Hey Veeky Forums

Hey Veeky Forums

Been thinking about getting back on Yohimbine.
Tried it a few years back and worked well for me, but I lost the series of screencaps explaining dosage and general info.
Also wanted to know if anyone had had experience taking Yohimbine while on Keto.

Other urls found in this thread:


Yohimbe and keto are the best combo to get shredded, provided you also roid. Increase the dosage everyday until you feel it working.

Go to bodyrecomp.
Lyle McDonald goes over it and the correct timing and dosage.


so a caffeine pill along with this in the morning and skipping breakfast is a good setup?

If i take this, would i still have to watch my diet? or would this make up for a bad diet like DNP?

Are you serious? You could use this to help get those last couple %s off when you are sub 10%. The effects of this on a fat ass is negligible, read the sticky

>If i take this, would i still have to watch my diet?

Yes, calories will still matter and for the best results you'd have to take it fasted.

I take a few pills with a cup of coffee when I wake up and do some fasted cardio. If you've got food in your stomach it won't absorb as well.

DNP is nothing to fuck around with. I'd try yohimbine before dnp but don't expect miracles or godlike energy. With coffee I feel a little hyper, more focused and my body heat is much higher. After about 2 hours I'm back to normal.

What does Yohimbine HCL do for you?

Ephedrine & Caffeine stack is superior in every way, shape, and form OP

you just mwan ephedrine right? its just an appetite suppressant. whats even the point of caffeine

Caffeine is also an appetite suppressant, plus give you the mental focus

Can you still lift on YHCL?
I understand the expectation is to take it fasted and do low intensity cardio for 30-60 minutes but could I then also do lower weight/higher rep lifting after? Or are you supposed to do this and then come back to the gym to lift when it clears your system ~2 hours later?

Which yohimbine supplement would you recommend ?

Never mind it's fucking banned in uk

I'm 6'1 197lbs and 20% bf will yohimbe help me get to 15% or not really

I honestly never found it to make much of a difference as far as body outcomes go. It gives you good energy, but it can also make you feel kind of light headed and dizzy. also learned the hard way that it will lower you white blood cell cont, so be careful about getting sick when you're on the stuff

i heard this shit makes your heart go fucking mental if you take it with caffeine

i'd say try it for a week no caffeine first

here again, some more sides
I found this to be particularly hilarious
>Research reported in the December 2009 issue of the Journal of Medical Toxicology shows that yohimbine can also cause priapism, a painful, abnormally persistent erection.

> It can also increase blood pressure and heart rate to dangerous levels
this + caffeine might legit kill you


>>causes manic episodes

>tfw type 2 manic depressive

is it worth it? i'm close to 10% but i just need that extra kick

It is for people that are already 10-12% and need to burn of the last few problem areas so no. Don't waste your money.

its not worth it. plus whatever effects you gain using it will probably disappear once you stop, and then you'll be be at step one but with side effects

>needing supplements to get to 10%

>effects aren't permanent
Nothing is, you literal retard. Use yohimbe to get that last bit of belly fat and have abs for a week.