Hi, fraud was no help they just told me to get on with it but I'm worried

Hi, fraud was no help they just told me to get on with it but I'm worried.

I used to be an IV heroin user. Been clean for 3.5 years now and turned to fitness as my new addiction.

I recently decided to start taking steroids and got hold of some tesosterone 400 from a guy I know from a few years back.

I did my first injection today a couple of hours ago, felt weird as I haven't injected anything in years. But at least I knew how to do it right lol.

Anyway, I'm just a little concerned as heroin always took a few seconds to go in, whereas the test took over a minute, I'm guessing its because oil is thicker?

But my main question is is it supposed to hurt so much? My forearm has been tingling ever since and now is throbbing pretty bad, fingers feel a bit numb like they're being wrapped in rubber bands.

I think I can feel the test kicking in though so I think its good product.

Anyone with experience have any input?

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did you put it in your vain?!?!?!

i hope this is just a shitpost.

yeah... where else would i?

it almost certainly is

maybe google how to inject testosterone


I just assumed it was like any drug?

in the muscle fiber
u dead lol

subcu actually.

>maybe google how to inject testosterone
I would love to see the look on that face when he sees how he should have done it.

You can take it that route as well as subcutaneously, obviously the oil for intramuscularly is not so good.

Holy shit wat am I reading

>if you really did inject into vein

Mate you're gonna die as soon as the blood in your veins reaches your heart


I don't even know why people use needles. It has a higher bio-availability when snorted

What are you serious?
I thought it was just large air bubbles that were a problem?

Oh for fucks sake.
I'll head over to the hospital then. My arm is starting to feel like its being inflated.

Thanks guys.

>not inhaling
shiggy fucking diggy, is like you don't even want gains

You want to take it intramuscularly m8 unless you're willing to inject often or have something like one of those insulin pumps. Absorption is better in the muscle.

it has been 13 minutes. you'd be dead already you faggot.

The blood/oil in his veins would have gone through his heart a few times by now.

i injected over an hour ago though...

I would still go to the hospital m80

Obvious shit posting, pretty funny though.


Idiot. Inject protein into your veins. It's better.



Do you even know how fast blood reaches the heart? Jesus christ, get the fuck off of the fitness board you know nothing retard.

OP here, doctor said its nothing to worry about as the volume of oil isn't large enough to do serious damage.

Also gave me antibiotics because apparently injecting yourself is a guarantee of infection.

I think I'm going to not use roids now. I can feel my nipples twitching already as well so I must be sensitive to them

>>hurr durr maybe just shoving random shit into my blood is a bad idea

next time inject bleach, it's great for gains.

This is a halfways decent shitpost

Hmmmm Mmmm I give 7/10, had us going for just a bit, like a few seconds, but a semi chuckle

You gave me a semi