Veeky Forums End Game

What's your end game, Veeky Forums?

Mine is to be able to cuck other guys and make their gfs masturbate to images of me while feeling ashamed.

Basically assert dominance with my presence.

Hey I'm the one who posted that pic in the other thread. I would say the same as yours, but probably because is my only way to don't get feels

Thank you for posting that image, I will add it to my reddit cucks folder.

Keking someone is literally my dream at this point.

Well the thing about that pic is, even if a women loves you none of them will want to stay with a coward or a man who gets his ass beat and can't fight back.

I think it's about power. Women wants to fuck and be with a powerful man. Fist fighting is just the plebian way of showing it.

That is so fucking hot.

Ok, do which mode is this? Football Chad mode?

>how do i stop these thoughts? How do I cope with my guilt from last night?

You fuck him obviously. You'll never look at your boyfriend the same way anyways, might as well go all out and level up.


>I couldn't help myself when I got home and I ended up masturbating while thinking about Dylan without his shirt.

The weak should fear the strong.

2/3/4/5, a snatch at BW or better, and a c+j of about 1.7x bw

I can't die until I get those goals. When I do, I'll be happy and probably kill myself

To not be as unhealthy as my parents are at 50.

I hear he's the five greatest rappers of all time

Wrong Dylan.


Life life without dialysis, wheelchair, or another chronic disease. Also to participate in the Battle of Nations. Wouldn't mind a day riding a horse shirtless with a spear in hand either.

>pic related is Dylan

I unironically have crippling anxiety. I spend a lot of time trying to look great but no matter how good I look, I can't talk to people without sweating bullets. So it's just another futile attempt to be able to interact with strangers.


No dylan is a white persons name.

To achieve this mode

whoever the fuck this dude is, that's what I want to look like

Come on bro, it's an anonymous Imageboard. You don't need to lie. I'm the one who posted this inage in the other thread, and yeah, my goal is pretty much the same as yours.

Did that. Fucked a guy's GF. They were on an LTR thing. Blew my load in her mouth 90% of the time.
It's overrated to be quite honest senpai

To add to this I sometimes sleep in her apartment shared with her bros who I get along with. Pretty weird setup.

I want to be able to lift other big guys over my head and break them over my knee.

What you want to be some sort of big guy?

You are sick in the head.


it's a goal of mine to compete in a powerlifting meet. it's a goal of mine that seems far off but that's exactly why i decided to make it one, to aim high. i enjoy being aesthetic but that's not why i lift, i lift to be strong as fuck.

My goal is one day to look at myself in the mirror and be happy with the body I see instead of disgust and disappointment which is what I see now.

Damn she sounds trashy af Nice dude

prolly got cucked at some point of his life or was bullied as a child to fantasize such things

honestly cant understand why it's so rare these days that people would honestly love and care for someone longer than the few months of lust at the beginning

what kind of people do this shit?

Adults who've been taught that love = the honeymoon phase and when that wears off then the relationship is over.

It's litterally just a bunch of overgrown teenagers chasing that new relationship high and or new/strange pussy/dick and pretending that they are happy and slowly but surely finding "THE ONE" or they're gaining some valuable experience that they'll be able to use in the nonexistant life long relationship they'll eventually get one day. Not realizing that they're only experienced in fucking up and getting out of and into relationships.

She's your average christian avid churchgoer type

My goal is to one day overcome the body dysmorphia Veeky Forums gave me and leave this place happy. But i'm not ready yet.

& i also want to compete too.

Yeah after you get past the initial excitement it all ends up coming down to just how well the person contributes to your life.

If they're financially helpful, share hobbies, can converse with you for hours without getting bored, are super hot, etc all are what keep things going after the lust wears off.

Basically it should be like you marry a female version of your male best friend unless you're totally homo in which case you marry your best friend.

MFW anons try to take credit for the image that I posted.

>Basically assert dominance with my presence.
That's one of the main reason I go Veeky Forums

I'm 5'11, (I know it's still manlet tier), but I constantly get bulleied by people shorter than me when I was kid.
I try to have strength to back up my words, and to cuck them. It delights me everytime others men GF looking at me in awe while I now bullying their bf in front of them.

What sub is this image from?

My goal is to not hate myself but the bigger I get the more I realize it doesn't mean anything and won't bring back my powerlifting father who killed himself

probably /r/relationships, that's where every post contains the age and sex of the poster

Cringiest thread in recent history.

>tfw gf

I'm a facelet though so I'll be here forever.

this post inspired me to make a "motivation" folder on my computer finally. Thanks OP

>tfw like looking at every part of myself in the mirror except for my stomach

REEEEE i want my gut GONE

Wouldnt her BF have a good body as well though? Or is there a chance his body is shit?

considering they all played sports together i'm sure they're all relatively in good shape, but the point of this is that Dylan asserted "dominance" by beating his ass in a fight

to be able to defend Helm's Deep from the Uruks

Thats what i think we all assumed but I was actually hoping it was more about the body. Cause that would imply just having a good physique is even MORE powerful than we all thought. I rather just have a great body than purposefully go around being an asshole.

>you will never charge headlong toward true evil with such hate and righteousness

Memes aside, why live?

Look in the mirror without disgust.

Except you can.
Go join SEALS or Army SF and kill sand nigs.

be aesthetic as fuck and plow college girls well into my 30's.
2 months from aesthetic crew.

She needs to tell her boyfriend to beat up dylan.

i don't want to say it's my end game, but it is what motivates me beneath all of the typical shit that people say.

i'm a sociopath though.