Sucking at deadlift

I've been lifting for a year now. My fucking strength isn't increasing , I still suck at deadlifting 100lbs. My form sucks. I've started following SL5x5 recently. Any tips?
PS:- Whenever I deadlift , it kills my back and mostly when I'm doing it , it feels in lower back.
Height - 6 ft
Weight - 65 KGs

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>183cms, 65kgs
Start eating moron

the form is probably lacking, a video would be helpful

when I first started, I remember not engaging my legs to the lift. You have to pull with your legs in the beginning, and once you are high enough, you have to use your lowerback like a crane for the final push. Do not round your back, if you do that then you aren't capable of lifting the weight and should probably deload or try again next time.

also this

what the fuck OP?

I'll probably post a video here soon. But how to engage the legs? Though , my squat is pretty decent , its 160 lbs...I know its less. But I just started , its been a month only

I am eating good amount , mates.

if your squat is more than your deadlift then definitely the form is bad

have you watched this?

pay very close attention, every detail matters.

Yeah maybe if you recently started eating good amount of food, otherwise impossible. I bet you are not eating 2500-3000 calories a day, which you would need to bulk

i'm the only one in this thread that's going to tell you the actual truth

it might be time to give up lifting, and find a new hobby that you're actually good at

having any difficulty at all in the slightest surpassing a 100lb deadlift, even with the world's shittiest diet and form, indicates that you got an extremely poor genetic draw when it comes to lifting weights and your time would be better invested in something else

100% false

ignore this guy OP

You probably meant 100kg, even girls lift that much, my gf pulled 120kg in less than a year of propper training.

Nopes Nopes Nopes. I ain't doing that , mate. It would be the act of a pussy. Even some great lifters started some very very less amount of weight.

no great lifter struggled with 100lb dead after a year

Some good app to calculate or track the amount of calories?

he said 1 month... holy shit

OP please ignore him. I could barely lift 1 plate until I fixed my form, now after 2 months I am deadlifting 100 kg 1x5 even on bad days.


During the first year I wasn't even concerned with my lifts. Only thing I did was do biceps and triceps. But now when I see others with their impressive lifts , I feel ashamed and shit. That's why I've started a strength based routine. I wasn't even doing bench press most of the time during my first year. I was doing flyes or cable crossovers.

he said year

and wow, 100x5! you must know a lot about training and are definitely qualified to give advice

Form is the main culprit for me too. My squat is good but why my deadlifts suck ? Its cause of form I guess. I mostly feel deadlift in my lower back. I'm fixing my deadlift and I'll soon post a form check video

There are 3 possible causes:
1) Bad form
2) Injury or other medical conditions
3) Beeing a pussy

Anyway its best you make a vid and post it, otherwise it would be impossible to tell.

The video is good. Explained every small detail mostly. Thanks man!

>But how to engage the legs? Though , my squat is pretty decent , its 160 lbs...I know its less. But I just started , its been a month only

read again fucktard!

Guys guys , by month I mean , its been a month of my SL5x5 routine

i don't read posts by sub 100lb deadlifters

thinking of expanding that to sub 315 deadlifters too

OP if you cant deadlift 100lbs unless you are a girl you are seriously FUCKED, im seriously hoping you mean 100kg

>I still suck at deadlifting 100lbs

There is a weight where you do not suck. Lift that weight. If nessisary, get some 10 lb bumper plates and start with 65 lbs.

Deadlift three times a week, adding one pound a workout (you will need a fractional plate set). After one year, you will be deadlifting 220 lbs.


>I still suck at deadlifting 100lbs
Any somewhat healthy male should pull that kind of weight since day 1, even untrained. I started as 5'8 54 kg, and was able to deadlift 100 kgs x5 after the first month of training.

wishful thinking little man

try doing deficit deadlifts. (stand on a 3" inch plate) this will force you to use leg drive. Thanks to this my dl went up. Form is super crucial here, the quicker you learn to recruit the right muscles the faster you'll progress

100lbs is pretty low, unless u meant kg? (2 plates). Just do them 2x/3x, or more frequently in general. If you want to get good at deadlifting, do more of it. Also front squats, glute raises and rows will help you up the numbers.

lift it.

Learn how to set your lower back into neutral, maintain it during the lift and how to brace properly. Google abdominal bracing.

why aren't rip's videos included in the sticky? I swear every second thread comes down to: watch someone explain form

>people falling over themselves to jerk off on the op so they can bump their self esteem3

Keep at it OP. Take a few minutes every day and read or watch a video about dealing form until it's ingrained in your head.

another tip is that you need to create tightness before youre lifting the bar off the floor.

A good que is to "take the slack out of the bar" youre tightening everything to the point where the bar almost get o.f the loor by itself, or without much effort (relatively)

Deadlift is just as much mental as physical. I've had days where I've gone and ripped up 455 easy, and then other days where I've gone in, done my warmups, and started struggling with lmao3plate. At 100lbs, you clearly have some degree of mental block hindering you. One thing good to do could be static holds at a heavier weight from a rack, to get yourself more used to how it feels. Beyond that, you need to stop being a little princess and just lift more. Dig your heels in, and pull with as much force as you can.

>he cant read
>t. nigger

I've always had a hard time with deadlifting. I'm going to deload significantly and work on form while increasing volume. My biggest problem is losing lower back extension during the initial drive off the floor. The SS chapter gives a few steps for the setup:

1. Narrow stance 1 inch from the bar, toes pointed out
2. Keeping hips high, bend over and grab the bar just outside of legs.
3. Bend knees until shins touch the bar, shove knees out.
4. Deep breath and SQUEEZE the chest up hard
5. Drag the bar up your legs.

After re-reading the chapter, rip talks about driving the feet into the floor. My problem is my hips drop as soon as I initiate the pull and lose all my leverage as my back rounds. I'm considering doing some lower back assistance to help the fight against my hamstrings for back angle control. Any one have any other suggestions?

you need to think about pushing through the floor with your feet

how tall are you?
ad youre not suppose to keep the hips too high. and the weight should be in the middle of the foot, not mostly on heels.
If the hips are dropping then you may lean too much backwards during hte initial pull.

But its very difficult to correct youre technique without a video

my right knee keeps popping when I do deadlifts. It doesn't hurt, its just annoying. am I fucked?
I deadlift in running shoes because my gym wont let me deadlift in socks. I think that might have something to do with it.

get shoes with almost no soles. popping that doesnt hurt or cause discomfort is not dangerous.

I'm 6'2"

I'll have to record a vid sometime for critique. I don't feel I get a great starting position, but I'm not sure if it's cause by my anthropometry. You said hips shouldn't be TOO high, can you elaborate?

This is honestly what has helped me the most.

>I deadlift in running shoes
Stop this immediately.

OK thanks

im 6`1 and have to use a wider stance than normal to get properly down into the bottom position. you should try to play with stance width.
Taller people generally have to stand wider.

Its a little hard for people with heights around 6'. Am I right?

>Height - 6 ft
>Weight - 65 KGs

btfo little guy

A completely untrained human that is not shorter then 4 feet is able to dead lift 100 pounds without a doubt.

Did you forgot to eat completely or what?

define "lifting for a year"
because if you weren't doing compounds like deadlifts for that year and tracking your progress, then you were basically wasting your time and shouldn't expect to be able to deadlift much. I was doing a shitty isolation brosplit without tracking my progress for two years before finally manning up and starting SL. I was barely able to DL 100lbs at the time, but now 300lbs is a breeze.

Same ad you. I too have just started SL a month ago. Give some tips please. Did you increased the weight every session ?

I'll try widening my stance a bit. My power clean stance is the same as my DL width and it works out fine, so I'm not sure if stance width is the cause.

I do have a question about lowering the hips slightly before the pull. Wouldn't this allow the hamstrings to slack and bring the hips closer to the bar? Don't the hips have to rise before the bar can be lifted anyway?

>I've been lifting for a year now. I still suck at deadlifting 100lbs
What the fuck. I've been deadlifting for 4 months and I'm up to 120kg

>Height - 6 ft
>Weight - 65 KGs
Oh. Eat more and stop being retarded.

Deadlift should be set up with 5 steps, Mark Ripp has by far the best video for it

>Height - 6 ft
>Weight - 65 KGs

I have the same problem. First time I tried deadlifting I hit 320lbs at 85kg bw, about a year later I am 94kg and can barely do 375lbs, obviously i didnt dl that often, but my strength gain in this lift is pretty shit

dont do deadlifts, they fuck up your back when u get older...
ever see arnold etc deadlift at old age?
no, cus they fucked theirs spines up

You fuck up your spine with bad form and excessive weight. The exercise in itself is fantastic.

You're just being a complete weak minded faggot. Lifting is hard and it hurts. Eat more, and lift harder. jesus fucking christ.

>You fuck up your spine with bad form and excessive weight
you can fuck up your spine with correct form and high weight.
And if you're going to do DLs with low weight, you might as well just not do them at all. They're a meme lift and if you're not a power lifter, you don't need them.

hahah bruh i've been lifting for 5 years no injuries, u dont need to perform that dumbass lift,

on the other hand, all the old guys i know who performed the deadlift snapped their shit up

give me one bodybuilder over 60 who deadlifts, oh wait u cant because its a retarded exercize, just like squats...

dumb cunt

Not necessarily low weight but high rep/moderate weight works for me at least.
>inb4 snarky reply
Don't care dude

I have a weak deadlift too. I can squat 415 but can only dl 455. I've made a lot of mistakes lifting and I'm paying for it now. The thing is that you can't let your ego get in the way of having good form, and you have to drop weight in order to get a good form. It's a long process but keep it up and you'll get there.

>ever see arnold etc deadlift at old age?

Does Arnold lift ANYTHING nowadays?

Be super strict with your form and make sure you're doing the valsalva maneuver