Can someone give me a quick run down on this shithole ?

Can someone give me a quick run down on this shithole ?

they saved millions

diocletian was croatian
romanians were romans
albanians were illyrians
macedonians were macedonians
bulgarians were (are) turks

Bulgaria and Romania are not part of the Balkans.

Only real Europeans left, in the sense that they haven't been urbanized and liberalized to the point of retardation.

>Bulgaria is not Balkans
>the word Balkan is literally derived from a mountain range in Bulgaria
Leave this place immediately

Can't tell the difference between Bulgaria and Moldova.

So retarded

Well, which country? Balkans have a very complex history. Moreover, not all of the countries inside are shitholes.

>not all of the countries inside are shitholes.

Correct, not all of the countries inside are shitholes.

namely ?

It's fucking hilarious seeing Balkan rapebabies argue over who was the biggest slave to the Turks. It's like some kind of harem anime where a bunch of lolis fight over the protagonist, and he doesn't even notice them. The Balkanoids are extremely tsundere about Turkey. Especially Greece, holy shit, fucking Greece. I have never seen a more butthurt nation. We're talking multi-generational butthurt, passed down and inherited from grandmother to granddaughter, infused in their very DNA to cry about Turks. Entire mythical history, poems, war songs, mantras, rituals dedicated to Turks. And this psychotic muhh constantinople shit. That just can't be healthy to be thinking about that shit literally all the time, and not just you but everyone in your family, and your ancestors and so on and so forth.

Slovenia and Croatia are genuinely good places, Serbia isn't bad, either. B&H is pretty bad. Albania is absolutely abhorrent.

Bulgarians are slavicised Iranics and Thracians. The Balkans were one of the richest areas in europe during medieval times before ottomans came in and kept it feudal until the 19th century. The perfidious anglo enforced nonsensical nonethnic borders during the Berlin congress, which triggered the conflicts between the balkan nations.

Im happy that Bulgarians lynch muslims are expelled their islamised population into the shithole where they belong. Face it Shitstainoglu, you lost Europe and Islam is almost removed from the balkans.

>barbarian tribes (e.g. illyrians, Thracians)
>ebin rome
>slav(e) migrations
>fall of effeminate westerners
>rome lite (byzantium) dominates
>bulgars won't fuck off for fuck sake fuck off piece of fucking autistic fuck
>bulgars eternally btfo
>young pisslam appears in the horizon
>east west schism
>ebin orthodox insence (probably ganja)
>H>R>E and (((venetian)))=catholic serbia aka croatia
>remember pisslam?
>o shit where did levant go
>o shit where did north africa go
>o shit where did anatolia go
>istanBULL not constantinople
>800 year west catholicuck squat (pretty infrastructure, big churches, lgbt parades)
>400 year east ottoman squat (blood tax, infrastructure=halal mosques, kebabs)
>over 9000 uprisings
>greek diaspora autism unites nation for independance
>serbian guerilla autism secures, then looses, then secures, then looses, then secures independance
>balkan territorial jihad I & II
>WWI, Croats stop sucking austrian cock
>yugo I
>WWII, Croats restart sucking austrian cock
>yugo II champagne communism
>ebin nationalism, balkan jihad III

Turkshits are so lucky that the current actually powerful nations don't want any wars in Europe.

Cant wait for balkan jihad episode 4 nationalism strikes back.

Go back to being outbred by Kurds and Arabs, roach.

>Turkshits are so lucky that the current actually powerful nations don't want any wars in Europe.
what are you going to do rapebaby, bite me?

wh*tes HAVE never recoverd

wrong battle

Yes, yes, you had an empire 600 years ago, but you are now a backwater shithole who couldn't even take on the other backwater shitholes surrounding you.


If it happens it's probably gonna be the two most backward countries. Either turkey claims some uninhabited greek island as they've been acting out recently and erdogan really wants one, or the albanian liberation army chimps out again as they're pretty pumped they got a free pass in Kosovo and almost in fyrom, they're generally the most autistic nationalists but their nation is the least interesting. The rest of the yugos are pretty pacified as they're all trying to suck up to the west now.

Albanian scenario is most probable. They have Kosovo in control, half of Macedonia, 1/3 of Montenegro and they want part of Greece. They already chimped out in Macedonia couple of times. Also Croatia hates Slovenia because of some fishing waters dispute, and Serbia because muh velikosrpska agresija, Bosniaks hate everyone because genocide. Serbia wants revenge and land back. Bulgarians are cunts like always, they will find a reason to fuck up Macedonia even more. Hungary probably wants Vojvodina back.
Great, another FFA deathmatch.

Meanwhile Greece

>Bulgarians are cunts like always, they will find a reason to fuck up Macedonia even more. Hungary probably wants Vojvodina back.
what's cuntish about trying to unite bulgarian lands from being stolen by serbs and said serbs creating a fake ethnicity?

>t. Roma

FYROMer pls go.

Where does it say thats Bulgarian land?

It dont see how is that possible. Maybe if Kurds achieve some miracle and fuck up Turkey from the inside.

We wuz Romans.

It had a chance to happen like 100 years ago, but Greece fucked it up. Venizelos was based, the last real Greek. Sad people betrayed him.

Since the 8th century, since the protobulgarian bands of Kuber settled in macedonia, and until the 19th century, macedonia had a completely Bulgarian national identity. No medieval chronicle or map ever mentions a macedonian ethnicity. It was only after the Serbian kingdom annexed macedonia after the 2nd balkan war. After that Serbian authorities massively repressed the bulgarian identity and murdered and beat up people who refused to call themselves macedonian. The "fyromian" language is just a Bulgarian dialect with lots of serb words forcefully thrown in. I understand many Bulgarian dialects less than macedonian.

Its similar to how the Austrohungarians manufactured the Ukrainian ethnicity and how the Russians made up the Moldavian nation.
If Macedonians aren't Bulgarian, Bavarians aren't German and Terrones aren't Italian.

Why are they so insecure about their turkish heritage?

Everybody hates each other and poor as shit to boot, pretty much all you need to know. If you are suicidal but want your death look like an accident walk into a croatian/bosnian/slovenian bar and start praising josef tito


Every time i see such a post from a turkish zergling i thank God that i was lucky enough to not been born amongst barbarian circumcised thugs like the t*urks in their fucking Mordor. Stay cucked as you were in WW2 you fucking cowards.

Trava hosto ston kolo sou kai ston gamimeno diktatora sou paidofile aimomikti, exei xari pou den eimaste barbaroi san esas kai den eixame tis analoges praktikes geloioi.

>diocletian was croatian
He ruled in Split before the White Croats arrived in the 7th century

>you lost Europe
all good things come to an end eventually, a rule of 500 years isn't that bad anyway rape baby

Why is it such a meme to post blacks as Turks? There was not one darkie in Istanbul when I went and during my tour of Anatolia the people only got lighter the farther south I went towards Jerusalem.

Romania is the richest country of the ones highlighted.

It's either a group of shitposters or one very dedicated autist.

RIGHTFUL BULGARIAN CLAY, except Transylvania which is rightful Hungarian clay.

Macedonians were greeks moron

How is Crete balkan? It is more than 300 km away from most of mainland

Was part of GLORIOUS Byzantium.

Became a shithole due to Ottomans.

>autist who never heard of based baltic (including finland) countries

Ottomans chimped out and kept the region from experiencing the reneissance like the rest of western europe, forever making the balkans lag behind culturally and mentally to the rest of the west. Thats why everyone hates turks, because they are literally uncivilized barbarian apes who kept people from progress while draining the lands to fund more wars to get yet more people to live under their backwards culturally challenged '''''''empire''''''' and creating ethnic and religious divides that fuel wars to this day.

fake Slavs aka Turk rape babies
>Bosnia and Herzegovina
ultimate KARA BOGA
barely humans at all

>southern slavs unite into Yugoslavia
>become a European power
>strong enough to match any other European countey
>Americans, NATO and Jews don't like this so they work to destroy it after Tito dies
>turn a prosperous (only working) socialist country into six shitholes with sources of cheap labour
>religious leaders in each country take over governments and extract money from the population to enrich themselves
>brainlets cheer on liberalism

>Turk rape babies
I'm whiter than you, 56%er.