and I'd be dead by 25.

Yeah it's a shame but Veeky Forums really is just /r9k/ on steroids. And so easily triggered.
I can't tell if it's gotten worse in recent years, or if it's that I was just as much of a faggot back in the day and didn't notice.