>i will fight for my country
I will fight for my country
>i won't fight for my country
>I will die for my country
I will make the bastard die for his!
>I will let my family be raped and the surviving members to be sold into slavery to turks
>I will let my country die
t. German
>"my" country
>not knowing the difference between nationalism and patriotism
Dutch faggots are pathetic. No wonder I dislike them so much.
>I will pull my shirt over my knees, fart, and then stick my face into by collar and smell it
>I'd cower at home behind a veil of self declared "intellectually" and let my countrymen who actually have a sense of dignity protect my nation's assets and intrests if a call to arms ever came
t. You
>i'm gonna get myself killed because mr. Goldstein wants more shekels from weapon manufacturing and covers it up using the concept of nations, which is nothing more than a tribal leftover from when man still lived in caves
>t. brainless faggot
Good thread.
>war is a racket
>implying nationalism is bad
>plunges Europe into the 2 most devastating wars it ever had
>former axis members have lowest percents
also why sweden so nationalistic
>fighting for a country that actively hates you
This is a pretty dumb question to ask without qualification. There's a difference between being willing to defend your country from attack and being down to participate in any and all wars your country (i.e. your government) could be involved in.
No, countries that lost ww2 have lower percentages. Look at Finland.
>former axis members have lowest percents
Why would people fight for the system that the enemy has built?
>implying the American military isn’t just a bunch of glorified mercenaries.
Patriotism died with the draft
>I will fight my country
>I won't defend my country against foreign aggressors
Triple brainlet
"I will defend my country" does not necessarily mean "I will go marching off into the middle east to secure some oil"
He said
>implying nationalism is bad
>implying g*rmans are bad
bulgaria isnt communist anymore and besides its not like democracy was a foreign concept to Germany and Italy
imperialism =/= nationalism
you idiot
>trading your own life for any country
if that were the case then poland should be leading by a good amount also finland didnt win its war with the soviets
the countries with high numbers either currently have mandatory service laws (like finland or russia), or recently had such laws (sweden got rid of them in 2010).
>my life matters
>former axis members have lowest percents
What did he mean by this
>I think I'll have a choice in the matter at all when my country decides the front needs more bodies
Would post most retarded meme face of all but I don't collect these
conscientious objector
Germany knew democracy and it was horrible.
>a volunteer army is less patriotic than a conscripted one
People like this ought to be shot.
>being so unpatriotic that you don't have 100% of the men in your country volunteering for service and need to rely on conscription
That isn't gonna fly by the time the first two waves of young men are annihilated and the war is still going. A truck full of big guys with SMGs is gonna show up to your family's door and invite you to the army senpai.
>also why sweden so nationalistic
The fear the Russian warrior
I'll do what they do in turkey and show them pictures of me getting fucked in the ass to get out of conscription
>implying they wouldn't just beat the gay out of you on your doorstep and throw you onto the bus anyway
>implying international meddling didn't do that
A coward hiding behind the guise of intellectuality
But we took good care of our slaves.
>difference between nationalism and patriotism
Is a meme, nationalism = "I don't like it"
literally who
t. me
Lol look at Finland, whats going on there?
>I'm right-wing
Mandatory conscription and a big scary enemy right on their border.