Redpill me on Hurricane Katrina, we're watching a movie on it right now in class

Redpill me on Hurricane Katrina, we're watching a movie on it right now in class.

What was the political issue surrounding the event? All I remember is, "George Bush hates black people," But I just realized: one of the biggest reasons why Katrina was so impactful to its victims was because most of them were on social welfare. So without a livable home, they literally did have nothing (though to say they had something of worth to begin with would be a stretch).

I may be late to the game coming to that realization but frankly I don't give too much attention to the desperate demands of the black community which is what I saw the entire event as.

To keep it Veeky Forums related: What is better - Yates row, or the classic barbell row form?

Both are shit.
Barbells are one of the worst options for rowing.

Dumbell rows. T-bar rows, seated cable rows all are better options.

>inb4 nulifters getting butthurt thinking barbell automatically = superior.

I do low seated cable rows, and just added t bar row to my routine. Are they really THAT superior to a normal barbell row?

Barbell rowing does nothing that those variations don't do. BUT it does add in a pointless limiting factor in the spinal erectors

Its worth noting, if you don't deadlift, or you are training in oly lifting, then barbell rows are useful as the lower back work is important.

But if you do deadlifts and aren't training oly lifting, then you are just putting lower back fatigue in the way of getting the best out of your mid/upper back training.

Detailed overview of variations on Barbell Row. Conclusion, if it's not a barbell row, it's shit.

But that's the opposite.

dumbbells for BB, barbell to get you over a hump in DLs or cleans

the issue around katrina was that it exposed the reality that New Orleans was in fact a third world ghetto where hundreds of thousands of black people were living shitty subsistence lives on gov't handouts and being ignored in every other way, pretty much on purpose, so when the floods came, it destroyed a marginal population that wasn't supported by society at large; the rescue and support operations were badly bungled by a We-dont-give-a-shit-about-niggers attitude and lack of resources.This showed the world exactly how badly Americans treat urban black populations, which everyone knew, but was usually swept under the rug.

New Orleans bro here. Niggers ignored the weeks worth of warnings and then chipped out when the guard didn't want to risk exposing soldiers to disease to rescue their stupid asses. Then it was "George Bush don't care about black people".

On the white side of it, the guard disarmed a few old folks and got told real quick that they'd best get back in line. My neighbor patrolled his roof with an older Barrett and the guard would just drop water and food at the community gate.

That whole Katrina thing was just niggers chimping out over the government not giving them even more benefits.


Foreign nations wanted to donate aid and relief, but just like with 9/11 the government rebuffed them. Not entirely sure why, I'm guessing they didn't want to seem too weak or incompetent to help their own citizens.

That it took Bush a long time to even bother to get up and do a little flyover. And that police from surrounding areas threatened deadly force against evacuees.

Well, for starters the bureaucracy that is FEMA failed the people of NOLA and it took them fucking MONTHS to get them aid and shit they literally had sitting in warehouses waiting to be deployed. The administration of FEMA is responsible for the poor response to the disaster and Bush was an easy scapegoat for the organizations failure. Although, FEMA is under his control so he did technically have the power to go in and fix it himself, but he basically sat on his hands during all of this. So Bush is not free of blame.

Other than that, yeah the nig-nogs looting and generally being pieces of shit made the situation even worse. The media made it seem as though the government had sent in authorities to arrest specifically black people, but the fact was that there was mass looting and general chaos so they had to keep the order even though it looked bad.

>Good ol' dubya is a fucking idiot
>FEMA is a shit organization
>Black people loot and steal
>Nature is scary

>weeks worth of warnings
>yeah totally from New Orleans
>doesn't know about the lack of advanced warning
>doesn't know that the breaking of the levees was not at all predicted or forecast
Less day dreaming, more paying attention to the news and school retard-bro.

yates row is just some sort of weird shrug, it's fucking stupid. do normal rows

we're a first world country, and we failed to do even the absolute minimum for all the displaced people that literally lost everything. bush had very little to do with the poor decisions involved but got blamed because he was the president at the time and it took him forever to show up and do the presidential "look around at the destruction" thing.

I am a 22 year resident of uptown New Orleans. Formally known as Carrolton.

You are free to ask me any questions.

To answer your main one: the storm became so powerful on such short notice that people could not respond in time. We stayed till the morning before because only then had it made the big change. Honestly we were staying if it was Cat 3 or lower. Cat 4 and 5 are a different game. My father and neighbor stayed, and a close family friend of mine led the national guard on a boat he commandeered.


Yes, we as a country need to throw every resource possible into nigger preservation. After all, we get so much out of it.

How dare you, diversity and liberal stuffs

? Some of them STILL live in my city, 100% paid for, to this day.

And by all accounts, they are the worst possible neighbors to have. Loud, dirty, completely unappreciative of still getting a free ride this long after the fact.

>niggers get told weeks beforehand that this is a fucking huge one, get the fuck out
>we gons stay den when whitey gon we can loot and shieeet
>storm hits. its a fucking huge one, fucks everything up

I specifically remember news reports about people being told to evacuate and not doing it, for days beforehand.
